范文:Look,this is my living room. It’s big and clean. There is TV and some chairs in it. Sometimes I watch TV in the chair. Do you see the small table? I often do my homework at the table. I always put some flowers on it. They look very nice.
myspring是什么意思范文:My house is beautiful and big. It has two floors. There are two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen on the first floor. My family often watches TV together in the living room. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom and study on the second floor. I often read books in the study. love my house very much!
译文:我的房子又漂亮又大。 它有两层楼。 一楼有两间卧室,一间客厅和一间厨房。 我家经常在客厅一起看电视。 有两间卧室 在二楼有一间浴室和书房。我经常在书房里读书。非常喜欢我的房子!
  3.介绍自己的一天  My Day
范文:Today is Monday.1 always get up at 630. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I have breakfast at about 7: 00, I often have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:30. We have four classes in the morning. I often have lunch at school. We have three classes in the afternoon. My favourite subject is English. I go home at 5: 30. After dinner, I always do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at 9: 30.I never go to bed too late.
译文:今天是星期一。我总是在6:30分起床。然后我就会洗脸和刷牙。我7点左右吃早餐,早餐经常吃面条。我七点半去上学。我们上午有四节课。 我经常在学校吃午饭。 我们下午有三节课。 我最喜欢的科目是英语。 我5:30回家。 晚饭后,我总是做作业。 有时我晚上看电视 。 我九点半上床睡觉。 我从不睡得太晚。
4.介绍学校生活 My School Day
范文:I live far from my school. I get up early and have breakfast at home. I go to school by bus. I have six classes each school day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. My favourite subject is English. Our English teacher is very kind to us. After school, I often play football with my friends. Then I go home by bus.
译文:我住在离学校很远的地方。 我起得很早,在家吃早餐。 我乘公共汽车上学。 我每校每天有六节课,上午四节,下午两节。 我最喜欢的科目是英语。 我们的英语老师对我们很好。 放学后,我经常和我的朋友踢足球。 然后我乘公共汽车回家。
范文:Mary is a new student in my school. She is from the U. K. She is a nice girl. She has breakfast at home and then goes to school on foot. She lives near the school. She likes to read books and play football. Her favourite subject is Chinese. She likes blue best.
译文:玛丽是我学校的新学生。 她来自英国,是个好女孩。 她在家吃早餐,然后步行去学
校。 她住在学校附近。 她喜欢看书和玩foo 小丸子。 她最喜欢的科目是中文。 她最喜欢蓝。
6.冬天喜欢做的事情  Winter Fun
范文:Winter is my favourite season. Winter is fun. I can play with snow. I can make a snowman with my friends. I can also skate. Many children like to skate. It's interesting. Sometimes we go camping. Then we tell stories around the fire. My family likes to eat hot pot on a cold day.
译文:冬天是我最喜欢的季节。 冬天很有趣。 我可以玩雪。 我可以和我的朋友堆雪人。 我也会滑冰。 许多孩子喜欢滑冰。 很有趣。 有时我们去野营。 然后 我们在火灾周围讲故事。 我的家人喜欢在寒冷的日子吃火锅。
7.如何堆雪人?Making a Snowman
范文:Winter is coming. It is fun to make a snowman. First, I make two snowballs. The big one is its body and the small one is its head. I put the small snowball on the big one. Then I
make a face on the snowman. I use two stones for its eyes and a carrot for its nose. Finally, I use two sticks for its arms. It's done. The snowman is wonderful.
冬天来了。 堆雪人很有趣。 首先,我做两个雪球。 大的是它的身体和较小的一个是它的头。我把小雪球放在大球上。然后我在雪人上做了一张脸。我用两块石头做眼睛,用一根胡萝卜做鼻子。最后,我用了两根棍子 手臂。 已经完成了。 雪人真棒。
Dear Santa
I would like a ball for the Christmas. Because my friend Henry has a beautiful ball. It's red. I like it very much.We often play with it together. I go to school early every school day. I study hard at school. I help Mum do housework at home. I like sports. Can you bring a red ball to me, dear Santa?
我想圣诞节要一个球。因为我的朋友亨利有一个漂亮的球。它是红的。我非常喜欢它。我们经常一起玩它。我每天都很早去上学。我在学校努力学习。 我在家帮妈妈做家务。 我喜欢运动。 你能给我带个红球吗,亲爱的圣诞老人?
范文:The Spring Festival is coming. It's my favourite holiday. My family is getting ready for the Festival.My mother is cleaning(he windows and doors. My father is cleaning the floor. I’m helping them. Tomorrow we will go to buy some new clothes and food. Then we will go to visit my grandparents.
窗。我父亲正在打扫地板。我在帮助他们。至 明天我们要去买一些新衣服和食物。然后我们会去看我的祖父母。
10.以“——(季节)Is Fun”为题
范文: I like winter. It's cold. Sometimes it snows. I can make a snowman with my friends. It's fun. I always wear my winter coat. Sometimes I wear my hat, scarf and gloves. I like to skate. And I like the Spring Festival. It's in winter. I can get lucky money.I can have a big dinner. Also I have my winter holiday. Winter is  my favourite season. I have fun in winter.
译文:我喜欢冬天。天气很冷。有时会下雪。我可以和朋友们一起堆雪人。这很有趣。我总是穿冬皮大衣。有时我会戴上帽子、围巾和手套。我喜欢滑冰。我喜欢S 公关节。 在冬天。 我可以得到幸运的钱。 我可以吃顿丰盛的晚餐。 我还有寒假。 冬天是我最喜欢的季节。 我在冬天玩得很开心。
范文:I’m Tom. Christmas is coming. I am going to put up a Christmas tree with my parents.
m going to send some Christmas cards to my friends and family. I am going to sing Christmas songs. I’m a good boy. I work hard at school. I want a new toy car for Christmas. Can you bring it to me, dear Santa?
