    The Best Foods at West Lake
    Hi, my name is Xiaomin and I'm going to tell you all about the yummy foods you can find around the famous West Lake in my city Hangzhou! West Lake is a beautiful big lake right in the middle of Hangzhou. It's really pretty with gardens, bridges, and pagodas all around it. But what I love most is all the delicious foods you can eat there!
    One of my absolute favorite things to eat are the xiaolong bao or little basket dumplings. They are so good! The dumplings are made with a thin wrapper that gets steamed until it's soft. Inside is a tasty soup broth and a filling of meat, usually pork. When you pick one up with your chopsticks and bite into it, the hot soup comes bursting out. It's so much fun to slurp it up! The best xiaolong bao in Hangzhou are from a restaurant called Din Tai Fung nea
r West Lake. I love going there with my family.
    Another must-try food is longjing shrimp. Longjing is a special type of green tea grown near West Lake. The shrimp get cooked in a pot with longjing tea leaves, making them smell and taste amazing! The tea gives the shrimp a slightly sweet and very fresh flavor. Plus the shrimp turn a pretty light green color from absorbing the chlorophyll in the tea leaves. My grandma makes the best longjing shrimp - she lets the shrimp soak in the longjing tea for hours before cooking them so they really take on that delicate tea taste.
    You also have to try the West Lake vinegar fish when you visit. It's a classic Hangzhou dish made by deep frying fresh river fish and then soaking it in a sweet and sour vinegar sauce made with vinegar from around West Lake, sugar, ginger, and chili peppers. The fish gets nice and crispy on the outside from frying, while the vinegar sauce makes it so tangy, sweet, and spicy all at once when you bite into it. I love dipping the fish into the extra sauce left in the bowl. So yummy!
    Speaking of vinegar, another famous food is vinegar bamboo shoots. Bamboo is a tall gr
ass-like plant that grows in lots of places around Hangzhou. The new bamboo shoots that come out of the ground in the spring are collected and preserved in a brine made with West Lake vinegar, salt, sugar, ginger, and spices. This makes the bamboo shoots get a sour and tangy pickle-like flavor that tastes so good! My dad loves ordering the vinegar bamboo shoots whenever we go out for Hangzhou food.
    For dessert, don't miss out on recorder candies! These cute little candies look just like the musical instrument recorders that kids play in school. They are made by pulling sugar into long thin strands, bending it into the recorder shape, filling the middle with sweetened peanuts or sesame seeds, and letting it harden. You just bite off one end and suck out the filling before crunching on the crispy sugar shell. They are a perfect little sweet treat after a big meal of savory Hangzhou foods.
    There are so many other great things to eat too, like West Lake fish balls, beggar's chicken, and meatball soup with bamboo shoots. I've been lucky to grow up trying all these amazing foods made with the fresh ingredients and traditional recipes from around beautifu
l West Lake. If you ever visit Hangzhou, you have to eat as much of the local food as possible! Just make sure to come hungry because you'll want to taste everything.
    My Trip to West Lake and the Yummy Foods There!
    Hi friends! I want to tell you all about my awesome trip to West Lake in Hangzhou. It's a huge beautiful lake with lots of gardens, temples, and amazing things to see. But what I really want to talk about is the delicious foods I ate there! West Lake is famous for having some of the most iconic and tasty dishes in all of China. Get ready to hear about some mouth-watering treats!
    The first amazing food I tried was something called Longjing Shrimp. It's made with fresh shrimp from West Lake along with delicate Longjing green tea leaves. The shrimp is so juicy and the tea leaves give it a light, refreshing flavor. I loved picking up the shrimp with my chopsticks and eating the little tea leaves too! My mom said the dish dates back hundre
ds of years to the Qing Dynasty when it became popular with the imperial court. How cool is that?
    Next up was a funny looking but crazy tasty dish called Beggar's Chicken. It's an actual chicken stuffed with a yummy filling like chestnuts, mushrooms, and pork. Then the whole chicken gets wrapped up in lotus leaves and clay! They bake it that way so all the flavors stay locked inside. When you crack open the clay covering, the most fantastic aroma comes out. The chicken is unbelievably moist and full of rich flavor from the stuffing. I thought it was called Beggar's Chicken because a beggar invented the cooking method, but my dad said the real story is fancier chefs disguised the chicken that way to sneak it past royal guards! How sneaky!
