1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold
2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。
1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。
2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。
1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold
2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。
1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。
2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。
1. Greeting.
2. Play a game: Listen and guess.
T: Do you like listening to the music?
T: Yes, I like it too. Now let’s play a game about it. When you li sten to the song, if you know the name of the song, please tell me as soon as possible.
T: Well done. All of you did a goo job. (PPT 呈现“春天在哪里”、“宁夏”、“秋天的童话”、“雪绒花”这四首歌名)
3.学习 season
T: What can you find among them?
T: Yes, they are all about seasons. (学习 season)
T: As we all know, there there’re seven days in a week. How many seasons are
there in a year, do you know?
T: Yes, there’re four. Let’s look at the pictures. How beautiful!
1. Learn about the seasons.
T: Look at the picture, what can you see in it ?
T: Can you guess which season is it? Now it’s sp ring.(学习spring) Are you hot? Are you cold?
T: So it’s warm in spring. We can do many interesting things in spring. (学
T: It is warm, I fly kites. What else can we do in spring? Just use this sentence structure.
(教授句型 It is ...., I .......) 生举例
T: In this season, it isn’t hot, or cold, either. It is yellow. The farmers
like this season. Which season is it?
T: Yes, it’s autumn. (学习autumn) And it’s cool. Here “cool” means 凉爽的.We know it has another meaning is 酷的,漂亮的。We have learned about it last term. Do you remember? What can we do in autumn? 生使用所提供的句型举例。
T: Listen! Can you guess which season is it now? Yes ,it’s summer. ( 学习autumn)
In summer, it’s very hot. I think. some girls like summer, because they can
wear nice skirts, right? What can we do in summer? 生使用所提供的句型举例。
T: White is the popular colour in this season. And it’s the last season of a year. It’s winter.( 学习winter)
Sometimes it snows, so the ground turns white.
We can make snowmen.( 学习snowmen,并讲解它的原型) 生使用所提供的句型举例。
2. Say a chant
3. Story time
a).Read and complete the form.
T: Just now we talked about the seasons. Our friends are talking about it too.
Who are they? Let’s have a look.
T: What are they talking about? Let’s open your books and turn to P32. Read
it by yourselves and try to complete the form on exercise paper. Here’s a learning tip for you.
Check the answers.
T: How is the weather in spring?/ What do we do in spring?
b)Read Story time
T: Now it’s your reading time. Read the poem by yourselves.
What do you think of the poem? Yes, the poem is beautiful. So we should read
it beautifully. Now let’s read it after the tape.
T: Now I’ll give you two minutes to read the poem in a group of four. Let’s complete : which group reads best?
T: All of the four seasons are very pretty. But I like summer best. Because It
is hot. I eat a lot of fruit. I wear nice skirts. I have a summer vacation. How a bout you? Which season do you like best? Write it down and try to share with us.
1. Read and recite the poem with emotion.有感情地朗读小诗并背诵。
2.Choose one season and compose a poem.选择一个季节,并创编一首诗。
3. Prepare for Fun time and Cartoon time.预习Fun time和Cartoon time。
Unit5 Seasons
1.能听得懂,会读,会说,会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.
2. 能听得懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In…, it is
warm/cool/hot/cold. We… (具体活动)
3. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。
4. 有感情地朗读课文。
四、教学准备: CAI,故事填写学习单
1. Play a game
T: Hello,boys and girls.
T: How are you today? Is it hot today? Is it summer now?
T: Boys and girls, today firstly let’s play    a game. I’m going to show you some words or pictures. Please try to guess what season it is. (PPT显示游戏内容)
1. Review Part A
T: Boys and girls, do you like this game?
T: Well, we all know that there’re four seasons in a year. And we do different things in each season. Here I have some cards. Can you read them? (黑板上先翻出
春天卡片 spring, warm, fly kites, go boating)
T: Yes. Now can you try to finish the rest of three according to Story time?
T: Good! Now let’s talk about the four seasons according to them.
In spring, it is warm, we fly kites, we ….
In summer, it is hot, we eat ice creams, we ….
In autumn, …
In winter, …
2. Play a card game
T: Now let’s play a card game. Who wants to play this game with me? (取下
In this game, firstly, one of you shows one of your cards. For example, I show
the card------summer. And the other two students should show their cards which are about summer.  And anyone of you can show the card first. But when you are playing, please try to say the sentences here. (示范游戏, 强调语言)
3. Actually, every season is colourful, let’s enjoy a poem about seasons.
Do you like it?
Among the seasons, which season do you like best?
What do you do?
Look at the boy. He likes winter best, and he has a season card of winter.
1.Do you want to have a season card?
But how do we make it?
Look! It concludes two parts : Your pictures and your poem.
Let’s read it.
2.What can we write on the season card?
Now please discuss in groups: What sentences can you write?
3. And also we must pay attention to the pattern.
In an English sentence, the first word always starts with a capital letter.
And don’t forget to write a full stop after the sentence.
4.You have already finished the pictures at home, now it’s your tu
rn to compose the poem and try to introduce your season card to your partner.
5.Now let’s show your card and talk about it in class.
T: What about Sam? Which season does he like?
T:Why? How do you know that?
T: Yes, he likes win ter. He’s flying to Australia. Because he doesn’t like hot days. He likes cold days.
1.But what happened to Sam and his mum?
A. Sam lost his bag.
B. Sam lost his jacket.
Let’s watch the cartoon and choose the correct one.
3. Whose bags are they?
Please read the story and match the pictures.
Whose bag is it? (指向第一个包)
What about this one?
4. Good! Well, boys and girls, let’s learn the story together.
T: 指导朗读。
Act in four.
We know Sam and his mum are in Australia. He misses his dad so much.
