Four Seasons 
1.四会掌握单词: spring, summer, fall, winter.                     
2.三会掌握单词: season, warm, pick, snowman, cool.
3.能听懂会说,会读: There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, fall and winter.
单词fall ,cool的发音以及描述各季节特征的短语。
1.课件  2.卡片                     
Step1: Warm up  (1)Sing a song Four seasons
(2)(TPR)I do the action, you guess the words.  T: sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy
Ss: sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy T: Well done.  T: How is the weather today?
Ss: It’s a … day. T: Is it hot? Ss: No.  T: It’s very cold. (drill 操练) Why it is cold? Now it’s winter.  Step2: Presentation and learning. 
Step2: 教学winter, spring, summer 和fall.
1. Teaching “winter”.  (1). T: Winter is cold.(用发抖的声音读)      What can you think about winter?  Ss:(自由发言) T: Snowman  make snowmen We can make snowmen in winter.  (2).揭示课题 T: Winter is one of the seasons. And today we’re going to learn four seasons. (3). How many seasons in a year?  There are four seasons in a year. What’s the first season?     
2. Teaching “spring”.  (1).听鸟叫声,引出“spring”,音标教学。    (2).操练单词,象鸟叫声一样
来读“spring”。    (3). Chant.    Spring , spring, spring.  Spring is warm.  Spring is green. I like spring.  Trees turn green. 
3.Teaching “summer”.  T: Now it turns to be the next season summer. Summer is … . Ss: Hot.  T: What can you think about summer? Ss: … . 
4. Teaching “fall”.  T: Which is the third season?(听风声) Ss: Fall  T: Fall ( drill ) Ss:…   
5. Practice: Play a game. (老师说天气,学生说季节) T: It’s cold.  Ss: Winter. T: It’s hot.    Ss: Summer. … 
6 . Read a rhyme.  T: Now here’s a rhyme for you “the weather in the four seasons”. Can you read it? ( 填空题,由易到难)
  Spring, spring is ______________ .
  Summer, summer____________________ .
  Fall, ___________________________ warmspring是什么意思
7.观看VCD  (1)Listen and repeat.  (2)Read after the tape.  (3)Read by themselves.  T: Open your book, turn to page 14. Read together. Read as quickly as you can.(看有关四季的图片,如春节,圣诞节等,快速反应出是在哪一个季节的。) 
8.学习每个季节相对应的短语。 1. 由上一游戏,引出“pick apples We can pick apples in fall.”  2. 让学生自由发言“I like… . I can … in … .”  T:Which season do you like? What can you do in this season? Discuss with your partners, then tell us. 3.图配文  Spring is warm. I like spring. I can fly a kite in spring.  Summer is hot. I like summer. I can go swimming in summer. Fall is cool. I like fall. I pick apples in fall. Winter is cold. I like winter. I can make snowmen in winter.
Spring is warm. I like spring. We can____________in spring.
Summer is hot. I like summer. We can____________in summer.
Fall is cool. I like fall. We can____________in fall.
Winter is cold. I like winter. We can____________in winter.
Step3.  Practice拓展教学。  收到一封来自澳洲学生的来信。 1. 认真阅读来信。 
Dear Miss Chen
How are you? I miss you very much. Now I’m in Australia. It’s summer and it’s very hot. I like summer. I can go swimming and eat ice cream. I miss my friends, too. Hope to hear from you soon.
                                                                          2. 介绍澳洲与中国的季节相反。 3. 给高原写回信,与他成为笔友。 
Step4. Homework. 1. Email to Gaoyuan.
Four Seasons                     
spring    warm     turn  green                     
summer      hot      go  swimming                     
fall       cool     pick  apples                   
winter      cold      make  snowmen
