5BU7  归纳
Story time
Spring Festival 春节                              Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(龙舟节)
(also call it Chinese New Year也称为中国新年)        in May or June  在五月或六月
in January or February 在一月或二月              have dragon boat races 进行划龙舟比赛
get together with their families和家人团聚          in some places  在一些地方
Some people eat dumplings 一些人吃饺子          eat rice dumplings 吃粽子
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节                  Double Ninth Festival 重阳节(a festival for old people)
in September or October 在九月或十月        in October or November 在十月或十一月
look at the moon                          visit their parents and grandparents拜访父母或爷爷奶奶
eat moon cakes and fruit 吃月饼和水果      climb mountains 爬山 (hill小山)
                                        eat rice cakes  吃重阳糕
月份词汇  month月份    How many months are there in a year? 一年有多少个月?
                        There are twelve months in a year. 一年有十二个月
    in March          March is the third month of a year.  March是一年中的第三个月。
                      Which month comes after April? 哪个月在四月后到来?
0January (Jan.)  February (Feb.) March (Mar.)  April (Apr.)  May  June (Jun.) July (Jul.) August (Aug.)
September (Sept.)  October (Oct.)  November (Nov.)  December (Dec.) 
When’s the Spring Festival?  春节在什么时候?What do people do at this festival?人们在这个节日干吗?
What do people eat at this festival? 人们在这个节日吃什么?
Fun time 例
  I like Spring best. Spring is in March, April and May. It’s very warm in Spring. Sometimes it often rains. We can see green trees and many kinds of different(许多种不同的)beautiful flowers. The park is beautiful in spring. In spring we go to the park, fly kites and have a picnic, sometimes we go climbing. We usually wear coats and sweater. QingMing festival is in Spring.
Sound time & culture time & Cartoon time
th /θ/  thin  think  thank  three  thirteen  thirty  third  birthday Maths  mouth  thirsty bathroom through  teeth  Thursday  month
th  /ð/  this that these those the they them their there father mother brother with clothes then
sing songs to me 唱歌给我听  I’m happy as can be. 我尽可能的开心
Halloween 万圣节  on the thirty-first of October 在十月三十一日  dress up 乔装打扮
know on people’s doors 敲人们的门 shout 叫嚷  trick or treat? 捉弄你还是招待你?(不给糖果就捣蛋)
Mother’s Day 母亲节  a day for mothers  为母亲们的一个节日  on the second Sunday of May在五月第二个星期日  like all festivals 喜欢所有的节日  give their mothers presents 给他们的妈妈礼物
Talk about the present for Mum 讨论给妈妈的礼物  What should we give Mum?我们应该给妈妈什么?
What about a card and some flowers? 一张卡片搭一些花怎么样?  Is there a Father’s Day?有父亲节吗?
My favourite festival 我最喜欢的节日  (What’s your favourite festival / animal / colour)
It is a Chinese traditional Festival. Also it is the most important festival for Chinese people. There are different names for each year. We call it the year of goat, the year of pig….. People usually clean their houses and do a lot of shopping before Spring Festival. On the Eve of this festival, people usually get together to have a big family dinner, they usually eat a lot of delicious food. Some Chinese people eat dumplings. After dinner the family stay up late to welcome the new year, many people watch the TV program. Children like to play colourful firework, they are also happy to get some red packets. On the first day of the New Year, people wear their new clothes to visit relatives and friends.
It is on the 25th of December. Now it’s even popular in China. People usually have a Christmas party. They sing Christmas songs . Also they send Christmas presents or cards to each other. Children like this festival very much. They always can get a lot of Christmas presents, on the Eve of Christmas, parents often put some small presents in the Christmas trees or stockings, the next morning children will look for them. They believe they are from Christmas father. It’s very interesting.
  Thanksgiving Day is an important holiday in the US. It is on the fourth Thursday of November. People usually get together with their families. They eat roast turkeys, pumpkin pies and sweetcorn. They like watching football games on TV. There is often a Thanksgiving Day parade(游行). Thanksgiving Day is a great time for people to give thanks. Students often give thanks to their parents and teachers on this day.
春节 the Spring festival                      端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 
中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival              重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 
在一月或二月 in January or February            把它称为中国的新年 call it Chinese New Year
和他们家人聚在一起  get together with their families    吃馄饨  eat dumplings 
在五月或六月  in May or June                进行龙舟比赛 have dragon boat races
在一些地区  in some places                  吃粽子  eat rice dumplings
在九月或十月  in September or October        在夜晚看月亮 look at the moon at night
吃月饼和水果 eat moon cakes and fruit          在十月或者十一月  in October or November
一个给老人的节日 a festival for old people      拜访他们的父母亲  visit their parents
爬山  climb mountains                      吃重阳糕  eat rice cakes
在三月或者四月 in March or April              温暖的春天  warm spring
炎热的夏天  hot summer                    凉爽的秋天  cool autumn
寒冷的冬天  cold winter                    我尽可能开心  I’m happy as can be.
打扮      dress up                        敲人们的门  knock on people’s door
我最喜欢的节日 My favourite festival
叫嚷“捉弄还是招待” 要糖果shout “trick or treat”for sweets  母亲节Mother’s Day
给他们的母亲礼物  give their mothers presents   
在五月的第二个星期日 on the second Sunday of May   
在七月和八月学生不上学  The students don’t go to school in July and August.
圣诞节在十二月  Christmas is in December.
万圣节在十月三十一日  Halloween is on the thirty-first of October.
我们应该给妈妈什么?  What should we give Mum?
一张卡片搭一些花怎么样? What about a card and some flowers?
有父亲节日吗?  Is there a Father’s Day?
中秋节什么时候?When’s the Mid-Autumn Festival?
人们通常在这个节日干吗? What do people usually do at this festival?
