Hello! Look at me. Who am I? Look! I have a red flower and green leaves. I have thin and small roots. Thanks to (多亏) my straight (笔直的) stalk (茎), I can stand in winter. Many friends don’t like winter, but I like it very much. People all like me.  Because l am a symbol (象征) of happiness and good luck (好运). I am from Mexico (墨西哥). I’m a Christmas Flower.
1、—What do you have? (   )
A.A red flower.    B.Green leaves.    C.A red flower and green leaves.
2、—Are your roots thin or thick? (   )
A.They’re thick.    B.They’re thin.    C.They’re long and thin.
3、—How is the stalk? (   )
A.It’s straight.    B.It’s thin.    C.It’s thick.
4、I am from ________. (   )
A.USA    B.Australia    C.Mexico
5、My name is ________. (   hello spring是什么意思)
A.Sunflower    B.Christmas Flower    C.Rose
Hi! My name is Jack. Today(今天) is Saturday. It's a nice day. We are having a picnic(野餐) in the park. There is a lake in the park. There are some boats on the lake. There are tall trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. The water in the lake is clean. Look! Lily is washing vegetables and fruits by the lake. She is helpful.
My best friend Jenny likes cooking. Wow! We can eat lots of delicious food. And we can drink milk and apple juice. Salad is my favourite food. It's healthy. Sarah likes fish and chicken. Oliver loves music. He can play the pipa. Where is Tom? Look! He is reading books under the tree.
How happy we are!
6、Are there any boats on the lake? (   )
A.Yes, there are.    B.No, there aren't.    C.No, there isn't.
7、What is Lily like? (   )
A.She is washing vegetables.    B.She likes vegetables.    C.She is helpful.
8、Oliver loves ______. (   )
A.cooking    B.salad    C.music
9、What does Sarah like? (   )
A.Beef.    B.Milk.    C.Fish and chicken.
10、Which of the following is right(正确的)? (   )
A.The water in the lake is dirty.    B.Tom is reading books under the tree.    C.Jack can play the pipa.
Charlie joins(加入) his first football team, the Blue Team. He is very happy. One day, Charlie meets his team. The coach(教练) shows the team how to kick(踢) the ball. Then the Blue Team have a practice(练习) game with the Yellow Team. It’s difficult for Charlie to get the ball. When he tries to kick the ball, another player always kicks it away. But Charlie is very good at cheering(喝彩). After one game, the coach has a talk with Charlie. “You’re good at cheering, Charlie. But I think you want to be a football player, not a cheerleader.” Next month(下个月), Charlie’s team will have the last game. Charlie starts to practice every day. It is between the Blue Team and the Orange Team. Charlie runs after the ball up and d
own. Suddenly he gets the ball and kicks it to his teammate(队友) Tom. Then Tom kicks the ball into the goal(球门). The coach and Charlie’s teammates cheer for him. Now he is a real football player.
11、Charlie is a _________ player in the _________ Team. (    )
A.basketball; Blue    B.football; Blue    C.football; Yellow
12、At first(首先), Charlie is very good at _________. (    )
A.football    B.kicking the ball    C.cheering
13、The last game is between the _________ Team and the _________ Team. (    )
A.Blue; Orange    B.Blue; Yellow    C.Yellow; Orange
14、Tom is Charlie’s _________. (    )
A.coach    B.teammate    C.teacher
15、At last(最后), _________ kicks the ball into the goal. (    )
A.Charlie    B.the coach    C.Tom
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. He sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs to him. He is afraid and falls in the river. He can’t swim. He shouts(呼喊).
When the rabbit hears(听见) him, he jumps into the river and swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him.
Luckily(幸运地), an elephant comes. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and the monkey.
The three of them are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. And they become good friends.
16、The monkey sees a(an) ______ under a tree. (    )
A.lion    B.rabbit    C.elephant
17、The ______ can swim. (    )
A.lion    B.rabbit    C.monkey
18、The elephant is very ______. (    )
A.smart    B.afraid    C.strong
19、They go to the ______ home. (    )
A.elephant’s    B.rabbit’s    C.monkey’s
20、What can we learn from this story(从故事中学到了什么)? (    )
A.The ribbit can’t help monkey.
B.Friends are very important(重要的). When we have trouble(麻烦), friends can help us.
C.The three of them are very happy.
Spring in Nanjing is very short. It is warm and sunny. People (人们) like to go to the parks on sunny days. It is very hot in summer in Nanjing. People do not like to play balls in the afternoon. They like to go swimming in summer. In autumn, it is cool and sunny. Many people like to come to Nanjing in autumn. In winter, it is cold in Nanjing. Boys and girls like to make snowmen and go skating. They have great fun in winter.
21、Spring in Nanjing is very ________. (    )
A.short    B.warm    C.A and B
22、People like to ________ in summer. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
23、People like to go to Nanjing in ________. (    )
A.in spring    B.in autumn    C.in winter
24、Boys and girls like to _________ in winter. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
25、Boys and girls have _________ in winter. (    )
A.great fun    B.sad    C.make showmen
My name is Yang Ling. I’m a student in a primary school here. I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. I like maths and art. But my friend Lily doesn’t. She likes art and music. Many students in our school like art very much. They like drawing pictures. Some students like sports. They usually play football and basketball after school. On Saturdays and Sundays, I usually do housework. Sometimes I make model cars with my classmates.
