1. -- Good morning/afternoon.
-- Good morning/afternoon/Hello/Hi.
2. -- How are you?
-- I'm fine, thanks. And you? And how are you?
-- Fine, thank you.
3. -- Nice to meet/see you.
-- Nice to meet/see you, too.
 -- How do you do?
 -- How do you do?
 -- I'm Lin Qiang./My name is Lin Qiang.
 -- I'm Naney./My name is Naney.
 -- Good bye.
 -- Bye-bye.
4. -- Hello, I'm Neal.
-- Hi, I'm Nancy.
5. -- How is everything going?
-- Fine, thank you, And you?
-- Fine, thanks.
6. -- What's your name?/May I have your name, please?
-- I'm Nancy/My name is Nancy.
7. -- How old are you?
-- I'm eleven.
8. -- Which grade are you in?
-- Class 1, Grade 5.
9. -- Do you like balloons?
-- Yes, I do.
-- Why? Why do you like balloons?
-- Because they're colorful and interesting.
10. -- Do you like pandas?
-- Yes, I do.
  -- Why? Why do you like pandas?
  -- Because it's very cute.
  -- Let's go to see the pandas?
  -- That sounds great.
11. -- Can you count from one to twenty?
--Sure. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ,nine ,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty.
12. -- What's your phone number?
-- It's 23886623.(七位号码:前三后四,八位号码:各四位)
13. -- What's the time, please?/What's the time by your watch?
-- Let's me see. It's 4:30.
14 -- What would you have for dinner?
-- I'd like hamburgers and some orange juice.
-- Do you like hot dogs? why?
-- Yes, I do. It's very nice.
15. -- Do you have sports every day?
  -- Yes I do.
  -- What do you usually do after school?
-- I exercise a lot. I like skipping -rope.
16. -- Do you watch TV every day?
-- Yes , I do.
  -- What time do you watch TV every day?
  -- At 7:30.
17. -- What time do you get up every day?
-- At 6:30.
18. -- What time do you have your lunch every day?
  -- At 11:30.
19. -- What time do you go to school every day?
  -- At 7:30.
20. -- What time do you have your breakfast every day?
  -- At 7:00.
21. -- What time do you have your dinner every day?
  -- At 6:00.
22. -- What time do you go home every day?
  -- At 5:00.
23. -- How many boys/girls/pupils are there in your class?
  -- Twenty-two/Twenty-eight/Fifty.
24. -- What color is your sweater/shirt/coat/dress?
  -- It's blue/red and yellow.
25. -- What are you doing now?
  -- I'm answering your questions.
  -- What am I doing?
  -- You're asking me some question.
26. -- How do you go to school?
  -- On foot.
  -- How does your mother/father go to work?
  -- On foot. By bike/motorbike/car/bus.
27. -- How many classes in your school?
-- There're twelve.
28. -- What day is it today?
-- It's Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.
29. -- How many days in the week?
  -- Seven
  -- Can you say them out?
  -- Yes, Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.
30. -- What's the date today?
  -- It's March 1st/2 nd/3 rd/4th/5 th.
31. -- What day is the first/last/3 rd day of the week?
  -- Sunday/Saturday/Tuesday.
32. -- Which day do we begin to have classes?
  -- Monday.
33. -- Which day is after/before Thursday?
  -- Friday/Wednesday.
34. --Which day is between Tuesday and Thursday?
35. -- How many months in the year?
  -- Twelve.
  -- Can you say them out?
  -- January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/
36. -- Which month is the first /last/4 th month in the year?
  -- January/December/April.
37. -- Which month is between April and June?
  -- May.
38. -- Which month is after/before May?
  -- June/April.
39. -- Which month is Christmas Day in?
  -- Christmas is in December.
40. -- When is New Year's Day/Women's Day?
  -- It's January 1st/March 8th.
41. --Is Christmas Day on November 25th?
  --No. It's on December 25th.
42. -- If today is your birthday, someone says "Happy birthday to you! ", What will you say?
  -- Thank you very much.
43. -- If today is Spring Festival, you visit someone, what will you say?
  -- Happy New Year.
44. -- How many seasons in the year?
  -- Four.
  -- Can you say it out?
  -- Yes, Spring, Summer, autumn, winter.
45. -- What season do you like best?
  -- Spring.
  -- Why?
  -- Because it's green.
46. -- What's the weather like in spring in your hometown?
  -- It's warm and rainy.
47. -- What's the weather like in summer in your hometown?
  -- It's hot and sunny.
48. -- What's the weather like in autumn in your hometown?
  -- It's windy and cool.
49. -- What's the weather like in winter in your hometown?
  -- It's cold.
50. -- What do you do in different kinds of weather/seasons?
-- In spring, I often go out to fly kites. In summer, I usually go swimming. In autumn, I often play football in the playground. In winter, I usually play table tennis inside the door.
51. -- What do you have for lunch?
  -- I have rice and meat.
52. -- Where do you eat lunch?
  -- At home.
53. -- What do you often drink after lunch/meals?
  -- I often drink some tea.
54. -- Do you like math? Why?
  -- No, I don't, It's difficult and boring.
55. -- Do you like PE? Why?
  -- Yes, I do. Because I can play in the playground.
56. -- What subject do you like best? Why?
  -- English. Because it's useful and interesting.
57. -- What subjects do you have at school?
  -- I have English, Chinese, Math, Music, PE, and Art.
58. -- What did you do at 10 o'clock yesterday?
  -- I had Chinese.
59. -- What do you do at 11:30 in the morning?
  -- I have lunch.
60. -- What do you do at 4:30 in the afternoon?
  -- I go home.
61. -- What do you do at 9:00 in the night?
  -- I go to bed.
62. -- At Spring Festival, What do you have?
  -- I have peanuts, sweats, fish and oranges.
63. -- Do you like shopping? Who with you?
  -- Yes, I do. I often go shopping with my mother.
64. -- If you're a shop assistant, I'd like to buy some cheese, what can you say?
  -- What can I do for you? / Can I help you? / May I help you?
65. -- You want to buy a pencil, what will you say to the shop assistant?
  -- How much is the pencil?
66. -- How often do you have an English lesson?
  -- Twice a week.
67. -- Where are you come from?
  -- I come from Yongchun.
  -- Where is Yongchun?
  -- It's in the west of Quanzhou.
  -- What do you think of Yongchun?
  -- It's a beautiful place.
68. -- What time do the classes finish in your school every morning?
  -- At 11:00.
69. -- How is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
  -- I think it will be sunny.
70. -- Where can I change some money?
  -- You can go to a bank.
  -- Which bank is the nearest?
-- Bank of china. / Agricultural Bank of china. / Industrial and Commercial -- Bank of china. / Construction Bank of china.
  -- Where is it?
  -- Go straight on./Go straight forward, then turn left/right.
71. -- Could you tell me the time?
  -- It's 11:10.
72. -- When does the football match begin?
  -- It begins at 7:00.
73. -- Is your English teacher a foreigner?
  -- No, she is a Chinese.
74. -- What's the weather like today?
  -- It's fine/sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.
75. -- What's the capital of China?
  -- Beijing.
76. -- What's the capital of America?
  -- Washington D.C.
  -- Where is it?
  -- It's in the east.
77. -- Is New York the capital of the USA?
  -- No, it's Washington D.C.
78. -- Where do you live?
  -- I live in Yongchun.
  -- How many music lessons do you have every week?
  -- Two.
80. -- How often do you have Chinese?
  -- Every day.
81. -- How month is it?
  -- It's March.
82. -- When were you born?
  -- I was born in 1996. April 4th.
83. -- When are you off?
  -- At 5:00.
  -- How do you go back/ home?
  -- By motorbike/by car/by bus.
  -- How long (is the ride)?
  -- It will take about 20 minutes.
  -- How far is it?
  -- It's about 10 kilometers from here.
84. -- How often do you go to KFC?
  -- Once a month/week.
85. -- If you join a friend's birthday, what can you say to your friend?
  -- Happy birthday.
86. -- Are you English?
  -- No, I'm Chinese.
87. -- Do you speak English?
  -- Yes, just a little.
88. -- Are you a native speaker of English?
  -- No, My native language is Chinese.
89. -- How do you spell your name?
  -- N-A-N-C-Y, Nancy.
90. -- What's your family's name?
  -- My family's name is Cheng.
91. -- What do you do?
  -- I'm a pupil.
92. -- What will you do this weekend?
  -- I will play football.
93. -- What do you do in your spare time?
  -- I read books.
94. -- If you don't feel well, what would you do?
  -- I would see my doctor.
95. -- If you want to borrow a pencil from your friend, what can you say?
  -- Would you lend me your pencil?
96. -- What toy is you like best?/would you introduce your favourite toy?
  --(my favorite is ) a toy car.
  -- Why?
  -- It's very interesting.
97. -- Which sport do you like best? Why?
  -- Football. It's very interesting.
98. -- What's 30 and 48? What's 30 plus 48?
  -- 78.
99. -- What's 100 minus 10?
-- 90.
100. -- Who's your favorite basketball star? Why?
-- Yao Ming. Because he plays basketball very well.
101. -- Could you please lend me you pen?/Can I use your pen?
-- Yes, here you are/Sorry, I've lost it/It's broken.
102. -- Do you play football a lot?
-- Not much/Yes.
103. -- Can you introduce yourself?
-- Yes, I'm Ling ling, I'm eleven years old. I come from Yongchun. I'm a pupil.
104. -- How do you introduce your English teacher Miss Xie to your friend Sam? -- And how do you introduce your friend Sam to your teacher?
-- Sam, this is my English teacher, Miss Xie, she's a nice teacher. Miss Xie, -- this is my friend Sam, he's my best friend.
105. -- What do you think of/How do you like your English teacher?
-- She's a nice teacher.
106. -- When someone says, Happy New Year! What will you say?
-- The same to you.
107. -- What's your number in your class?
-- I'm No.3 (this term.)
108. -- May I ask your age?
-- Yes, I'm eleven/No, It's a secret.
109. -- What do you think of your school?
-- It's fine.
110. -- Would you introduce your school to us?
-- Of course, My school is Taocheng Central Primary School of Yongchun. It's a beautiful school. There are two tall classroom building and a big playground.
111. -- Which place do you like best in your school?
-- I like the computer room/the play-ground/the library best.
-- Why (do you like it best)?
-- Because I like playing computer games/sports/playing football/reading.
112. -- What animal do you like best? Why?
-- I like monkeys. Because they're very clever.
113. -- If your school have a Sports Day, what game will you join?
-- I will join football game.
-- Why?
-- I like football.
-- Can you control the ball?
-- Yes, I can/No, very bad.
114. --How many people/persons are there in your family?\
--Who are they?
--My mother, my father and I.
115. --Which festival is the biggest festival in our country?
--It's Spring Festival.
--Did you wear your new clothes in this Spring Festival?
--Yes, I did.
--How about it?
--It's very beautiful.
116. --How are you feeling today?
--I feel very well/boring.
117. -- If someone want to remove a big box, but it's very heavy, he can't remove it himself, what will you say?
-- Can I help you?/What can I do for you?
118. -- If you want to have some bread, what will you say to your mother?
-- Can I have some bread, please?
-- If she hasn't any food, what will she say?
-- Sorry, you can't.
119. -- How do you ask the time?
-- What's the time please?
120. -- What's the time by your watch?/Can you tell me the time, please?
-- Let me see, it's 9:00.
121. -- If you need your friend to help, what will you say?
-- Would you help me, please?
122. -- Could you help me?/Would you please do me a favor?/Would you please give me a hand?
  -- Yes, of course.
  -- It's very kind of you.
  -- You're welcome.
123. -- If you want to go to a supermarket, how do you ask the way?
-- Excuse me, where's the supermarket?
124. -- If someone ask you the station, but you are a stranger here, how do you say?
-- I'm sorry, I don't know/ I'm a stranger.
125. -- How many kinds of music do you know?
-- Light music, pop music, classical music, rock music, piano music.
-- What kind of music do you like best?
-- I like light music best.
-- Why?
-- It's very soft/ nice.
126. --May I borrow your camera , I'll visit Beijing next week?
--Of course, Here you are./Sorry, I don't have one.
127. -- What's your favorite main dish?
   -- It's steak.
128. --How can we eat friend chicken?
--We can eat it with knife and fork.
129. --How can we eat noodles?
--We can eat noodles with chopsticks.
129. --How can we have some soup?
-- We can have some soup with spoon.
130. --How well do you play football?
--I can play it well./ I can't play it at all.
--What can you do best of all?
--I can jump very high.
131. -- Would you please introduce your best friend to us?
-- Of course. He's name is Sam. He's a clever pupil.
132. -- I'm tired of this kind of jazz music, what do you think about it?
-- I like it very much./I don't like it, too.
133. --Where did you go last Summer holiday?
   --I went to Beijing.
   --Is that your first visit to Beijing?
-- Yes./No.
134. -- If you want to have some food, how can you ask the way?
-- Excuse me, where's the restaurant nearby?
135. -- If you want to send a letter, how do you ask the way?
-- Excuse me, Where's the post office?/where could I send a letter?
136. -- Have you ever been to the Beijng?
-- Yes, I have./No, I haven't.
-- What sights are there in Beiging?
-- The Summer Palace, the Great Wall, and a lot.
137. -- Have you ever been to the Great Wall?
-- No, I haven't ./Yes, I have.
-- What do you think of/How do you think of the Great Wall?
-- It's very long , very old and very famous.
138. -- If you had a lot of chocolate biscuits, cakes sweets and ice cream yesterday, how are you feeling today?
-- I have got a stomachache.
139. -- If you have a cold/fever, how are you feeling?
-- I have got a headache.
140. -- If you have a holiday, what interesting place would you like to go?
-- Beijing.
-- Why?
-- It's worth seeing./It's the capital of our country.
141. -- Is it your pen?
-- No, it isn't mine, it's yours.
142. -- If you want to have your friend's telephone number, how do you ask?/what can you say?
-- May I have your phone number?
143. -- Did you have some wine at Spring Festival?
-- Yes, I did./No, I didn't .
144. -- What kind of wine did you have at Spring Festival?
-- I had some apple wine /white spirite.
145. -- What did you drink at Spring Festival?
-- I drank some juice.
--How does it taste?
--It's delicious.
146. -- If there is a telephone for you, what can you say?
-- This is Lingling.
147. -- If you are a waiter/waitress, I want have some food, what can you say?
-- Can I help you?
148. -- Why are you wearing a raincoat?
-- Because it's going to rain.
149. -- When is April Fool's Day?
-- It's April 1st.
150. -- When is the Halloween?
-- It's October 31st./the night of October 3.
151. -- What do children do in Halloween.
-- They play tricks and dress up in strange clothes.
152. -- When is Spring Festival in?
-- It's in January or February.
153. -- When is Teacher's Day?
-- It's September 10th.
154. -- When is Mother's Day?
-- It's the second Sunday in May.
155. -- When is Father's Day?
-- It's the third Sunday in June.
156. -- When is Christmas Eve?
-- The evening before Christmas.
157. -- If I want to pay for a dress, how do I ask the way?
-- Excuse me , where can I pay?
158. -- If someone asks, 'where can I pay?' what will you say?
-- You can pay at the cashier over there.
159. -- Who's your favorite football star?
-- Ronaldo.
-- Why?
-- He's really a superman.
160. -- Who's your favorite basketball star?
-- Yao Ming. (is my favorite basketball star).
-- Why?
-- Because he play basketball very well.
161. -- Who's your favorite table tennis star? Why?
-- Wang hao. Because he play it well.
162. -- How tall is Yao Ming? do you know?
-- He is 227 cm.
163. -- What's your favorite program.
-- I like 'Animal World' best.
-- Why?
-- Because I it's very useful and interesting.
164. -- Can I borrow your ruler for a while?
-- Sure, here you are.
165. -- What's your favorite festival?
-- My favorite festival is Children's Day.
166. -- Why are you so happy today?
-- Because I'm going here and join the game.
167. -- What do you usually do before Spring Festival?
-- We usually give our houses a general cleaning and our parents buy new clothes for us. On the last day of the old year, there is a big family dinner.
168. -- What do you usually do during Spring Festival?
-- We put on our new clothes and go out visit our relatives and friends and eat dumplings, sweets and peanuts, We have a goad time during the festival.
169. -- What do you usually do after Spring Festival?
-- I go to school and start my new term. And my father and mother start them work too.
170. -- Did you have a travel at Spring Festival?
-- Yes, I did.
-- Where did you go?
-- I went to Hainan.
-- Who did you go with you?
-- My family./parents.
-- How did you go there?
-- By plane/car/bus/train.
-- How long were you there?
-- Three days.
-- What did you see and do there?
-- I saw the beautiful sea, and I went swim in the sea.
171. -- Where did you go last summer holiday?
-- I had a wonderful trip to Guangxi.
172. -- May I have your order?
-- Chicken and a bowl of rice, please.
173. -- How was your weekend?
-- I'm bored to death./Very happy./very well.
174. -- How did you do on your English test?
-- I have got 80 points .
175. -- Can you believe that I bought a TV for 25 dollars?
-- No, I can't.
176. -- How long will it take to get to your house by motorbike?
-- 20 minutes.
177. -- How about going out for dinner?
-- That sounds great./That's a good idea.
178. -- Where did you learn to speak English?
-- In school.
179. -- A lovely day, isn't it?
-- Yes, it is . /No, it isn't .
180. -- What's your goal in life?
-- I want to be a doctor.
181. -- It's an animal. It's big and fat, black and white. It eats bamboo Guess. What's it?
-- It's a panda.
182. -- Guess it's an animal, It's big, and it has a long nose. What's it?
-- It's an elephant.
hello spring是什么意思183. -- Guess it's an animal, it's thin and small, it's very clever and very naughty, it likes fruits. what's it?
-- It's a monkey.
184. -- Guess it's an animal. It can fly in the sky, what's it?
-- It's a bird.
185. How is your family?
-- Very well, thank you.
186. -- Do you have any hobbies?
-- I like football. I play football every day.
187. -- Did you have a nice holiday?
-- Yes, I had a good time in this holiday.
188. -- Do you have some change? How much?
-- Just a little, 20 dollars a month.
189. -- Do you often work out?
-- Yes, I do. I work out everyday.
190. -- Are you free tomorrow?
-- Yes, I'm. / No, I am not.
191. -- How far do you live from school?/How far is it from your home to school?
-- I live from school about 1000 metres. /About 2 kilometres.
192. -- What's your hobby?
-- I like reading.
193. -- What are you going to be in the future?
-- I'm going to be a driver.
194. -- Could you help me? Would you please do me a favor? / Would you please give me a hand?
-- Sure,/ of course.
195. -- Do you like going to Mcdonald's?
-- Yes.
-- Which food do you like best?
-- Chips (are my favorite food.)
-- How often do you go?
-- Once a week.
196. -- Which month is the coldest/hottest in the year in china?
-- In china, I think January/July is the coldest/hottest month.
197. -- I have a pen in my bag. Guess. Is it new or old?
-- It's new.
-- Yes. Is it long or short?
-- It's short.
-- Yes. Is it black or red?
-- It is black.
-- Look, It's black. You're right.
-- Oh, how nice!
198. -- What's he/ she doing?
-- He/she is listening to music.
199. -- Do you often help your mother with the housework?
-- Yes, I do . What do you do? I sweep the floor every day.
200. -- Which festival is the most important in your country?
-- The Spring Festival.
-- How do people celebrate the Spring Festival?
-- They perform lion and dragon dance.
201. -- Do you know what kind of animal can change its color?
-- It's chameleon.
202. -- How's the weather in summer?
-- It's very hot.
203. -- How's the weather in spring?
-- It's very wet.
204. -- How's the weather in autumn?
-- It's cool.
205. -- How's the weather in winter?
-- It's very cold.
206. -- Have you got any friends?
-- Yes, I have lots of friends.
207. -- You have good taste in music.
-- Thank you.
208. -- How nice a jacket/dress/coat!
-- Thank you.
-- Where did you buy it?
-- I searched the Internet and bought it online. / I bought it in a supermarket.
209. -- That's a pretty dress you have on.
-- Thank you.
210. -- You have wonderful tastes in clothes.
-- Thank you.
211. -- What a charming girl you are.
-- Thank you.
212. -- Did you have a good day today?
-- Yes.
213. -- What's your mother's job?
-- She's a teacher.
-- What does your mother look like?
-- She's tall with long hair. She's a little fat.
214. -- What's your father?/ what does your father do?
-- He's a policeman.
-- What does your father look like?
-- He's very handsome. He is tall.
215. -- If you help your parents on the farm all day, how do you feel now?
-- I feel tired but very happy.
216. -- If you won a swim game, how do you feel now?
-- I feel very happy now.
217. -- If today is raining and you can't go to some outdoor activities, how do you feel?
218. -- If you have lost you beautiful violin, and you can't find it, how do you feel now?
-- I feel very sad now.
219. -- It's time for dinner, and you smell some nice soup, how do you feel?
-- I feel hungry.
220. -- Do you know which mountain is the highest one in the world?
-- Yes, it's Mount Qomolangma.
-- What's the height of Mount Qomolangma?
-- It's new height is 884443lm.
221. -- Do you know which river is the longest one in our country?
-- Yes, it's Changjiang River.
-- What's the length of the Changjiang River?
-- It's 6380 km.
222. -- Do you know which river is the Mother's river in our country?
-- Yes, It's Yellow River.
-- What's the length of the Yellow River?
-- It's 5464 km.
223. -- Do you know which river is the most famous of England?
-- Yes, River Thames.
-- What's the length of the River Thames?
-- It's 340 km.
224. -- Do you know the mountain of the most famous in our country?
-- Yes, it's Mount Taishan.
-- What's the height of it?
-- It's 1545 m.
225. -- What were you doing at 8:00 last night?
-- I was doing my homework.
226. -- Do you know the wall of the most famous in the world?/Do you know which wall is the most famous in the world?
-- Yes, it's the Great Wall.
-- What's the length of the Great Wall?
-- It's about 6300 km.
227. -- Have you ever been to England?
-- No, I haven't.
-- Do you know some places of England from your books?
-- Yes, I know London is the capital of England. Buckingham Palace is Queen's house. It's big and beautiful.
228. -- Have you ever been to Beijing?
-- No, I haven't / Yes, I have.
-- Do you know some places of Beijing from your book?
-- Yes, I know Beijing is the capital of China. The Great Wall is very old and long. The Summer Palace is the King's house. It's very beautiful.
229. -- Have you ever been to America?
-- No, I haven't.
-- Do you know some places of America from your book?
-- Yes, I know Washington D.C is the capital of America. It's in the east. San Francisco is a famous city in America. It's in the west.
230. -- If you want to send a postcard, how do you ask the way?
-- Excuse me, where can I send a postcard?
231. -- Can you look after my bag and clothes, please? I want to go to buy a glass of water.
-- Sure/of course./Certainly.
232. -- Excuse me, how can I get to the Band of china, please? / Excuse me .Can you show me the way to the Bank of China ,please? 
-- Sure .Go straight on. You can see it
233-- Can you keep an eye on my bag and my clothes ?
-- Sure/Of course/ Certainly .
234-- If you're a doctor and I'm a patient , what can you say ?
-- What's the matter with you ?/What's wrong with you?
235. -- Do you know many provinces there are in our country ?
-- There are 50 .
236. -- Do you arrange your bedroom every day ?
-- Yes. I do .
-- Can you describe your bedroom ?
-- Yes . There is a bed , a desk , a closet and a shelf . There are two end tables near the bed .
237. -- Can you describe your village / city to us?
-- Yes. There are many rivers and bridges . There are many Mountain near the village /city. There are no tall buildings in my village/city.
238. -- Can you describe your house to us?
--Yes . There are two bedroomsa living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are many trees near my house .
239. – Can you describe your English teacher to us?
--Yes. My English teacher has a kind heart . He's tall and young .
240. -- Would you describe your classroom ?
-- Yes . My classroom is big and bright . There are 20 desks and chairs in my classroom . There are 2 blackboards .
241. -- What's matter with you ?
-- I have got a stomachache .
242. -- What's our national game ?
--Table tennis .
243. -- What do you think of / How do you like the Spring Festival ?
-- I think it's very good .
244. --Would you describe the supermarket ?
-- Yes . The supermarket is big and bright . There are a lot of fruits in shelf A . There are a lot of foods in shelf B .
245. --Would you describe the library in your school ?
-- Yes . The library is big and bright . There are a lot of books about art in shelf A . There are some English books in shelf B .
246. -- Which proverb is your favorite ? Please say it in English .
-- Adversity makes a man wise , not rich .
247. --What special product does your hometown have ?
-- Oranges . Oranges are very big and sweet in my hometown .
248. -- Shall we take a tour to the Summer Palace ?
-- Ok ./ That's a good idea .
249. -- Do you know how much long history the Summer Palace has ?
-- It had 250 calenden historries .
250. -- If you're a spider , can you climb very high ?
-- Yes.
251.-- Take it easy.
-- Ok.
-- You certainly did well today!/You are doing. Very better today!/You haven't missed a thing!
-- Thanks very much.
一、打电话(Making phone calls)
Would/could/can you ring&?请你...打电话好吧?
句中ring up意思是"给某人打电话"。除了用ring up外,还可用call,call up,telephone 等,意思相同。can&?用得最普通;could/would&?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。
The line is busy .I can't get through.电话占线,我打不通。/ I'll try again later.我过一会儿再打。
其中line指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。
Hello,(name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello,is&speaking?你是...吗? / Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?/ Who is speaking/calling, please?你是谁?
应答时常说:Yes,(this is)...speaking.是的,我是...。/ Yes,here.         我是...。
Is...in/at home?    某某在家吗?/ Can/may/could I speak&,please?请...接电话好吗?/ Will/would you give a message&,please?请给...捎个口信好吗? / Would you tell him my telephone number, please? 请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?/ Can/could you& ring me back, please?请叫...给我回个电话好吗?
Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment, please.    请等一等。/ I'm&is not in./at home now.对不起,...现在不在。/ Can I take a message? 我能给你捎口信好吗?/ Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?/ I'll ask him to call you back.  我叫他给你回电话。
二、劝告和建议(Advice and suggestion)
1、You'd better (not)do& 你最好(不)干...。/    You should do sth.  你应该干...。/ You need(to)do sth. 你需要干...。
2、Why don't you do sth?  为什么不...。/ Why not do sth?   为什么不...。这是以反问的方式提出劝告或建议,含有建议对方去干某事的意思,而不是询问对方为何不去干某事的原因。
3、What/How about  +名词或动名词...? 这种句型表达随便的建议,有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对方一起做某事。
4、"Shall&?"这种句型用于建议对方与自己一起做什么,是一种普通的表示建议的方法。它和",shall we?"句型可以互换,在回答时,如果赞成这个建议,常用"Yes, let's."或"OK. let's."
这是最普通的表达建议的方法,建议对方和自己一起做什么.let's后接动词原形。若句尾加上"shall we?", "OK?"等用于征求对方法的词语,从而使语气委婉得多。
Great太好了。That's a good idea.真是个好主意。对对方的建议表示不同意,或根本不能满足对方的要求而表示歉意时的常用答语为:    I'm afraid&  我担心....,我恐怕....。I'm afraid not.      恐拍不行。
7、用should,ought to等情态动词来表示“劝告”       8、用动词advise,名词advice表示劝告。
三、表示问候(Expressing greetings)
Hello.你好!Hi嗨!Good morning(afternoon, evening)早上(下午、晚上)好。
2.您好!初次见面打招呼的用语How do you do? / Glad to meet you.
答语也是"How do you do? / Glad to meet you."
3.对有一段时候没有见面的熟人可选用这些句型:How are you?/ How have you been?你(您)好吗?
答语往往是:"Fine, thank you. And ?"
4.向认识但不常见面的人打招呼,可选用这些表达法。How's everything with you?/ How is everything going? /  How are you getting on? / What's no/ up? 近来怎么样?
答语可用:“Pretty well."/ " Very well." "Everything is OK.(一切顺利)"Not too bad.“还好”。
5.对于不认识想要叫他(她)停下来时,可选用这些说法:Hey, sir(madam).喂,先生(小)/ Just a moment, sir(madam)等一下,先生(小)注意:此时不能说:“Hey! you!”
1.Please give one's(one's 代表不同人称的物主代词(如: my,&  等) regards/best wishes/ love&/ Please remember me to sb.请向某人问好./请向某人致意。
2."Say hi/hello&(from me)"意为“向...致意/问候”。这相当于Please give my best regards/wishes&(请代我向...问好)的意思。
对于上述问候,其答语为:Of course. /Sure ,I will等。
四、感谢与应答(Thanks and responses)
Thank you./ Thanks.谢谢! / Thank you very much.非常感谢! / Thank you so much./ Thanks a lot.多谢 / Thank you very much indeed. 应该好好感谢你 / Thanks a million.万分感谢! / I don't know how to thank you.真不知该怎样感谢你。I'm really grateful to you.非常感谢你! That's most kind of you.你心眼儿真好。/ You're kind  ! kind 你真好。
Thank you just the same.同样感谢你的好意。/ Thank you all the same.同样得感谢你。/ It's very considerate of you.你考虑得真周到!/ It's most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到!
You're welcome.你是受欢迎的。/ Not at all.没事儿。/ Don't mention it.不用了。/ It's my pleasure.我很乐意。 / No trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。/ It was the least I could do.这是我应该做的。I'm glad I could do it.我很高兴能这么做。That's all right.没关系,不用谢。I'm delighted to have been  able to do that for you.能为你效劳我很高兴。It's really nothing at all.算不了什么,不用谢。
I'll introduce you.我来给你介绍.......。/ I want to&我想介绍.... / May I introduce you&? 我把你介绍给...好吗? / I'd like you to&  我想让你见见...。 / It's with great pleasure that I& you.很荣幸让我介绍.......给你。/ Let me introduce you&让我把你介绍给....... / By the way, do you&? 顺便问一问,你认识.......吗?
How do you do? 你好!/ I'm pleased to know you.很高兴认识你。/ Very glad to meet you.很高兴认识你。/ Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。 / It's a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。 
六、祝愿、祝贺及应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses)
I have passed the examination! 我已经通过考试了。
Congratulations(to you)祝贺你!
Good luck with your trip!   祝您们旅途平安! Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快。祝你一路顺风。/ Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快、Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.=I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.祝你过得愉快。祝你玩得痛快。
3、当某人生日时  A: Happy birthday to you;生日快乐!B: Thank you!谢谢!
4、当某人即将做某事时A:I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天将参加考试。B: Good luck (to you)!(I wish you success!)祝您顺利!(祝您成功!)
  注:上述几点中祝愿(贺)的回答可用。  Thanks./thank you/thanks a lot.或It's kind of you to say so.谢谢. /多谢. /谢谢您./谢谢你这么说。
 A: Happy New Year(to you)! 新年快乐!
 B: Thanks. The same to you!(Happy New Year to you, too!)谢谢!您也一样!(也祝您新年快乐!)
七、请求允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses)
1、Can I/Could I/May&?      我可不可以...?
这个是请求对方允许自己做某事的最普通的交际用语,其中could&?语气最婉转;May&? 常用在比较正式的场合;Can&? 用得最广泛。
对于所提出的请求表示允许或同意时,可说:Yes./Sure./Certainly.当然可以。Of course, you may.当然可以。Yes, do please.请吧。Go ahead, please.请吧。That's Ok./all right.好的。
对于所提出的请求表示不允许或不同意时,可说:No, pleased don't.请不要。I'm sorry you can't.对不起,你不可以...I'm sorry,&对不起,但是...。You'd better&你最好别...。
2、Do you mind if I&? 
这是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。句中的mind作“介意”、“反对”解。整句的意思是“如果我干某事,你反对/介意吗?”或“我干某事,”好吗?注意:当我们用“Do you mind&”时,if从句中的谓语动词一般用现在时;当我们用“Would you mind&”时,if从句中的谓语动词一般用过去时,这时语气更加婉转。应答时,如果表示“允许/不介意”,常说:No, I don't mind. 我不介意/我允许。Certainly not  /  Of course not.  当然不介意。No, go ahead. 不介意,你干吧。Not at all. 一点也不介意。如果表示“不允许/介意”时,常说:I'm sorry you 很抱歉,你不能...。I'm&恐怕....I'm afraid it's not allowed.  恐怕这是不允许的。 
3、I wonder if I ?    我想知道我能否...?
   这也是用来表示“请求许可”的交际用语。句中的wonder作“想知道”解,后面常跟if从句。整个句子的意思是“我想知道我是否可以......?”用以委婉地提出请求。应答时,如果允许,常说:Sure, go ahead./Yes, please do.可以,请吧。 Yes./Of course./Certainly.    当然可以。如果不允许,可以说:  I'm sorry,&  对不起,...I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。No, please don't.    请不要......。You'd better&  你最好别....。
1、用may(can, could),来表达。
表示同意请求的应答:yes ,you may(can).是的。/certainly.(=of course./Sure.)当然可以。/Yes, do please,好的,请吧。
表示不同意请求的应答:No, you mustn't,不可以。/No, you can't,不能。No, you'd better not你最好不这样。/Please don't 请不要这样。/Sorry, I'm afraid not,对不起,恐怕不能。
表示同意的请求应答:Yes, I'd like to.好的,我愿意。/All right.(=OK.)好的/(That's a)Good idea.好主意。/Yes, Let's.好的,让我们走吧。 
表示不同意请求的应答:Please don't.请不要这样./I don't think so.我认为不要这样。/I'm afraid not,恐怕不能
3、用Would, Will, Would(Will)you&?/Would you&?  来表达。
 表示同意请求的应答:Yes, I'd like to.(=Yes, I'd love to.=Yes, I'll be glad to.=Yes, I should I like to)是的,我愿意。/With pleasure.十分愿意。
表示不同意请求的应答:I'd like (love)to, but I'm busy,我很想,但我很忙。/I'm sorry, but I'm busy.对不起,我很忙。/I'm afraid not恐怕不能。/I'd really like to, but I have no time.我的确很愿意,可我没时间。
4、用please 来表达。
表示同意请求的应答:OK,(=All right.)好的。/of course.(=Sure.=Certainly.)当然可以。/With pleasure.十分愿意。
表示不同意请求的应答:I'm sorry, but I'm busy,对不起,我很忙,/I'm afraid not 恐怕不行。
九、道歉和应答(Apologize and responses)
Excuse me&  请原谅我....../ Pardon me& 请原谅我......./ I'm really sorry& / 我真为.......感到抱歉。I'm awfully sorry. I don't mean& 我非常抱歉,我无意....../ I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. 我十分抱歉,都是我的过错。/ I'm terribly sorry& 我对......非常抱歉。/ It was wrong of me to& 做......是我的过错。/ I really feel bad& 我真对........感到难过 。/ I regret& 我后悔......./ I do apologize&我对.......表示道歉。 / I hope you'll pardon me&希望你能原谅我....... / I must make an apology&我必须对.....表示道歉 。/ Please forgive me&请原谅我.......
It really isn't worth mentioning.实在不值得一提。Don't say more about it.不要再提它了。Never mind, it  doesn't really matter.没关系,真的不要紧。Please don't worry about it.请别为这事担心。It's nothing serious.没有什么关系。Please think nothing of it.请别想它了。Well,it's one of those things.哦,这是常有的事。That's all right.没关系。Please don't blame yourself.请别责备自己。Forget thinking of it.别在想它了
十、邀请与应答(Invitation and responses)
Will / would / can / could you come&? 是被邀请人接受的可能性较大。表示“请您来...好吗?”。例如:
Will you come to take part in my party?  你来参加我的聚会好吗?
Would you like    +名词(代词) / 不定式 / sb.+不定式?
  此句型表示“您愿意...?或你是否愿意...?”,此时邀请人不知对方是否接受邀请,是商量、询问及试探性的邀请、请求或表示个人的想法、看法。  例如:
Would you like to go there with him?  你愿意与他一道去那儿吗?
B:Yes, I'd like(love) to好的,我愿意。(类似肯定表达法:Yes, I'd be happy to.好的,我很乐意。Yes,
it's very kind / nice of you to invite me.  好的,谢谢您邀请我。Yes,it's very kind of you.  真是太好了,谢谢。)
I like sb. to do sth./ I'd like you to come&这是向某人发出邀请的常见句式。表示“希望(想叫)某人做某事”,常与would连用,是一种客气的邀请。  例如:
A :I'd like to invite you to see a film with me.我想请你和我一起去看电影。
B: I'd like(love) to, but I'm very busy.我很想,但我很忙。(类似委婉拒绝表达法:I'd love&I'm afraid我想去,恐怕...,Thank you for inviting me.)
It's very kind of you to invite me, but I'm busy.谢谢你邀请我,但我很忙。) 
十一、提供帮助和应答(Offers and responses)
Can/ could/ Shall I help you (with that)? 我可以帮你吗? / Can/ Could/ Shall I&for you?  我可以帮你干...吗? / What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么? / Would you like some/any help?  你要不要什么帮助? /Would you like me to do sth. for you ?  你要不要什么帮助? / Would you like me to do sth. for you ?  你要不要我为你干... ? / Do you want me& ?      你要我干...吗? / Is there anything (else) I can do (for you)? 还有什么(别的事)我可以为你效劳吗? / Let me&for you.   让我来帮你干...吧。
Thank you./ Thanks a lot/ Thank you very much. 谢谢。/ Yes, please./ Thanks, please.   好的,谢谢。/ Thank you for your help.  谢谢你的帮助。
Thanks. That's very kind /good / nice (of you). 谢谢,那太好了。
如果谢绝帮助,可以说: No, thanks. I can manage it myself.谢谢,我自己可以对付。/ No, thank you, but I can do it myself. 谢谢,我能行。/ No, I can do it, but thank you all the same.我可以干,谢谢。/ That's all right. thank you.  没什么,谢谢。 
What can I do for you"     你看什么病? / What's wrong/the matter/ the trouble with you? 你有什么不舒服。/ Is there anything wrong with you?    有什么看病吗?
I feel terrible/ bad/ ill sick.    我感到很不舒服。/ I don't feel well. /I'm not feeling well.我感到不舒服。/ I'm not in good health.     我身体不好。/ There is something wrong&  我的...有毛病。
I have / have&       我觉得...痛。/ My back / nose hurts / aches.  我的背/鼻子痛。
(Lie down and )let me exam you.    (躺下),让我检查一下。/ Does it hurt here?    这儿痛吗?
It's nothing serious.   病不重。不要紧。/ You'd better have a good rest.  你最好好好休息休息。
Take this medicine three times a day.    这药每天吃三次。/ Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.    多喝水,好好休息。/ You have a high temperature.   你发烧了,/ 你体温高。/ You'd better go to bed don't get up until you feel Better.    你最好躺在床上,感到好一点再起床。/ Take 2 pills now and 2 more in 4 hours' time.    现在吃2片药,隔4小时再吃2片。/ I advise you(not)&    我劝你(别)... / I suggest&           我建议你... / You'll be well/ all right soon.   不久你会好的。
十三 、谈论天气情况
1、It is raining /blowing /snowing ,(isn't it ?)下雨了/刮风了/下雪了,(对吗?)
It is +adj ./n.(today ).    今天的天气...这类句子都是用来发表对天气的看法的。"It is +ady /n (today )"中间可用表述天气情况的形容词或名词,应答时可说:Yes ,it is .
2、What's the weather like today ?    今天天气怎样? /  What's the weather going to be like ...? 天气将怎样?
  这两个句型都是用来询问天气情况的。前者询问当天的天气后者询问未来的天气,在like 后加表示未来的时间状语(如tomorrow .the day after tomorrow )应答时可说:It's fine /warm /cold /hot ...或It's going to be fine /warm/cold /hot ...
  "What's the weather like ...?"也可以用"How is the&?"表达,其意思想同。 
十四 、问路及应答的交际用语
Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ...? 劳驾,请告诉我去.....(地方)怎么走? / Excuse me. Han can I get&?        劳驾,问怎样去.....(地方)? / Excuse me, please, where&?      劳驾,请问去...的路怎么去?
问路时,首先说“Excuse me.”意思是“请原谅”、“请问”、“劳驾”,表示因为打扰而道歉,然后再问路,应答时可根据实际情况回答。常用的有以下几种表达:
How far is it from here?      它离这里多远? / It's&rs from here.    它离这里大约...米远。/ It's&ards/meters down this street./ Go straight ahead till you&沿着这条街走约...米就到了。/ Go straight ahead till you&    照直走到...(地方)为止 。/ Go down/along this street.    沿着这条街走下去。/ Take this street/road.        走这条街/大路。/ Go through the gate and you'll find the entrance&穿过大门,你就会看到...的几口处。/ Go down/along this street till you get to ...沿着这条街走到...(地方)为止。/ Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.在第一/二个十字路口向右/左转。/ You'd better take a taxi/minibus/No. 5&你最好坐出租车/乘小公共汽车 / 乘5路公共汽车。 
十五 、就餐时的交际用语
Would you like sth.(to eat / to drink)?你想吃 / 喝点...吗? / What would you like (to have)?  你想要吃点什么? / Would you like some&?    你还要点...吗? / How about (some more) ...?      (再)来点...怎么样?
Help yourself&?  你吃/喝点...吧。/ Let me give&?  让我来人你...吧。/ Make yourself at home.      请随便吃,不要客气。
Yes, please,好的。I'd&我想来点...。Well, just a little, please.    好的,请来一点儿。
4、当客人表示不想吃/喝东西或表示已经吃饱/喝好了时,常回答:No, thanks,  谢谢,不要了。Thank you , I've had enough.  谢谢,我已经够了。I'm full, thank you.  谢谢,我吃饱了。
I'm afraid I must be off/be going/be leaving now.恐怕我得走了。/ I think I must be off/ be going/ be leaving now.我看我得走了。/ Well, It's getting late.噢,天已晚了。/ I've got to go now.现在我必须得走了。/ Maybe we could get together sometime.也许我们什么时候还能再聚一聚。
Thank you for coming.多谢你的光临。/ Yes, I've enjoy it.对,我很开心。/ My pleasure, too.这也是我的荣幸。/ Could you stay a little longer? 你能再呆一会儿吗?/ In that case, I won't keep you.那么我就不留你了。
Good-bye! / Be seeing you soon. Bye! / Bye! / Bye for now. / See you. / See you later. Bye-bye! 再见!Good night.晚安!Have a pleasant journey!/ Wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快!Don't forget to give me a ring.不要忘记给我来电话。Remember to give me a ring.记住给我来电话。
Good-bye!再见!/ Good night!晚安!You too. / Same to you.你也一样。So long. Take care.再见!保重。
十七、赞美和恭维及应答(Making Compliments and Responses)
It's beautiful. 真漂亮!/ That's marvellous! 真了不起!/ It's a lovely picture! 多好看的照片!/ I'm glad you& 我很高兴你做了....../ I'm pleased you& 我很兴奋你做了....../ How clever of you! 你好聪明哦!/ I like the way you& 我喜欢你做......的方式/ I admire the way you& 我敬佩你做......的方式/ I've never seen such& 我还没有见到过如此的......./ What a nice coat you have! 你的外衣很漂亮哦!/ You look very smart today! 你今天看上去好神气哦! / What a wonderful house! 你的房子好漂亮哦!/ It matches your suit perfectly. 这和你的衣服很相配。/ You've certainly given us a very good lecture. 你的确给我们做了一场精彩的讲演。/ You have a beautiful smile.你的笑真美。 / You have a good sense of humour.你挺有幽默感的。/ Your wife is beautiful. 你的妻子真漂亮。/ You gave an excellent speech.你的演讲真精彩。 / Your car is nice.你的车真漂亮。 / This is a lovely dinner./The dinner is great.这顿饭真不错。 / That's a very nice suit you've got on.你穿的衣服很漂亮。 / That was a marvellous speech. 那是一场了不起的演讲。/ You look wonderful this evening! 你今晚看上去很不错! / What a nice living room so comfortable! 我很喜欢你的家具,你在哪儿买的? / I appreciate your new car.我非常欣赏你的新车。(对朋友的精彩表演、杰出成绩,你若亲临现场,可直接为他大声喝彩)
Well done, Johnson! 干得好,约翰逊!/ I'm so happy for you! 真为你感到高兴!/ It's very well deserved! 就该这样!/ You must be terribly pleased!你一定非常高兴吧!/ Aren't you very excited, Tom?汤姆,你一定很激动吧!
Oh, I'm glad you like it. 哦,你喜欢,我真高兴。/ I'm glad you think so. / I'm delighted you think so. 你能这样认为我真高兴。/ Oh, thank you.哦,谢谢! /How kind of you to say that. 你能那样说真好。/ I'm glad to hear that.听到这我真高兴。 / Thanks for saying so.谢谢你这样说。
十八 、约会的交际用语
Will you be free (tonight/ tomorrow/...)?    你(今晚/明天 ...)有空吗?
肯定回答:Yes, I'll be free (tonight /&).  我(今晚/明天...)有空。
否定回答:No,I won't be free(tonight/&).不,(今晚/明天...)没有空。
I'm afraid not. (I'm afraid I'm not free ).    恐怕没有空。
What time shall we meet? 我们什么时候会面呢? /Where is the best place to meet? 我们最好在什么地方会面呢? / How about 5&/ tonight/&?下午五点(今晚/明天......)怎么样? / What about (meeting) at the gate/ outside the&? 在大门口/在车站外边碰头怎么样? /Shall we meet at 7:30& at the gate ?  我们下午七点半大门口碰头好吗? / I'll meet you at the theatre at 7:30&      我会在七点半在剧场见你。/ I suggest 7 o'clock.  我建议七点钟(碰头)。
1、What's wrong/the matter(with)...?表示的意思是“你怎么啦?”、“你有什么不舒服?”、“出了什么毛病?”,用来询问对方的疾病、痛苦、忧伤、事故等情况,。句中的wrong作“失常的”、“状况不佳的”,matter作“麻烦事”、“毛病”、“故障,指病痛或事故的原因。”
What's wrong&和What's the matter&?两个句子意思相同,可以互换。
2、Is there anything the matter?意思是“出了什么事吗?”、“有什么毛病吗”这个句子还可以简化为:anything the matter?
3、We are anxious/worried&“be anxious/worried about”意思是“为(某人/某事)担心”,可用于各种时态,其中的be可用get代替(即"get anxious /worried about")
4、There is no need to be worried.没有必要担心。/ There is nothing to worry about.没有什么可以担心的。
I. 表示喜好
1、用I like /love sth./sb. 来表达。(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”)2、用I like/love to do sth./doing sth.来表达(表示“我为喜欢做某事”的意思)
注意:1)在 like后加上表示程度的词如:very much ,a lot, little,等
3、用I enjoy sth./  doing sth.来表达。(表示“我喜欢/欣赏某事”的意思)
II. 表示厌 恶
1、用I don't like (to).......来表达。(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”的意思)
2、用I hate (to).......来表达(表示“我不喜欢某人/某事”的意思)
3、用.I  don't enjoy sth./doing sth来表达。  (表示“我不喜欢某人/欣赏某事”的意思) 
III. 表示偏爱
1、用I prefer A to B.来表达。( 表示“ 我喜欢A甚过喜欢B”的意思)2、用would rather&来表达(表示“宁愿做........”的意思 )
Certainly./ Sure./ Of course.当然可以。/  No problem. 没有问题。Yes ,I think so.  是的,我也这样认为。/ I agree with sb.  我同意某人的看法。/ I agree with sb. 我同意某事。I agree& 我同意.../ Good idea ! / That's a good idea.    好主意。/ It's a good idea to do sth. 干某事是人好主意。/Yes ,please.是的,请吧。/ You are right . 你是对的。/ That's true./Ok./All right. 好的。/ That's just what I think. 我也是那么想的。/ That's my opinion, too.我也是那么想的。 /There's no doubt about it.那毫无疑问。
No,I don't think so. 不,我不这样认为。/ I don't agree with sb. 我不同意某人的看法。/ I don't agree to sth. 我不同意某事。/ I don't agree that . 我不同意.... / I'm afraid not. /I'm afraid&    恐怕(不)...
Sure./of course./Certainly.  肯定/当然/一定。/ I'm sure     我确信... / I'm sure&    我确信.../ That's sure.             是真的。
2、表示否定    No.  不是。    / I'm not sure       对...我没有把握。/ I'm not sure     我没有把握...
二十三、语言困难( Language Difficulties  )
1、当不知某个词的发音时,用How do you&? 这个词你怎么读?
2、当不知某个词的汉语意思时,用What's the Chinese meaning of the&?...词的汉语意思是什么?类似的表过还有:What do you mean&in Chinese?/What's the Chinese&?/ What does ...mean in Chinese?
3、当不知某个词的拼写时,用Could/can you spell the word?你能拼一下这个词吗?
用I'm sorry, I didn't quite follow(catch)you.对不起,请再说一遍时,可用下列句型表达:I'm afraid I didn't follow (catch)起,我没有听懂(清)。
5、当没听懂(清)对方所说的话或请求对方再重复you./Would you mind I repeating that? /pardon ?Beg your pardon?/ I beg your pardon? / Could you say that again ?/Would you please say that again?/Would you please say that more slowly?
用:Is that clear? /Have I made myself clear?  /Do you see what I mean ?/ Do you understand?
7、当不知如何表达某一意思时,用:I'm sorry, I know only a little English. I don't know how to say it in English(I don't know the exact word in English),but it is some thing&对不起,我仅懂一点点英语。我不知如何用英语表达这个词(我不知道英语中能表达该意思的准确的词),但它有点象...。
8、当表示在语言某方面上有无困难时,可用 I have some(no, much, little, a little,some) difficulty (trouble)in pronouncing(spelling,......) .......意为“在做某事方面有一些(没有、很多、很少、有一点困难)。”或用have some (no,little,a little,much ,any)difficulty(trouble) with sth.
9、订正或澄清错误时,用:I'm sorry, I have made a mistake.  对不起,我犯了个错误。I'm sorry, I should have&对不起,我本该说...。That's not what I meant.   我不是那个意思。What I mean is ...  我的意思是...。I'll try to explain that again,我将尽力再解释一下。
1、Look out! /Be careful! / Take care!
    这三个句子都作“当心、小心”解,look out语气最强,往往用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现危险的场合,其后接for短语。take care语气没有那样强,多用于对可能出现的不测作出预先的提醒或警告,其后可接不定式短语或that从句,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时。be careful可代替look out和take care,其后也可接不定式以及about, with等介词短语。
Don't do&or......    不要干某事,否则....             If&   如果你...,你就会...
3、以否定祈使句或"No+-ing"  表示禁止和警告。 
Don't smoke! 不准抽烟!/ Don't be late!  不要迟到! / Don't take pictures here! 不要在此拍照! / No smoking!  不准抽烟!   / No parking!  不准停车! / No spitting! 不要随地吐痰!
4、用can't / mustn't   表示禁止和警告。 
What's your nationality?    Are you&?  你是哪国人?   / 你是美国人吗? / Are you from American /& ?  你是美国人/英国人...吗?/ Where are you from ? 你是哪里人? / What country are you from ?      你是哪个国家的? / What are you?  你是干什么的? / Who are you?   你是谁?  /   What's your name?       你叫什么名字?
二十六、谈论爱好Talking about Hobbies.
What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么? / What do you often do in your free/ spare time? 你在业余时间经常做什么? / What are your favorite sports? 你最喜爱的运动是什么? / Do you like+drawing/ playing&? 你喜欢绘画/下棋....? / What are you interested in after work?下班后你对什么有兴趣?
My hobby&我的爱好是...... / I enjoy+watching Tv/ listening to&我喜欢看电视 / 听音乐....../ I like /love + collecting stamps /我喜欢集邮 / 钓鱼....../ I&very interesting.我觉得.......很有趣。
二十七 、表示遗憾、同情的交际用语
1、be afraid&恐怕......
2、It's a pity(that).....    真是很遗憾..... 这是表示遗憾的交际用语,后面跟的that从句就是所指的遗憾的事情。在口语中that常可省略。
3、What a pity/shame!  真是遗憾!(真可惜!)用的是省略的感叹句。(语气较随便)
表示同情时常用I'm sorry to&或I'm so sorry.来表达,hear后可接that也可接that从句,表示“听说......我很难过”,注意I'm so sorry.在意思上不同于道歉。
I. 询问对方的意愿
1、What do you want/plan/intend/hope to&? /    你想要/计划/打算/希望干什么?
应答时用:I want / plan / intend / hope to&    我想要/计划/打算/希望干什么。
注意:在动词want / plan / intend /&之后要接不定式(而不接动名词形式)作宾语。
2、What's your plan for ...?(What are your plans&?)你有...有什么计划?
应签时可用I plan / intend / hope + to do ...或视其具体情况作答。
3、What do you feel like doing?  你想做什么呢?    在答语“I feel like&”之后还可跟名词。
4、What would you like to do sth?你想做什么呢?      答语“I'd like to(do sth.)”是"I would like"的省略,后跟动词原形。
II. 表示希望用的句型:
I want / wish / hope&  我希望做什么 / I hope + that - clause. 我希望... / I wish + that - clause.   但愿...
注意:上述句型中,在I hope / wish 之后跟由that引导的宾语从句。在口语中,that常可省略。在I wish后的宾语从句中用陈述语气;在that后的宾语从句中用虚拟语气。
二十九、 表示判断和意见
What do you think&?/ How do you&?/How did you&?你认为......怎么样?
What's you opinion&?你对........的看法是什么?Tell us what you think about  /&谈谈你对的.......看法?We'd like to have your views/ opinions&我们想听听你对......的看法?
Well done/ Good work!很好!干得不错!Not bad.不错!It certainly is.的确如此。It's correct to do(sth)......是对的。It seems (to me) that-clause.(在我看来)好象.......In my opinion,...../ As I see it, ...依我看,......So far as I know, ... / From what I know/&就我所知,......I would&我认为......I think / believe /&很可能......I'm&我确信......I don't&我认为....不...It doesn't seem possible that-clause,.........好象不可能。
1、What's your opinion?   你的看法呢?   
 In my opinion ...        据我看,...
2、Do you think it&?   你可认为...吗? 
Yes,I think so./  No,I don't think so.是的,我也这样认为。不,我不这样认为。
/ Yes,I agree with you.  是的,我同意你的看法。
/ No,I don't agree with you.    不,我不同意你的看法。
3、What do you think about it?    你对这事是怎么看的。 
 I think / I&  你认为....。
4、Would you like+名词或不定式?
此句型用来询问别人的愿望的,其简略答语是I'd like to或I'd love to我愿意
