3.3.1 The Longyuwan National Forest Park
Ladies and gentlemen:
Welcome to the Longyuwan Forest Park! Please allow me to give a brief introduction before our journey. The Longyuwan National Forest Park is located in the south of Miaozi Township, Luanchuan Country, Luoyang City, covering an area of more than 66,000mu. On its east lies the White Cloud Scenic Mountain Zone, and on its south, Huangshi’an Tree Farm. The Cockscomb Peak, the main peak of the Funiu Mountain, Is 2,212.5 meters above the sea level; while the Back loneliness Mountain, only 11 meters in altitude, is equally enchanting . The Longyuwan National Forest Park has very rich vegetation, among which more than 1,200 species have been found. Many waterfalls, wilderness , and dense forest have made it a fine habitat for many wild animals such as badger , wild boar , river deer . The Longyuwan Forest Park has four distinctive features summarized by the tourists who have been here : perilous peaks , grotesque pines , graceful water , and secluded forest . Five scenic areas have been s
et up here : White Horse Pool Scenic Spot , Immortal Valley Spot , Deciduous Pine Scenic Spot , Cockscomb Peak Scenic Spot , and Green Curtain Mountain Scenic Spot . And whit years of transportation construction , people can have easy access to the park .
long spring是什么意思This is the Administration Department of the Longyuwan Forest Park , also the junction to Longyuwan , Baishuizhuang and Miaozi , etc .
Having passed South Dayin , we now come to the Front Loneliness Peak . It is not lonely at all , because it is composed of three rocks . The left one is called Fishing Platform , whit deep jade – like pool below and smooth platform surface . The one opposite to the Fishing Platform is called Heavenly Script Rock , because the cracks on it look like script that no one can read . Over ten giant salamanders live in the pool below .
The Back Loneliness Peak has a site of interest called Luanniao Overlooking Fish Luanniao is a mythical bird like the phonic . A big rock lies across the river , looks ve
ry much like that mythical bird overlooking the fish in the river . And the peaks all around have their names : the one which looks like a penguin with on is called Penguin Peak , that one , Chiyanbi Peak , and that one , Gouhuling Peak .
This is the Leidayezhai Peak ( Uncle Lei Stockade ) , lofty and magnificent . It is said that when Lao Jun was wandering in heaven on his black ox , all of a sudden , a peak arose from the sea of clods  ,  lofty and unworldly , with pines hanging downward .  It occurred to him that he should preach there , so he jumped off the cloud and sat on the peak , but immediately , the peak cracked , so he got back on his black ox and went away . Although this is a legend without any proof , the mountain really has a rift on one side of the peak . In the War of Liberation , a gang of bandits hid in the rift to resist the Liberation Army , believing that no one dare challenge the perilous mountain at night . But to their amazement the PLA soldiers did it , and perished them all . Now you can still see the remains of dirt walls and the well left form a fire .
Now we’ve got to the Immortal Valley Scenic Spot . It is said that Yuanshi Tianzun ( t
he Original God ) once practiced Taoism  in Bucha Peak which was barren and unruly , and he couldn’t reach the stage of an immortal . One day when he took a nap in the Yanmo Cave , he dreamed of beautiful mountains and waters in the southeast , then he woke up and figured that it was longyuwan . So he flew by crossing the sky on the cloud and along with the wind , practiced his belief here for 810 years and finally became a god . So he was respected by god as the Original God and later went to the Weast Paradise . This is where the name “Immortal  Valley “ comes from .
This is the Immortal Bridge , and you can see the Immortal Cliff on that side , and there waterfalls rising one above another along the river . This stone in the river is Foot Washing Stone , and it is said that the Original God washed his feet there .
Longyuwan is the treasure house of botanic species of the Grntal Plain . There are some valuable tree species which have been extinct in other areas . This one is a lianxiang tree , which is the sole breed of lianxiang family , lianxiang category , and li
anxiang species , and its wood makes fine sculptures . This is longxu tree and all of these trees are rare in cities and on plains .
This square rock standing  erect is the Screen Rock . This waterfall is small but its splashing is like flowers , so it is called Flowers Scattering Waterfall ; the pool at its foot is the Dark Green Pool ; the mountain above dotted with ancient pine trees is the Songcui Peak .
Here are some trees I think I have to introduce to you . This one is a wubeizi tree ,  and  its fruit is a very precious Chinese herbal medicine . This is a warm tree , Put your hands on and you can feel its warmth , especially in cold winter . So many guests wouldn’t  lose the chance of warming their hands when they come here in winter .
