Colourful  spring
(    )1. Sunday 的意思是: A.  星期六      B. 星期日
(    )2. 谁要去公园玩?  A. Tim and Claire  B. Tim , Claire and Dave
(    )3. They can see a _____ and a ______.  A. butterfly , bee    B. bee, bird
(    )4. 小朋友们是到哪里玩的?  A. school      B. park
(    )5. 是谁发出的嗡嗡声?  A. butterfly        B. bee
(    )6. 孩子们在公园里没有看见什么?  A.  pig    B. goldfish
(    )7. 孩子们是在哪里看见的goldfish? A. a foundtain    B. a fish pond
(    )8. 哪种小动物会游泳? A. bee    B. goldfish
(    )9. 孩子们的英文是: A. childs  B.children
(    )10.下面属于flower的是: A. lilies    B.  butterfly
1.文中有两个孩子去公园里玩。 (  )      2. butterfly意思是蝴蝶。(  )
3. purple是粉红。      (  )          4. Sunflowers are yellow. (  )
5. Sunday 是星期六。 (  )                6. Grass is green. (  )
7. Im flying like a bee. 意思是我喜欢蜜蜂。(  )  8. Dont touch me! 意思是别追我。(  )
9. see 的近义词是look。  (  )              10. This is fun. 意思是真好玩。(  )
1.  blue            2.purple            5.yellow
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A day at the beach
(  ) 1. Lots of people are at           
    A. at the beach    B. in the house    C. in the classroom
(  ) 2. Candy has a big hat. It has         on it.
    A. some flowers    B. a pretty ribbon    C. a yellow J
(  ) 3. Uncle Paul is splashing Jimmy with      !
A. water          B. mud          C. milk
(  ) 4. Candys hats      . She likes her hat.
A. small          B. big          C. little
(  ) 5.Jimmy s cap has             on it.
    A. some flowers    B. a pretty ribbon    C. a yellow J
(  ) 6. There are            on the beach
A. stones          B. shells and crabs    C. stones, shells and crabs
(  ) 7. Candy and Jimmy are          .
A. hot            B. tired          C. hot, tired and happy.
(  ) 8. Jimmys cap is      .
A. pink          B. old            C. new
(  ) 9.The stone is grey. Its       .
A. dry            B. heavy          C. nice
(  ) 10.Jimmy and Candy are at the beach. They have         to play with.
A. water          B. sand          C. lots of things
1.Jimmy and Candy are at the beach.        (  )
2.They can make lots of shapes with the sand. (  )
3.They don’t have lots of things to play with.  (  )
4.‘J’is the first letter of Jimmy.    (  )
5.Jimmy can catch the ball in the water.   (  )
6.Candy can make a long fish.    (  )
long spring是什么意思7.The ice creams are yummy.    (  )
8.Its not fun playing at the beach.  (  )
9.They can read and play at the beach.  (  )
10.Candy and Jimmy are looking for things on the beach.  (  )
splashing            reading          playing          looking
(二)                            (五)
1.Its big.                              1.Candy has              a new cap
2.Its new. Its cool.                      2.Jimmy has            a big hat
3.Its grey. Its heavy.                    3.They eat              shapes
4.Its pretty.                            4.They make            at the beach
5.Its yummy.                          5.They are              ice creams
(三)                            (四)
1.crab                  船        1. shell              new
2.stone                  螃蟹      2. cap              heavy                  贝壳        3.hat                pretty
4.boat                  形状 cream          big
5.shape                石头        5.stone              yummy
My  baby  brother
(  )1,Where is Hoppy? 
A,She is at home.  B, She is at school.  C,She is in the hospital.
(  )2,Hoppy has a       .tail. 
A,long      B,small      C,short
(  )3, Hoppy has a       nose.  A,long        B,small        C,big
(  )4, Hoppy has a       neck.  A,long      B,nice        C,short
(  )5,The baby      has a long tail. 
A,elephant          B,monkey          C,rabbit
(  )6,The baby      has a long nose.  A,elephant    B,giraffe        C,rabbit
(  )7 ,The baby      has a long neck  A,giraffe        B,monkey    C,rabbit
(  )8,Hoppys brother has      ears and       eyes.
