1.—What ______ do you like? (    )     
—I like PE and English.
A.day    B.how many    C.subjects
2.Sam and Bobby don’t have ________ lessons ________ Sunday. (    )
A.any; on    B.some; in    C.some; on
3.The girl _______ a red dress is my good friend. (    )
A.in    B.with    C.on
4.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
5.—Hello. May I speak to Betty? (    )
A.Yes, I’m Betty.    B.Yes, this is Betty speaking.    C.No, I’m Lily.
6.Winter is very ________. We can ________. (    )
A.cool; go skating    B.hot; fly kites    C.cold; go skating
7.—_______ you like a banana pie? (   )
—No, thanks.
A.Do    B.Can    C.Would
8.—_______ that man? (   )
—_______ my English teacher.
A.What's; He's    B.Who; His    C.Who's; He's
9.—_________ lessons do you have in a week? (    ) 
—We have thirty.
A.What    B.How many    C.How much
10.Ouch! I can't run now. My foot _________. (    )
A.big    B.small    C.hurts
11.—_________ shoes are they? (   )   
—_________ Helen's.
A.Who's; It's    B.Whose; It's    C.Whose; They're
12.—Sorry, we can’t go with you. (   )
A.Wonderful!    B.What a pity!    C.Great.
13.I have an ______________ lesson every week. (   )
A.swimming    B.dancing    C.English
14.In summer I want ______ ice creams. (    )
A.to eat    B.eating    C.eats
15.The shorts ______ too big. Try ______. (    )
A.is; this    B.are; this    C.are; these
16.Ouch! My hands ________ (hurt).
17._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.
18.Look, my gloves _____ (be) so big.
19.It's cold in winter. We can go __________ (ski).
20.This is Su Hai _____ (speak). May I _____ (speak) to Nancy?
21.—Whose _______ (dress) are they?
—They’re ______. (Nancy)
22.I’m _______ (sorry) to hearthis is spring是什么意思 the bad news (消息).
23.I don’t have ______ (some) stickers.
24.—Whose ______ (毛衣) are these?  —They’re Tim’s.
25.I can’t see ________ (some) birds in the tree.
26.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
27.Mary can _____ (have) lunch at school every day.
28.It's hot and ________ (sun) in Kunming.
29.I see five ________ (horse).
30.The red hat is ________ (my).
31._______ is my storybook?  It's on the desk.
32._______ is the girl?  She's my sister.
33._______ do you go to school?  At seven forty.
34.I’m sorry to hear that. T_____ c_____, Yang Ling.
35.I ________ ________ (看电视) at nine.
36.—_______ jackets are _______? 
—They are _______ (Mike).
37.We have twelve _______ (课程) this term.
38.English and Science aren’t difficult s_______. They’re e_______ for me.
39.—I’m t_________.
—Have some water, please.
40.—______ do you like, Alice?
—I like Maths and Music.
A: Hello, this is Su Hai speaking.
B: Hi, Su Hai. This is Nancy. How are you?
A: Not so good.
B: What's the matter?
A: I have a fever and a cough.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Where are you, Su Hai?
A: I'm at home.
B: Can I come to see you this evening?
A: OK. See you.
B: See you.
41、__________ is calling Su Hai. (    )
A.Nancy    B.Yang Ling    C.Miss Li
42、Su Hai is _______________. (    )
A.fine    B.not so good    C.happy
43、Su Hai has _____________. (    )
A.a fever    B.a cough    C.both A and B
44、Nancy will (将要) come to see Su Hai _________________. (    )
A.after school    B.in the evening    C.in the morning
45、Su Hai is ______________________. (    )
A.in the school    B.in the hospital    C.at home
There are four seasons in a year. Spring starts first. Summer is the second. Then it's autumn. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same(相同的) in winter. In Harbin, it's windy and cold. It often snows. People can play in the snow. But in Sanya, it's not cold. It's very warm. The sky is blue. The leaves are green. People there can go swimming in the sea.
46、______ comes after summer. (    )
A.Spring    B.Autumn    C.Winter    D.We don't know.
47、How's the weather in winter in Harbin? (    )
A.It's not cold.    B.It's very cold.    C.It's very warm.    D.We don't know.
48、Can people see snow in winter in Sanya? (    )
A.Yes, they do.    B.Yes, they can.    C.No, they can't.    D.We don't know.
49、We can not ________ in winter in Sanya. (    )
A.go swimming    B.eat ice cream    C.have a picnic    D.make a snowman
50、Are there four seasons in a year? (    )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn't.    C.Yes, there are.    D.No, there aren't.
Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. Before it, people usually clean their houses, and buy some new clothes and food. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, people cook nice food and the whole family have a big dinner together. On the first day of Chinese New Year, there is no sweeping(打扫) because people think it will sweep their good luck(好运). And people often go to visit their friends and relatives(亲戚). They say “Happy New Year” and some other greetings to each other. Children can get some red packets from their parents and relatives. People usually have a great time.
