1.—Let’s draw some pictures here. (    )     
A.Good idea    B.Well done    C.What a pity
2.—My jeans _______ too long. (    )
—Try _______, please.
A.are; this    B.are; these    C.is; these
3.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
4.This shirt ________ too long and these socks ________ too big. (    )
A.is; are    B.are; is    C.is; is
5.—_______ do you do your homework every day? (    )
—_______ five o'clock.
A.Where; At    B.When; At    C.When; It’s
6.—________ do you get up every day? (    )
—I get up ________ six o'clock.
A.What’s; at    B.When; at    C.What; on
7.My cousin has a _______ lesson today. She can _______ very well. (    )
A.swimming; swim
B.swimming; swimming
C.swim; swimming
8.—_______ do you have breakfast every day? (   )
—I have breakfast _______ 7:30.
A.Where; on    B.When; at    C.What; in
9.—Look at the gloves. They're so big. _________ gloves are they? (    )
—They're my uncle's.
A.Whose    B.What    C.Who
10.—I have a fever. (   )
A.Thank you.    B.Great!    C.I’m sorry to hear that.
11.In summer I want ______ ice creams. (    )
A.to eat    B.eating    C.eats
12.—What ______ big fish it is! (    )
—Yes. I like ______ fish.
A./; /    B.a; the    C.a; /
13.—What can you see over there? (   )
—I can see a tree and ______ flowers.
A.a    B.some    C.any
14.Let’s ______ some pictures here. (   )
A.draw    B.to draw    C.drawing
15.The shorts ______ too big. Try ______. (    )
A.is; this    B.are; this    C.are; these
16.It’s nine o'clock. It’s time ________ (go) to bed.
17.The jeans _______ (be) my _______ (brother), _______ (Mike).
18.Can you go _______ (fish) in winter?
19.That is _________ (we) new timetable.
20.My shorts _______ (be) too long.
21.It’s seven _____ (clock). Let _____ (we) go to school.
22.—Whose _______ (dress) are they?
—They’re ______. (Nancy)
23.I _______ (have) a PE lesson and he _______ (have) a PE lesson too.
24.How many ________ (book) do we have?
25.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday.
26.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
27.—Are you thirsty, Joe?
—Here _____ (be) some water for you.
28.It's hot and ________ (sun) in Kunming.
29.How many ______ (sheep) do you have?
30.It’s cool and ______ (rain).
31.She often runs _______ cold evenings.
32.—_______ is this in English? 
—It's a car.
33.I ______ (通常) draw some ______ (花) in the park.
34.______ (春天) is warm and we can go ______ (划船).
35.I’m t____. I want some water.
36.I can see some birds over there. Can you see t_________?
37.In _____ (春天), we fly kites in the park.
38.______________ (什么课) do we have this morning?
this is spring是什么意思39.A: ________ the matter?
B: I have a fever.
A: I’m sorry to ________ that.
40.A: What can you do in spring?
B: I can __________ the __________.
Spring in Nanjing is very short. It is warm and sunny. People (人们) like to go to the parks on sunny days. It is very hot in summer in Nanjing. People do not like to play balls in the afternoon. They like to go swimming in summer. In autumn, it is cool and sunny. Many people like to come to Nanjing in autumn. In winter, it is cold in Nanjing. Boys and girls like to make snowmen and go skating. They have great fun in winter.
41、Spring in Nanjing is very ________. (    )
A.short    B.warm    C.A and B
42、People like to ________ in summer. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
43、People like to go to Nanjing in ________. (    )
A.in spring    B.in autumn    C.in winter
44、Boys and girls like to _________ in winter. (    )
A.go to the parks    B.go swimming    C.go skating
45、Boys and girls have _________ in winter. (    )
A.great fun    B.sad    C.make showmen
John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isn’t a river near his house. He is not happy.
One day, he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isn’t,” his mother says. “But here, our new house has a garden.” “But it’s very small. I don’t like it,” John says.
One morning, his mother says, “There’s a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it. We’ll go there in the afternoon.” John is happy.
After lunch, John and his mother go to the park. There is a big pool in the park. The water is clean and there are lots of fish in it. John plays in the pool very happily and his mother watches him under a tree.
