1.Look at these trees. Can you draw ________? (    )
A.it    B.them    C.those
2.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
3.John _______ a football match _______ Sunday afternoon. (    )
A.have; on    B.has; in    C.has; on
4.This shirt ________ too long and these socks ________ too big. (    )
A.is; are    B.are; is    C.is; is
5.He can’t ________ them, his hands ________. (    )
A.draws; hurt    B.draw; hurts    C.draw; hurt
6.The sweater ________ nice and the jeans ________ too long. (    )
A.is; are    B.is; is    C.isn’t; is
7.—Look at my shirt. (    )
A.It’s nice.    B.Thank you.    C.They’re beautiful.
8.—Can you draw a tree? (    )
—Sure. It’s _______.
A.difficult    B.easy    C.nice
9.—_______ you like a banana pie? (   )
—No, thanks.
A.Do    B.Can    C.Would
10.—I am ________.  (   )
—Here’s a glass of water for you.
A.thirsty    B.hungry    C.tired
11.—______ do you get up in the morning? (   )
—I get up at seven.
A.What    B.When    C.Whose
12.—What can you see over there? (   )
—I can see a tree and ______ flowers.
A.a    B.some    C.any
13.Let’s ______ some pictures here. (   )
A.draw    B.to draw    C.drawing
14.—These ______ my new gloves. (    )
—______ nice!
A.are; What a    B.are; What    C.are; How
15.—It’s eleven thirty. (    )
—It’s time to ______.
A.have lunch    B.have breakfast    C.get up
16.The jeans _______ (be) my _______ (brother), _______ (Mike).
17.This is _______ (he) _______ (mother) car.
18.Let's _________ (make) a kite.
19.Here are some nice pictures. Oh, I can draw _______ (they).
20.I do _____ (I) homework after school.
21.This is Su Hai _____ (speak). May I _____ (speak) to Nancy?
22.—Whose _______ (box) are they?  —They’re _______ (Miss Li).
2re there _______ (some) flowers in the park?
24.My cousin _______ (have) many toy cars.
25.This is ________ (I) timetable.
26.Let’s go and _____ (make) a snowman.
27.Look at _____ (we) fruit salad.
28.Do you have ______ (a) art room?
29.It's cold outside. Look, it is ________ (snow).
30.—My shorts are too short.
—Try _______ (they).
31.I _______ cold. I _______ a cold.
32.—_______ scarf is this? 
—It's Yang Ling's.
33.I want to drink some ________ ________ (温水) .
3obby can't _______ et _______ p at five thirty.
35.What can you see _________ the _________ (在河面上)?
36.It’s cool ______ (在秋天)and we can see many yellow leaves.
37.I want ____________ (一些水).
38.I have Science on F______ afternoon.
39.My grandpa and Kitty usually _______ TV ________ night.
40.It’s twelve o'clock. It’s time for ______________.
Four seasons make a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring is a beautiful season. It's warm. People fly kites and go boating. Trees turn green and beautiful flowers come out. Everything looks new.
Summer is a happy season. It's hot, so people usually go swimming and eat ice creams.
Autumn is a colourful season. It's cool in autumn. Leaves on trees turn yellow and red. People can see a lot of fruits like red apples and yellow pears. The colours  are beautiful.
Winter is the last season. Usually, it's cold. It's snowy. People can play in the snow and go skating. But in Hainan, it's not very cold. It's warm. People there can go swimming in the sea.
41、In ________, everything looks new. (    )
A.winter    B.summer    C.spring
42、The word"colourful"in this passage(文章) means "________". (    )
A.寒冷的    B.收获的    C.五彩缤纷的
43、People can ________ in Hainan in winter. (    )
A.make snowmen    B.go swimming    C.go skating
44、Which of the sentences(句子) is right? (    )
A.There are many beautiful flowers in spring.
B.In summer, people usually make snowmen and go skating.
C.Winter is the third season.
45、The passage is about ________. (    )
A.flowers    B.clothes    C.seasons
五、阅读理解this is spring是什么意思
Dear friend,
Do you want a friend? Try me! I'm Baymax. As you know. I'm a robot. I'm big and white. I am a robot in the Nerd School. It's so much fun. And I have many interesting classes. My favourite class is science, because I can make experiments (做实验). I have breakfast, lunch and dinner at school. I like green beans best because they are healthy.
My best friend is Hiro. He helps me do lots of things, so I am helpful now. I can do kung fu and clean my house. I can swim, too. How about your school life? Tell me please!
