1.To be a good swimmer, I must have _____ lessons. (   )
A.swim    B.swimming    C.to swim    D.swims
2.Helen is a ___________ girl. She can dance ___________. (   )
A.beautiful; beautiful    B.beautiful; beautifully    C.beautifully; beautiful
3.You can use a pencil _____ pictures. (   )
A.to draw    B.draw    C.draws
4.—_____ you _____ a parrot show in the park yesterday? (   )
—Yes, that’s interesting.
A.Do; see    B.Did; look at    C.Did; watch
5.From then on, John and David ________ good friends. (    )
A.become    B.became    C.becomes
6.—_____ are these apples? (    )
—Twelve yuan.
A.How many    B.Which    C.How much
7.We’re going to _______ a party this Sunday. (     )
A.having    B.has    C.have
8.My father usually ______ books ______ Sunday morning. (   )
A.read; in    B.reading; on    C.reads; on
9.—What did you do last weekend? (   )
—I ______ at home.
A.stay    B.stays    C.stayed
10.He’d like _________Hong Kong. (   )
A.travelling    B.travels    C.to travel
11.—How tall is it? (    )
—It's ________.
A.6 metres    B.13 yuan    C.yellow
12.I’m 5 years _______ than you.(   )
A.old    B.older    C.oldest
13.—How _______ are you? (   )
—I’m 1.65 meters.
A.heavy    B.size    C.tall
14._________ are you? (    )
A.How long    B.How tall    C.How many
15.Look! There is a monkey ______ the two trees. (    )
A.behind    B.beside    C.between
16.We went to Hainan _______ the winter holiday. (    )
A.of    B.over    C.with
17.There is _______ apple on your desk. (    )
A.a    B.an    C.two
18.____ you ____ your homework yesterday? (  )
A.What; do    B.Did; do    C.Do; do
19.This is an English book.下列单词中画线字母组合的发音与book 画线字母组合的发音不同的是哪个?(    )
A.foot    B.food    C.good
20.当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:(   )
A.It doesn’t matter.
B.I’m sorry. I’m late.
C.That’s all right.
21.I am eight. Kitty is eleven. So Kitty is _______ (old) than me.
22.He fell off his bike and _______ (hurt) his leg last night.
23.Chen Jie is three years ________ (old) than Amy.
24.Tomorrow is our farewell party. We’ll ______ (have) lots of fun.
25.My sister often _______ (watch) TV after school.
26.There’s a green man, we can ________ (walk) now.
27.Our classroom is on the________ (one) floor.
28.It’s often _______ here in summer. Look! It _______ heavily. (rain)
29._______ (keep) safe, we must _______ (wait) on the pavement.
30.The weather there often changes ________ (quick).
31.My brother is __________ (更强壮的) and __________ (更重的) than me.
32.I want a mountain bike for my birthday ______ (礼物).
33.The sun is s________ and the wind is blowing.
34.People mustn’t _______ (浪费) water.
35.Yang Ling always b______ her teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
36.I will ________ (照相) in the nature park this Sunday.
37.My art teacher is _________ (更滑稽的) than my maths teacher.
38.My father teaches maths in a school. He is a _________________.
39.The child is m________ a paper plane for his brother.
40.I didn't p_______ ping-pong last night.
_41__ is a beautiful country. There are _42__ interesting places there. Many people visit it every year. You can go to _43__ the kangaroos, koalas and other interesting _44__.
To travel _45__ the country, you can find the Great Barrier Reef. It’s _46__ coral reef (珊瑚礁) in the world. The coral reef grows under the sea. It looks _47__ plants (植物) but it is made by (由……组成) animals. Coral is a living thing. The Great Barrier Reef is _48__ now.
Sydney is the most popular _49__ in Australia. You can _50__ Sydney Opera House there. Do you want to come?
41、A.the UK    B.the US    C.Australia    D.Canada
42、A.a lot    B.lot of    C.a lot of    D.much
43、A.look    B.see    C.have a look    D.watch
44、A.place    B.animal    C.animals    D.places
45、A.around    B.at    C.on    D.with
46、A.big    B.bigger    C.the biggest    D.biggest
this is spring是什么意思47、A.as    B.like    C.likes    D.love
48、A.growing    B.grow    C.grows    D.to grow
49、A.village    B.country    C.town    D.city
50、A.visits    B.to visit    C.visited    D.visit
How is the weather in Australia? Would you like to know about it? Let me tell you·
It is autumn in China now, but it is spring in Australia. Spring is very nice in Australia. It is fine and warm. There are a lot of flowers there. Every year there are many flower shows in some big cities. Many people go to the flower shows. Winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. In summer it is a little hot at noon, but it is cool in the morning and in the evening. It rains sometimes, but it doesn't snow.
