班级:_____________            姓名:_____________   
1. 按要求写单词。
(1)tell(现在分词)________        (2)talk(现在分词)________   
(3)sing(现在分词)________      (4)do(现在分词)________   
2. 看图,补全单词。
1I______to be a nurse. I can help people. 
2Simon is washing his hair in the ______. 
3Ms Guo ______Bus No.12 to Spring Street. 
4I''m a policeman. I like my ______. 
5Mr Smith is a ______. He flies a plane in the sky. 
3. 按要求写单词。
(1)boy(复数形式)________        (2)run(变名词)________   
(3)long(反义词)________        (4)fast(反义词)________   
(5)watch(现在分词)________     (6)are not(简略形式)________   
4. 写出单词。
1. Your cousin usually __________(finish) his homework before dinner.
2. Kitty, the cat is _________(sleep) under the chair.
3. He _________(get) up late and didn’t need to go to school.
4. My father ___________( know) me well.
5. He does well at school,and he a________ does well at home.
5. 看图写单词。
__________  ____________  ___________  __________     __________
6. 看图,完成句子。
[1]I usually ________ ________ ________ on the weekend. 
[2]My birthday is on ________ 1st. 
[3]I can ________ ________ ________ ________ in spring. 
[4]I often ________ ________ at 6:00. 
7. 填空题。
[1]—Why do you like autumn best?
—Because I can ________ ________ ________ ________ with my friends. 
[2]—Do you often make a snowman in winter, Tom?
—________, ________ ________. 
[3]—Which season do you like best?
—________ (spring). 
[4]We often ________ together in spring. 
8. 读一读,根据实际情况回答。
[1]What’s your name?
[2]When is your birthday?
[3]What’s your zodiac?
9. 根据图片提示补全句子。
[1]—What did they drink yesterday?   —_______________
2]I’m going to ______ _______ _______ _______ tonight. 
3]Dad_____some _________yesterday.   (buy, apple)
4]Sam _______ ______ ______yesterday.    (eat, hamburger)
10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
[1]My mother is ______(make) rice dumplings in the kitchen now.
[2]Here are some ______(present) for you.
[3]People get together with ______(they) family at the Spring Festival.
[4]There ______(be) a lot of people in the street.
11. I don’t like this cake. It’s too ______. (  )
A.sweet     B.fresh     C.delicious
12. He coughs _____. He is so ill. (  )
A.day and evening    B.day and night    C.night and day
13. Would you show _________ that pair of short pants? (  )
A.I this is spring是什么意思    B.me     C.our     D.we
14. thirty-six (  )
A.三十三     B.三十六     C.三十
15. I need a robot _________ help me. (  )
A.for     B.to     C.too
16. 句型转换。
