笔试部分 A. to tellB. tellC. tellsD. telling A. aB. anC. theD. /
I.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)9. Next to the hotel is a small house _____an 18. — ____ the park?—Its across from the bank.
1. —Wheres the library? —Its _____the bank.Interesting gardenA. WheresB. Where
A. onB.across fromC. nextD.betweenA. in B. hasC. haveD. withC. WhatsD. Where are
2. —_____,could you tell me the way to the nearest10. Their classroom is next ______our classroom.19. _____ there any hotels near here?
post office?A. to B. on C. betweenD. fromA. IsB. AreC. HaveD. Has
Yes. Go straight to the end and youll find it.11. Dont walk ____the bridge, its very dangerous.20. Please turn ____ left and the supermarket______
A. HelloB. Excuse meC. HiD. SorryA. crossB. acrossC. fromD. throughyou right.
3. Can you tell me how _____the bus stop?12. Please _____ during the tour.A. /;onB. to; /C. on; to D. /; in
A. to getB. getC. to get to D. can I get to A. have funB. have a funII.阅读理解(每小题1分,共15分)
4. —Is there a supermarket? —______.C. have funsD. have funnyA
A. No,it isntB. Yes,it is.13. His parents will ____ home at 7:00.  A little boy comes to a new town. His name I s Peter
C. No,theres notD. Yes,there isA. get toB. arrive inC. arrive atD. getPicket. Of course he lives with his parents. His family
5. You can _____a taxi _____the airport.14. Your seat is _____ my left.Is very rich. They have a gardener(园丁), a cook(厨师)
A. take;fromB. take;forA. in B. ofC. on D. atand a lot of other servants(仆人,佣人)
C. take;toD. take;of15. ______. Where is the post office?Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his mot-
6. Please come to meet my _______.A. HelloB. How are youther says to him, Peter, be modest(谦虚的)at your new
A. homeB. familyC. house D.familiesC. Excuse meD. Thank youschool. Dont say we are rich. And Peter says, spring street是什么意思Yes,M
7. The park is old but very ______.16. Is it _____ place?ummy.
A. busyB. dirtyC. smallD. cleanA. a quietB. a quiteC. quietD. quiteSo Peter goes to school. He meets his new teacher. And
8. Let me _____you the way to my house.17. There is _____ old museum in the town.He sits down with the other children. The teacher says,
Good morning, children. The first exercise today is aMr.Green is a driver. He likes driving in Beijingon your left. ②Go straight ahead, cross the librar
composition(作文).The title(题目) is My family’”.Sovery much. Mrs. Green is a teacher. She often visits y,and turn left into Bridge Street. Turn left again
all the children write their compositions. This is Petersa middle school near Beijing, and she likes to speakinto New Street. The bank is the first on the right.
composition:My name is Peter Picket. My parents is English with them.My house is on the left of Spring Street, across fro
very poor. So are the gardener, the cook and all the otherThey take a lot of photos in China. When theym the bank.
Servants….are back to England, they are going to show the phoSee you on Sunday!
根据短文内容,选择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分)tos to their friends. They want the English people toLove,
1. Peter lives with his _____. know more about China.Gina
A. motherB. father判断正(A)、误(B)(每小题2分,共10分)
C. teacherD. mother and father()6.The Greens are from American
2.There are _____family members in Peters family.()7.The Greens are staying in Beijing now.
A. fiveB. threeC. tenD. twenty()8.Mr Green is a teacher.
3.Peter’s mother dosent want Peter to tell others about()9.Mrs. Green likes talking with the Chinese
Their ______ family.in Chinese.
A. richB. bigC. poorD. new()10.The Greens take many photos in China
4.The first exercise on the first day is a _____. because they want the English people to
A. pictureB. gameC. compositionD. testknow about China.
5.Do you think people can learn his family are rich fromIII.阅读表达(每小题1分,共15分)
his composition?A1.根据短文内容,标明下面地点所在的位置
A. No, they dontB. Yes, they do.Dear Julia,(将图中相应字母填在横线上)
C. No, I dont hink soD. Yes, I think so.Thanks for your letter. ①Im glad to know you canGinas House: _______________
Bcome on Sunday and Saturday. When you drive over to 2. When will Julia visit China?
The Greens are English. Now they are in Beijing. This is my house, its easy to find the station. It’s a little difficult________________________________
their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for after that, so here are some instructions(说明)—Drive past3. Across from the library is the No.6 Mi
