A: 重点词汇
Traffic tools交通工具aeroplane boat bus car lorry telephone drill
Feeling 感觉see feel smell taste touch hear nice soft hard rough sweet sour smooth pineapple lemon strawberry prawn
Animals动物:cats dogs rabbits lizards snakes birds lions tigers snakes
zebras elephants giraffes pandas monkeys
Toys玩具toy bear doll boat car kite robot skateboard yo-yo bus car taxi
bike (bicycle) slide swing beautiful super this these
Nature大自然rainbow mountain sea cloud, sun street roof cage
Clothes衣服 dress blouse T-shirt shirt gloves scarf hat, coat
Colourviolet red, yellow, blue, pink, purple, orange, white, black, brown, grey
Noise声音raindrop fall noise lorry, loud, television radio, quiet, wave, parrot
Season 季节spring summer autumn winter warm cool wet dry grow  shine shell  nest wind blow
1.Look in the mirror.
2.What can you see?            ---I can see a\an….\ I can’t see.
3.What can you hear?            ---I can hear a\an….\ I can’t hear.
4.Can Ming hear a dog?          ---Yes, he can. No, he can’t.
5.Touch this. How does it feel?      ---It’s rough and hard.
6.Taste this. How does it taste?      ---It’s sweet\sour.
7.It taste good.\nice\sweet…
8.Smell this. How does it smell?        ---It’s nice.
9.It smells nice\ good….
10. Do you like lizards?
-Yes, I like….\No, I don’t like….(Yes, I do. No, I don’t.)
-Yes, we like…. No, we don’t like…s.
11. What do you like?                  - I like dolls.( We like…s.)
12. They are big. They are grey. What are they?  -They are elephants.
14. What’s her\his name?          -His name is Ben.\ Her name is Kitty.
15. How old is Ben?                - He is ten.
16. Is Ben tall?                    -Yes, he is tall. No, he is short.
17. Where is grandma?              - Here she is.\ She is in the room.
18.What colour is the sun?          —It’s red
19.What colour are the flowers?      —They are yellow.
20.She\he has a red and white dress\bouse\shirt\T-shirt. Who is he?
21.What’s that noise?                —It’s the television.
22.Is it loud\quiet?                  —Yes, it is.\no, it isn’t.
23.Do you like that noise?              —Yes, I like it. \ No, I don’t like it.
24.Is this noise loud?                  —Yes, it is.\No, it isn’t.
25 .In sping. It’s warm. It’s not cold. It’s wet. Plants grow and grow.
In summer. It’s hot. It’s not cool. It’s wet. The sun shines and shines.
spring street是什么意思
In autumn. It’s cool. It’s not hot. It’s dry. Leaves fall and fall.
In winter. It’s cold. It’s not warm. It’s dry. The wind blows and blows.
26. What can you see in spring\summer\autumn\winter?  —I can see….
27. What season is it?          —It’s spring\summer\autumn\winter.
28. Where is my hat?                      —Here it is.
29. That isn’t her umbrella. That is my umbrella.
30. What season do you like?            —I like spring. It’s warm.
PEOPLE人物:boy  girl  teacher  studentfather/dad  mother/mom  man
          woman grandmother/grandma grandfather/grandpa sister brother
Number数字eleven  twelve  thirteen  fourteen   fifteen  sixteen  seventeen
eighteen  nineteen   twenty
fruits 水果: peach  pear  orange  watermelon  apple  banana strawberry  grapes 
 交通工具以及文具: bus     bike    taxi    jeep desk  chair  walkman  lamp
形容词和动物:small   big  long  short   tall    giraffe  deer
1.We have a new friend today.    Welcome.
2.Where are you from?    I’m from America.
3.Who’s that woman\man\boy\girl?  She’s my mother. \He’s my father.
6.A: Let’s watch TV.      B:OK!/Great!/Good idea!/Yeah.
7.How many kites can you see?    I can see 12. 
8.How many crayons do you have?  I have 16 crayons! 
9.What’s in the box            Open it and see.
12.Can I have an apple, please?     Certainly!/Sure/OK/  No problem.
13.A: Do you like pears?  B: Yes, I do.\No, I don’t. (Sorry, I don’t like pears.)
14.A: What about grapes?          B: Yes, please.
15.A: Have some juice, please.     B: Thanks.(No, thank you.)
16.A: Have some more.              B: No, thank you.
17.A: Where is my ruler?            B: It’s  under/in/on  the book. 
18.Excuse me, Can I use your pencil?    No problem.
19.It has a long nose and a short tail.
20.It has small eyes and big ears.
