一、听力(15分)  略
16.This is____________elephant. It’s very big .
A . an            B. a            C. the            D. /
17. ------___________  does it take you to get to school ?
-----About 15minuts by bike .
A.How        B. How long            C .How far          D. When
18. Li lei is only 6 years old ,___________ he can speak English very well.
A .because      B .or          C. so            D. but
!9. The cat is very ____________ ,I don’t like it .
A.beautiful    B. lazy      C. smart    D. cute
20. -----Where is your brother, Tom ?
-----He ____________computer games in the room.
A. plays    B.play    C.is playing  D. are playing
21. The library is ____________Bridge Street .
A. of        B. for            C. on      D. at
22.----What are Lily and Lucy doing ?
---- They ____________ soup. They can ____________very good soup.
A. are making;  make                B. make; make
C. make; are making                D. are making; are making
23.Peter is ill today ,so he ____________ stay at home .
A. must      B. may    C. has  to            D. can
24. ----Can you ____________English    ?
    ----Yes, but only a little.
A.say    B. talk      C. tell      D. speak
25.---- Do you want to play basketball with us ?
----____________. It will be much fun.
A.No ,thanks            B. Not much
C. I’m busy                  D. Yeah, I’d love to
spring street是什么意思
Hello ,my name is Alan .I have a cousin. His name is Frank .He is twelve  years old. He is a     26    of class five ,Grade Steven . He likes English, math, Chinese, music and some     27     subjects, but he doesn’t like     28    . He thinks it is     29     and difficult, and he often     30    in history classes.
It is Wednesday today. Frank is     31     a history class. His history teacher Miss Black is telling a     32     about American history. But Frank is drawing a picture and isn’t     33     his teacher. Miss Black finds that and asks, “Frank, can you tell me something about George Washington?”
“George Washington?” Frank stands up and says, “Let me   34    …
Oh, I’m sorry.I don’t know     35     and he isn’t in the same school as me.” The other students laugh. 
26. A. musician
B. student
C. player
D. teacher
27. A. other
B. every
C. all
D. many
28. A. geography
B. art
C. science
D. history
29. A. interesting
B. relaxing
C. boring
D. easy
30. A. drives
B. sings
C. shops
D. sleeps
31. A. reading
B. studying
C. having
D. showing
32. A. photo
B. story
C. book
D. game
33. A. talking to
B. asking for
C. eating out
D. listening to
34. A. leave
B. meat
C. think
D. tell
35. A. him
B. her
C. you
D. me
Rules in the reading room
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the school reading room. We hope you have a good time here. Before you go into the reading room, there are some rules you need to keep.
1.The reading room is open from 8: to 5: from Monday to Friday.
2. Don’t take your bag into the reading room.
3. Don’t talk loudly in the reading room.
4. Don’t take any food or drink into the reading room.
5. Take only one book at a time. After you finish reading the book, you must put it back and then you can take another one. Don’t take many books to your seat.
6. Before you leave, you must return the book to the bookshelf. You can’t take any book out of the reading room.
36.How long is the reading room open every day?
A.Ten hours.        B.Nine hours.        C.Seven hours.      D.Eight hours.
37.What can you take into the reading room?
A.The bag.          B.The student card.    C.Sandwiches.      D.Orange juice.
38.How many books can you take from the bookshelf at a time?
A.One            B.Two              C.Three            D.Four
39.What does the underlined word “return” mean in Chinese?
A.放置            B.带走            C.整理            D.归还
40.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.You can drink in the reading room.
B.You can take all your favorite books to your seat.
C.You can read in the reading room at 4: on Wednesday.
D.You can take only one book home at a time.
Dear Amy,
Today I want to tell you something about my neighborhood.    I live on a big street. To the left of my house is a big park. The police station is across from my house. There is a hotel to the left of the park. Between the hotel and a Japanese restaurant there is a small bank. A big supermarket is across from the Japanese restaurant.    On weekends, my family often plays sports in the park. My mother often shops in the supermarket.   
What about your neighborhood 
