班级:_____________            姓名:_____________   
1. 看图补全单词。
1.---Who’s your English teacher?
---Miss White.
---Is she k______?
---Yes, she is.
2.---Who’s your music teacher?
---Mr. Young.
---Is he o____?
3.---Who’s your English teacher?
---Mr. Li.
---Is he s______?
---Yes, he is.
2. 按要求写出各词。
1.say(过去式)____________     2.wrong(反义词)____________
3.measure(过去式)________       4.jump(现在分词)____________
3. 写出下列词的过去式。
(1)go  ________________   
4. 看图,补全单词。
1I______to be a nurse. I can help people. 
2Simon is washing his hair in the ______. 
3Ms Guo ______Bus No.12 to Spring Street. 
4I''m a policeman. I like my ______. 
5Mr Smith is a ______. He flies a plane in the sky. 
5. 根据首字母提示完成短文。
Froggy wants to be a p1. He wants to fly an aeroplane. But he is afraid of f2. He wants to be a singer. But he is not good at s3. Froggy is s4. Suddenly he hears a
cry. A chick is in the lake! He jumps into the river with the l5 and saves the chick. He is very happy.
6. 按要求完成句子。
[1]When is Teachers'' Day?(回答问题)
[2]Is the school trip in November?(作否定回答)
[3]When do you eat dinner?(结合实际情况回答)
[4]Which season does Amy like best?(用“春天”作答)
7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
[1]People eat with ______(chopstick) in China.
[2]Helen is washing the ______(dish) in the kitchen.
[3]Is there ______(some) orange juice in the fridge?
[4]Look! Liu Tao ______(sweep) the floor.
8. 选词填空(词汇运用)。
[1]He wants ________ (buy/to buy) a skateboard.
[2]She wants to see ________ (an/a) old things there.
[3]Andy is ________ (going/go) to the museum.
spring street是什么意思
[4]He ________ (want/wants) to watch a soccer match there.
[5]The elephant is friendly to ________ (we/us).
9. 请写出下列词的完整形式。
[1]3rd         [2]4th 
[3]8th         [4]9th 
10. 按要求填空。
[1]dumpling(复数)__________      [2]like(单三)___________
[3]take(单三)____________        [4]I’m(完整形式)___________
[5]want(单三)____________      [6]there(对应词)__________
[7]have(现在分词)____________  [8]we(宾格)___________
[9]I(宾格)______________        [10]do(否定句)_____________
11. 出不同类的单词:(  )
A.Monday     B.May     C.March     D.April
12. I _____ take a _____ class on Sundays.  (  )
A.some times; dancing     B.sometimes; dancing     C.sometime; dance
13. Today is ________, tomorrow is Friday. (  )
A.Monday     B.Thursday     C.Tuesday
14. Teacher’s Day is in_________. (  )
A.August     B.September     C.December
15. It’s on April _______. (  )
