Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival? 主备人:崔常见  时间:2011 824
1Words and expressions
n. 妖怪,怪兽
n. 人,人类
v. 惊吓
v. 发现
n. 竹子
n. 火, 火堆
v. 追赶,追逐
adv. 最终,终于
adj. 几个,几
n. 灯,灯笼
n. 饺子
2Deal with pre-reading
3. Read and answer
1. What is another name for the Chinese 
    Spring Festival?
    A. Keeping the Nian monster away.
    B. Guonian.
    C. The Nian monster.
2. Where do you think the monster lived?
    A. In the mountains.
    B. In the hills.
    C. In the villages.
3. Why did the monster go to the village?
    A. It was cold up in the mountains.
    B. It wanted some food.
    C. It wanted to look for humans.
4. Which of these things do you think 
    Nian would be afraid of?
    A party with lots of people and 
    A policeman. 
    A lake.
    A. and       B. and
    C. and       D. and
1. This means keeping the Nian monster 
    keep sb. / sth. away 避开某人/某物
    We all keep him away, because he is a 
    bad man.
    keep away from 远离,使避开
    Teachers should keep their students 
    away from danger.
2. The people were frightened of Nian and 
    for many years, they ran away when 
    Nian was near their villages.
1) be frightened of sb./ sth. 害怕……
    The students are frightened of their 
    head teacher.
2) run away 逃跑,跑开
    The thief stole a bike and ran away.
3. They cut down bamboo plants to make fires.
1) cut sth. down 砍倒
    There are many people cutting down 
2) make firesspring street是什么意思和 make a fire均表示生火
    It’s very cold in the room. Please make 
    a fire!
4. They chase Nian away.
    chase sb. /sth. away  驱走某人/某物
    The people chased the wolf away.
5. People celebrated with special food.
    celebrate with………进行庆祝
    “with +可以表示所用的方式或工具
    We will celebrate with special food this 
    Spring Festival.
    We write with our right hands.
Deal with Part Two
1 “Guo Nian” ___keeping the Nian monster 
    A. mean      B. means      C. to mean    D. are
2 Nian usually went to the villages __food.
    A. look for        B. to look   
  C. to look for      D. look
3 That winter, the people in the villages __their 
    door red.
  A. paint    B. paints    C. painted    D. draw
4 They cut down bamboo plants ____ fires.
    A. make    B. makes  C. made    D. to make
5 They hit things to make loud noises _____ 
    Nian away.
  A. chase          B. to chase 
  C. chasing      D. chased 
6 That ___why the Chinese Spring Festival is 
  called “Guo Nian ”.
  A. was        B. is        C. are        D. were
1. ______ (eat) too much rich food is bad for 
    your health.
2. The Chinese food smells _____ (good) and   
    sells ____ (good).
3. The farmers work on the farm ________ 
    (sing) a happy song. 
4. I met a girl ______ (name) Mary in the street 
5. Jim is the _____ (tall) one of the three boys.
Rewrite the story in about 70 words.
