1.—What do children usually do at Halloween? (    )
—They usually _________ and shout “Trick or Treat!” for _________.
A.put on; sweets    B.dress up; cakes    C.dress up;sweets
2.—Excuse me, how do I get to Happy Cinema _________ Shanghai Street? (    )
—Walk along this street. You can find it _________ a metro station.
A.at; near    B.on; next to    C.in; on
3.—How is the soup? (   )
—It _______. It’s bad for me.
A.smells nice    B.is just right    C.is too cold
4.Yang Ling likes ________. Listen, she is ________ now. (     )
A.sing; sings    B.sings; singing    C.singing; singing
5.—What's wrong with _______? (     )
—_______ has a bad cough.
A.him; His    B.he; Him    C.him; He
6.I am washing some _______. I want to cook some _______ soup. (     )
A.tomatoes; tomatoes    B.tomatoes; tomato    C.tomato; tomatoes
7.The password has ________ numbers and the ________ number is eight. (     )
A.five; third    B.five; three    C.fifth; third
8.Let’s go to the zoo. How do we ________? (      )
A.to get    B.get there    C.get to there
9.—What are you doing? (    )
—I’m _______ a book.
A.looking    B.reading    C.watching
10.—What’s Tim doing? (   )
—He’s ________ his toy ship ________ his friends.
A.show; for    B.showing; to    C.Showing; for
11.You can ________ the bus to the hospital. (   )
A.by    B.take    C.get    D.make
12.My mother is ________ clothes in the ___________. (   )
A.wash; kitchen    B.washing; bathroom    C.make; living room    D.cleaning; dining room
13.—How do we get ______ the cinema? (    ) 
—You can walk ______ there.
A.to; to    B.to; /    C./; /
14.The park is near my home. So I often go there ________. (   )
A.by plane    B.by train    C.on foot    D.by metro
15.In the ______, we asks “Where’s the ______?” (     )
A.US; restroom    B.UK; restroom    C.US; toilet
16.Are you __________ (run) in the park now?
17.George is very happy ________ (help) them.
18.—What’s wrong with ________ (he)?
—He ________ (have) a bad cough.
19.Look! What _______ the students _______ (do)?
They _______ (sing). They _______ (dance).
20.The computer room is on _______ (twelve) floor.
The Art room is on the _______ (eight) floor.
21.You shouldn't ______ (drink) _______ (some) juice.
You shouldn't eat too many ________ (sweet) _______ (too).
You should brush your _______ (tooth) in the morning and before bedtime.
22.She often _______ (have) dinner with her parents. She ________ (do) her homework at five o'clock in the afternoon. She _______ (like) ________ (read) stories.
23.Look, the twin sisters ________ (wash) clothes.
24.Why can’t Jim ______ (play) with us today?
25.—What's wrong with ________ (they)? 
—They have a stomach ache.
26.Su Hai’s good friend wants ______ (visit) her new home.
27.How many ________ (tomato) do you have?
28.Our school has five floors. The Music room is on the ________ (five) floor.
29.The door opens. Bobby goes in. There is a pig in the house. They start ________ (fight).
30.Cindy has a cat. Its name is Kitty. It likes ______ (sleep).
31.The pest f_______ away, but the ladybird doesn’t.
32.I like ____________________ (吃面条) for breakfast.
33.Dinner is r______. Let’s eat now.
34.The Spring Festival of 2022 is on the first of F__________
35.Mike goes to school by m______ every day.
36.Bob has a bad toothache so he can’t eat a______.
37.Children have a lot of f______ at Spring Festival.
38.Su Hai is very sad_____ (wash) the dishes.
39.Autumn is in September, October and N______.
40.Yang Ling can’t find the bookshop. She asks a policeman for h______.
spring street是什么意思
The Monkey Buffet Festival(猴子自助餐节) is on the last Sunday of November.It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand(泰国). People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. So, to thank monkeys, they have this special festival.
Every year on that day, people put lots of fruit, vegetables, cakes and even drinks on the tables outside. They are all for monkeys. Many people come to see the monkeys on that day. During the festival, there are a lot of interesting activities about monkeys. Young people are always dressed up as monkeys and they sing, dance and play music in the street.
Monkeys always live in groups. Most of them live in the trees. They are good at running and jumping. They eat fruit, vegetables, flowers and birds’ eggs. Monkeys are clever animals. Do you think so?
