1. -Did you get any information about this test?
-Well, I was trying to, but found .
A. nothing
B. no one
C. somespring street是什么意思
D. none
2. What action should they such a thing happening again?
A. do stopping
B. do to stop
C. take to keep
D. take to prevent
解析:本题考查take action的固定搭配,以及to do不定式表目的,后面没有from,所以不能用keep表示阻止的意思。
3. I need more people me down the street.
A. help; cut
B. to help; cut
C. help; to cut
D. to help; cutting
解析:本题考查need sb to do sth需要某人做某事和help sb do sth帮助某人做某事的固定搭配。
4. Please tell me the changes the number of the teachers.
A. into
B. in
C. on
D. for
5. He much food he poor family during the hard time.
A. provided; to
B. provides; with
C. provided; with
D. provided; for
解析:本题考查provide的固定搭配,provide sth for sb 和provide sb with sth的用法。
6. I found the question for him to answer.
A. easy enough
B. enough easy
C. easily enough
D. enough easily
解析:本题考查find sth后面加形容词,形容词和enough的位置关系,放在enough前面。
7. Sixty per cent of Judy's pocket money from her parents.
A. come
B. are
C. buys
D. is
解析:本题考查零花钱来自父母,用be from,主谓一致,money是不可数名词,所以用is。
8. There are so many kinds of pens here. I can't decide  .
A. when to choose    B .to choose which
C. which one to choose
D. to choose which one
解析:本题考查decide +疑问词+不定式结构,疑问词是which one。
9. I often see my teacher, Ms Zhao, books in her office.
A. reads
B. to read
C. read
D. is reading
解析:本题考查see sb do 经常看到某人做某事,Ms Zhao是插入语。
10. Some students are playing in the ground while the rest______ doing their homework in the classroom.
A. happy; are
B. happy, is
C. happily; are
D. happily, is
11. Zhalong is a nature reserve. It is incorrect to hunt or fish there, ?
A. isn't it
B. is it
C. doesn't it
D. does it?
12. -What the number of the students in your school?
-About two thousand. A number of them_______ from England.
A. is; are
B. is; is
C. are; is
D. are; are
解析:本题考查the number of ….的数量,用单数,a number of 是许多的意思,所以用are。
13. It is said that the weather will hot for three or four day
A. stay
B. last
C. was
D. is
14. When spring comes, we must go to nature the beauty(美景).
A. enjoying
B. enjoyed
C. to enjoy
D. to enjoying
解析:本题考查to do表示目的。
15.There is nothing .Take it easy.
A. to worry
B. to worry about
C. worry
D. worry about
解析:本题考查没有什么可担心的,nothing to worry about,注意about不可以少。
Although it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet (西藏). Our legs were so heavy and cold that  1  felt like big pieces of ice. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles? That's what we looked like! Along the way children who were dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late  2  we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze (结冰). However, the lakes  3  like glass in the setting sun and loooked wonderful.
Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She was in high spirit and I knew I didn't need to  4  her.
To climb the mountains was hard work but as we  5  us, we were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles, and we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. After a while, we began going  6  the mountains. It was great fun especially as it slowly became much  7  . At the foot of the mountains, colourful butterflies flew around us and we saw many sheep eating green grass. Then we had to 8 our caps, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.
In the early evening we stopped to make camp and then we ate. After supper Wang Wei went to sleep
but I stayed awake. At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so 9 . There was almost no wind or sound, only the flames(火焰)of our fire. As I  10  below the stars I thought about how far we had already travelled.
We will reach Dali in Yunnan Province soon, where our cousins will join us. We can hardly wait to see them!
( ) 1. A. we    B. you    C. they    D. it
( ) 2. A. morning    B. afternoon    C. evening    D. night
( ) 3. A. shine    B. shining    C. shines    D. shone
( ) 4. A. follow    B. encourage    C. remind    D. discover
( ) 5. A. looked at    B. looked after    C. looked for    D. looked around
( ) 6. A. up    B. down    C. around    D. into
( ) 7. A. colder    B. drier    C. warmer    D. wetter
( ) 8. A. give    B. find    C. chase    D. change
( ) 9. A. cloudy    B. foggy    C. noisy    D. quiet
( ) 10. A. lie    B. lied    C. lay    D. laid
Penguins are lovely animals. Most people like them. But now as many as 10 of the 17 kinds
of penguins are in danger of disappearing. The number of penguins has decreased by(减少了)30% since 1987.
Penguins are black and white birds that live in the southern part of the world. They are common in the Antarctic Continent(南极大陆), New Zealand, Australia and South America. Many live near cold waters(水域). But some live near warm waters in Galapagos Islands. Penguins cannot fly, but they
are fine swimmers. The shape of their body helps them to survive. Penguins eat fish and krill (磷虾). They have short wings that help them to dive up to 900 feet to catch larger fish. They can swim 10~15 kilometres an hour, which lets them protect themselves. They also have lots of body oil that helps keep them dry in the water.
The warming of the earth is the reason for the decrease in the number of penguins. The hotter and hotter air has caused ocean waters to become warmer. Higher water temperature has decreased the number of fish and krill. Some years later these birds are completely unable to reproduce. And many adult penguins will die of hunger.
Too much fishing, exploration for oil and oil leaks(泄露)also make penguins in danger. Poisonous things in ocean waters are another danger. Penguins also have their enemies, including sharks, seals and sea lions.
1. Penguins can do the following EXCEPT .
A. diving
B. flying
C. swimming
D. catching fish
2. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the decrease in the number of penguins?
A. The warming of the earth.
B. Too much fishing.
C. Natural disasters.
D. Poisonous things in ocean waters.
3. The underlined word "reproduce" means " ".
A. 繁殖
B. 灭绝
C. 迁徙
D. 觅食
4. What's the passage mainly about?
A. The decrease in the number of fish and krill.
B. Ocean waters are polluted.
C. Sharks and seals are the enemies of penguins.
D. The decrease in the number of penguins.
1. 细节题。由第二段第五句Penguins cannot fly 可知,企鹅不会飞,所以B项符合题意。A项,由第二段第八句They have short wings that help them to dive up to 900 feet to catch larger fish 可知,企鹅会潜水;C项,由第二段第五句but they are fine swimmers 可知,企鹅会游泳;D项,由第二段第八句They have short wings that help them to dive up to 900 feet to catch larger fish 可知,企鹅会捉鱼。题干要求选择企鹅不会的,所以B项正确。故正确答案为B。
2. 推断题。A项,由第三段第一句The warming of the earth is the reason for the decrease in the number of penguins 可知,全球变暖是一个原因;B项,由最后一段第一句Too much fishing, exploration for oil and oil leaks also make penguins in danger 可知,过量捕鱼是一个原因;C项,natural disaster 意为“自然灾害”,文中没有提及;D项,由最后一段第二句Poisonous things in ocean waters are another danger 可知,海水中的有毒物质是一个原因。题干要求选择不是(NOT)的原因,只有C项不是。故正确答案为C。
3. 猜测词句题。结合本文倒数第二段可知,越来越高的水温是企鹅濒临灭绝的原因之一,高水温已经使鱼和磷虾数量减少,可推知,几年后这些鸟(指企鹅)将完全不会繁殖,而非完全不会灭绝、迁徙或觅食。此题也可用构词法解释,前缀re- 意为“再”,produce 意为“生产”,合起来就是“再生产”,即“繁殖”。故正确答案为A。
4. 主旨题。
由第一段最后一句The number of penguins has decreased by 30% since 1987 可知,企鹅的数量在减少,最后两段都在讲企鹅减少的原因,通篇讲的都是企鹅数量在减少,所以D项正确。A项,鱼和磷虾的减少只在第三段被提及,不全面,所以A项错误;B项,海水污染只在最后一段被提及,不全面,所以B项错误;C项,鲨鱼和海豹是企鹅的天敌只在最后一段被提及,不全面,所以C项错误。故正确答案为D。
Some teenagers think that newspapers are boring and only for adults. But that's not true. There are many interesting stories in the paper. You just need to make clear what you are looking at. "I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day,"said 15-year-old Gao Ming from Beijing. "I'm interested in things happening at school. "School news is just one kind of news story in newspapers. There's also world news:from international (国际的)problems to pop stars.
Read the newspaper carefully,and we'll find different kinds of articles on the pages:
News stories-these stories are about events (事件). Reporters try to show all points of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters try to speak to as many people as possible. They also use pictures and numbers to show the readers that the stories are true. The newspaper Teenagers has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When we read
