五年级英语测验卷(Unit 5
Name_________ Calss__________ No.___________ ark_________
一、 根据录音内容,将下面每题中你认为符合的选项的字母编号圈住。(10分)
1.                                2.
      A          B                    A            B
3.                      4.                      5.
      A        B              A        B              A        B
二、 根据录音判断与下列图片或句子是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示。(10分)
1.            2.            3.            4.            5.
  (    )        (    )        (    )        (    )        (    )
三、 根据录音内容,填写空格上所缺的单词,使句子完整。(10分)
Here we are at the sports meeting in a nature __________. All the animals _____very busy now. Look! The _________ are __________ in the sky. The _________ are ___________. The monkeys are ___________ __________. hat can you see there?h! The baby elephant can _________ in the river. _________ funny!
四、 根据你在录音中听到的的问题,把下面每题中最合适的答句选出来,将其编号写在题前的括号里。(10分)
(    )1. A. Yes, they can.    B. No, they can’t.    C. Yes, they are.
(    )2. A. I see a rabbit and a kangaroo.
        B. I see two rabbits and a kangaroo.
        C. I see two kangaroos and a rabbit.
(    )3. A. Yes, they are.  B. No, they aren’t. C. The dogs can swim.
(    )4. A. She’s running.  B. It’s walking.      C. He’s jumping.
(    )5. A. Yes, they are fighting.
        B. They are swimming.
        C. No, they are eating bamboo.
五、 听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列的句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分)
(    )1. There are not many animals in the nature park.
(    )2. The father tiger is running.
(    )3. The cute koalas are eating leaves.
(    )4. Sister liks kangaroos very much.
(    )5. The koalas are eating, too.
六、 根据答句写问句。(10分)
1. ______________________________________?
  The kangaroos are jumping.
2. ______________________________________?
  No, it isn’t. The bear is sleeping.
3. ______________________________________?
  Yes, I can see twonkeys. They are swinging.
4. ______________________________________?
  It’s June 1st, our Children’s Day.
5. ______________________________________?
  Because I can plant trees in spring.
七、 根据上下文的意思,补全下列对话。(10分)
en: ____________________________________?
Sue: I see two tigers.
en: ____________________________________?
Sue: They are near the river.
en: ____________________________________?
Sue: They’re swimming.
en: ____________________________________?
Sue: Yes, they can really swim.
en: ____________________________________?
Sue: No, I can’t see any elephants.
八、 结合上下文和图画的意思在下面的短文的空格上填写适当的单词,将短文补充完整。(10分)
Look at the ________. There _________ many
animals here. The monkey is ____________.
The ________ are singing in the tree. The
elephants are __________ __________ by the
river. The kangaroos __________ __________.
h, look there, the little bear ______ ________
inspring是什么意思under the tree.
九、 作文:看图写一写图上的动物正在干什么,写5句话。(10分)
一十、 阅读理解,选择正确的答案,把编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)
iss white is a primary school teacher. She teaches math. She is very responsible (负责) and
she loves all the students. Usually she gets up at 6:20 in the morning. But this morning she gets up at 5:40, because she is on duty today. First, she gets ready for classes at home, then she goes to school at 6:50. At 7:00, she es back to school. Then she eats breakfast in the canteen. At 7:20, she stands at the gate (大门) of school and wait for her students to e back school.
(    )1. hen does iss hite usually get up in the morning?
      A. At 6:20.          B. At 5:40.          C. At 6:30.
(    )2. hy does iss hite get up so early this morning?
A. Because she loves all the students.   
B. Because she is on duty today.
C. Because she gets ready for classes.
(    )3. here does she eat breakfast?
    A. At home.      B. In a restaurant. (餐厅)    C. In the school canteen.
(    )4. hat does iss hite do?
    A. She is a music teacher.          B. She is an English teacher.
    C. She is a math teacher.
(    )5. Does she get ready for classes this morning?
    A. Yes, she is.      B. Yes, she does.        C. No, she doesn’t.
(    )1. Can bear ___________? No, they can’t.
      A. swim        B. swimming        C. swims
(    )2. hat is _______ mom doing? __________ cooking dinner.
