冷菜(Cold Dish):
混合生菜沙拉 Mixed Lettuce Salad
鲜虾刀豆沙拉 shrimp bean salad
烤肠甜豆沙拉  sausage sweet pea salad
胡萝卜葡萄干沙拉  carrot raisin salad
鸡肉沙拉  chicken salad
芥香拌木耳  fungus mixed with mustard
金瓜拌海蜇  pumpkin mixed with jellyfish
拌黄瓜  Tossed Cucumber in Sauce
热菜(Hot Dish)
香烤猪排配蘑菇汁  roast pork chop with mushroom sauce
咖喱双丸  Chili meatball
脆炸鲜奶  Crispy fried fresh milk
黑椒牛菲力  Black Pepper Beef filet
双料蒸鱼块  steamed fish with sauce
香炸粽肉  Stuffed Sticky Rice
香菇面筋菜心  Braised gluten, green vegetable and mushroom
炒素菜  Sauteed Vegetables
马来炒面  Fried Mee Goreng
扬州炒饭  Yangzhou Fried Rice
酸辣汤  Hot and Sour Soup
意式蔬菜汤  Italian vegetable soup
马蹄百合炖双雪  Calla Lily Soup
spring rolls是什么意思点心(Snack
西式面包篮  breadbasket
特春卷  Spring rolls
潮州粉果  Chiu-chao style dumplings
香草曲奇  Vanilla cookies
鲜果汇  Mixed Fruit platter
冷菜(Cold Dish):
田园蔬菜沙拉  Mixed Green Salad
猪肉粉丝沙拉  Rice noodles salad with Pork
绿椰菜鸡蛋沙拉  green broccoli salad with egg
红菜头沙拉  Beetroot Salad
番茄芝士沙拉 Tomato Cheese Salad
驰名卤水鹅  well-known brine goose
马兰香干卷Crisp Kalimeris
三文鱼刺身Salmon Sashimi
热菜(Hot Dish)
BBQ烤鸡腿  barbecue grilled chicken
港式脆香凉瓜  Hong kong-style crisp Bitter Melon
黑椒牛仔骨  Black Pepper Short Rib
风味黄瓜  Sauteed cucumber
脆皮紫菜卷  Seaweed Roll
香菇面筋菜心Braised gluten, green vegetable and mushroom
酸甜鱼块  sweet and sour fish
炒时菜  Sauteed Vegetables
日式鸭胸炒面  Japan style fried Noodles with Duck
菠萝炒饭  Fried rice with pineapple
老火靓汤  Soup of the Day
意式牛肉汤  Italian beef soup
椰汁西米露  Sweet Sago with Coconut
西式面包篮  breadbasket
特春卷  Spring rolls
潮州粉果  Chiu-chao style dumplings
曲奇饼  Cookies
水晶蔬菜饺  vegetable dumplings
鲜果汇  Mixed Fruit platter
冷菜(Cold Dish):
法式面包番茄沙拉  French bread tomato salad
田园蔬菜沙拉  Mixed Green Salad
鸡肉土豆时蔬沙拉  Chicken, potato and vegetable salad
泰式牛肉沙拉 Thai-style beef salad
蘑菇沙拉 Mushroom salad
驰名卤水鹅  well-known brine goose
金瓜拌海蜇  pumpkin mixed with jellyfish
马兰香干卷 Crisp Kalimeris
冻蚧  frozen kuwana
三文鱼刺身Salmon Sashimi
热菜(Hot Dish)
烤牛排配黑椒汁  grilled steak with black pepper sauce
日式照烤鸡腿  Janpan-style grilled chicken
金沙茄仔盒  Jinsha eggplant
豉油皇海中虾  Shrimp with Soy Sauce
云豆焗蹄筋  Baked tendons of pork with Kidney Bean
潮州香炸果肉  Chiu-chao style Stuffed Sticky Rice
青瓜煮鲜鱿  boiled squid with cucumber
炒时蔬  Sauteed Vegetables
海鲜番茄意面  Seafood and tomato Italian noodles
特炒饭  fried rice
椰汁西米露  Sweet Sago with Coconut
法式龙虾汤  Lobster bisque
罗宋汤 borsch
西式面包篮  breadbasket
潮州粉果  Chiu-chao style dumplings
水晶蔬菜饺  vegetable dumplings
叉烧酥  Cake with Barbecued Pork
黄金馒头  Fried bun
鲜果汇  Mixed Fruit platter
