spring rolls是什么意思    英文回答:
    As I reminisce about the past, one memory that stands out is the tradition of making spring rolls during the Chinese New Year. This annual event was a time for my family to come together and celebrate the start of a new year. The process of making spring rolls was not only a culinary experience but also a way for us to bond and create lasting memories.
    The first step in making spring rolls was to prepare the filling. We would gather around the kitchen counter, chopping vegetables and marinating the meat. The aroma of garlic, ginger, and soy sauce filled the air, creating a sense of anticipation. Each family member had their own task, whether it was slicing the carrots or seasoning the ground pork. We worked in harmony, exchanging stories and laughter as we prepared the ingredients.
    Once the filling was ready, we would move on to the next step: wrapping the spring rolls. This was a delicate process that required skill and precision. We would place a spoonful of th
e filling onto a spring roll wrapper, carefully folding and rolling it into a neat package. It was fascinating to watch my grandmother's nimble fingers effortlessly create perfect spring rolls. She would always say, "A good spring roll should be tightly wrapped, so it doesn't fall apart when you bite into it."
    After all the spring rolls were wrapped, it was time to fry them. The sizzling sound of the oil and the golden color of the spring rolls created an irresistible temptation. We would take turns frying them, ensuring that each one was cooked to perfection. As the spring rolls turned crispy and golden, the aroma intensified, making our mouths water in anticipation. We couldn't resist sneaking a few bites before they were even fully cooked.
    Finally, it was time to enjoy the fruits of our labor. We would gather around the dining table, each with a plate of freshly fried spring rolls. The first bite was always the most satisfying, the crunchiness of the wrapper giving way to the flavorful filling. As we savored the taste, we would exchange compliments and expressions of delight. It was a moment of pure joy and happiness, a celebration of family, tradition, and good food.
