Spring rolls, also known as Chunjuan in Chinese, are a popular traditional food in China. 春卷,也被称为春卷,是中国一种受欢迎的传统食物。
People love making spring rolls during special occasions such as Chinese New Year or other festivals. 人们喜欢在特别的日子如春节或其他节日制作春卷。
The process of making spring rolls involves wrapping various ingredients such as vegetables, meat, and noodles in a thin pastry sheet before frying them to golden perfection. 制作春卷的过程涉及将各种食材如蔬菜、肉和面条包裹在薄酥皮中,然后炸至金黄。spring rolls是什么意思
What makes spring rolls unique is the combination of textures and flavors from the crunchy exterior to the savory fillings inside. 春卷独一无二之处在于脆脆的外皮和内部的鲜美馅料的结合。
The act of gathering with family and friends to make spring rolls is a cherished tradition that brings people closer together through shared experiences and delicious food. 与家人和朋友
Beyond its culinary significance, spring rolls also hold cultural symbolism in Chinese traditions, representing wealth and prosperity due to their golden color and shape resembling gold bars. 除了其烹饪意义,春卷在中国传统中还具有文化象征意义,因为其金黄和形状类似金条,代表着财富和繁荣。
In modern times, spring rolls have evolved to cater to different dietary preferences, with vegetarian and vegan options becoming more popular to accommodate diverse needs. 在现代,春卷已经发展出满足不同饮食偏好的版本,素食和纯素选项变得越来越受欢迎,以满足各种需求。
