Green Bank is a small town in the US. People there live a special life.
Green Bank is home to a large radio telescope(射电望远镜). It is used to study space.Radio waves (无线电波) from the ground can influence the work of the telescope. For this reason, people there can’t use smart phones or Wi-Fi. They can only use a pay phone when they need to make phone calls.
There are about 180 people living in Green Bank. Many of them don’t find life difficult. A boy says he likes going to his friends’ houses to talk to them. When friends are not at home, they can quickly find each other somewhere in this small town. A woman says she is happy to talk to people face to face. This gives her the chance to shake their hands or give them a hug. She really enjoys living without smart phones and Wi-Fi.
No Wi-Fi doesn’t mean Green Bank is not a good place to visit. Feeling the beauty of face-to-face human connection in the town is special. There’re also some places to enjoy.
For those who are interested in science, the Green Bank Observatory is a must-see. But don’t forget to bring a map, because GPS doesn’t work in the area. Don’t worry about food. The observatory has a mini coffee house.
For those who like sightseeing, Cass Scenic Railroad can provide them with a good trip to enjoy mountains, plants and animals on a train ride.
1.What is special about Green Bank?
A.People there have face-to-face talks.    B.People there share a special love for space.
C.People there can never make phone calls.    D.People there can’t use smart phones or Wi-Fi.
2.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?
A.How people in Green Bank feel about their life.
B.Where people in Green Bank usually get together.
C.Why people in Green Bank like face-to-face talks.
D.What people in Green Bank like doing in their free time.
3.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.It’s easy for visitors to get lost in Green Bank.
B.Visitors can enjoy natural beauty along Cass Scenic Railroad.
C.The Green Bank Observatory is a good place for food lovers.
D.The radio telescope is used to protect the town from bad weather.
Like China, many other countries see spring’s coming as a sign of blessing and happiness. Some of them share similar cultural traditions in greeting the spring, while others have their
own ways.
Similar to Chinese culture, in South Korea, people also greet the spring by paying a lot of attention to preparing a large meal. Tteokguk, a soup dish with sliced rice cakes(年糕片), is a typical food served at the dining table. As ancient Koreans worshipped(崇拜)the sun, the white sliced rice cake represents it for “blessing”. The round rice cake slices also look like coins, and many people eat them in the hope of becoming wealthy in the coming year.
In India, people celebrate the spring season with a traditional Hindu festival called Holi, also known as the “Festival of Spring”. It is held during February and March every year to celebrate a good harvest. Indian people celebrate spring at the festival by dancing and singing. People will paint their faces and bodies and throw colored water and powder on others to show their blessings.
Russians celebrate the festival that called Maslenitsa in springtime. The festival is celebrated around the end of February or early March each year. People will bake round pa
ncakes into golden yellow to appreciate the sun, and in the dark night, people will light fires for celebrations.
wispring是什么意思In the US, there is a special “sock-burning”event held in Maryland to celebrate the spring’s coming. The tradition of burning socks began in the 20th century. People bum socks there to show that they can wear shoes barefoot(赤脚地)when the weather warms up. It’s a hope to have the winter end soon and the spring come early. Similar to the Chinese tradition, people in the US will also do the spring cleaning to shake off the winter’s decay(衰败)in the hope of receiving new luck.
4.What do Koreans and Chinese have in common when celebrating spring?
A.Both cook a special soup.    B.Both put coins into the dumplings.
C.Both hope to be richer in the coming year.    D.Both put lots of effort into making a great meal.
5.What was Holi festival celebrated for in India?
A.Good luck.    B.A good harvest.
C.The arrival of spring.    D.The health of family.
6.Which of these countries have a celebration connected with the sun?
①South Korea ②India ③Russia ④the US
A.①②    B.②④    C.①③    D.③④
7.What is the passage mainly about?
A.The history of different traditions.    B.Celebrations of spring in different countries.
C.The importance of welcome spring.    D.Chinese culture influenced other countries deeply.
Listen! What can you hear? Birds singing? People talking? Music playing? Thanks to your ears, you can hear clearly. The World Health Organization(WHO) reports that over 1.5 billion people in the world live with hearing loss(丧失). ____8____ 
