1--My sincere appreciation to the members衷心感谢所有同仁
2--of my staff whose loyalty and creative endeavor诚挚与创意上的努力付出
3--made possible this production完成这部巨著
4--Walt Disney华特·迪士尼
5—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs白雪公主和七个小矮人snow是什么意思中文
6--Once upon a time there lived a lovely从前有位可爱的
7--little Princess named Snow White小公主名叫白雪
8--Her vain and wicked Stepmother the Queen她的继母皇后虚荣又邪恶
9--feared that someday Snow White's beauty would surpass her own.她担心有一天白雪会比她美丽
10--So she dressed the little Princess in rags因此她让白雪公主穿着破旧的衣服
11--and forced her to work as a Scullery Maid而且强迫她做打扫女工
12--Each day the vain Queen consulted her Magic Mirror每天皇后都向着魔镜询问
13--"Magic Mirror on the Wall,Who is the fairest one of all?""墙上的魔镜谁是世上最美的人" 14--...and as long as the Mirror answered,要魔镜回答
15--"You are the fairest one of all.""你是世上最美的女人"
16--Snow White was safe from the Queen's cruel jealousy.白雪公主才可以可免去皇后对她的嫉妒和怨恨
17--Slave in the Magic Mirror,魔镜中的奴隶
18--come from the farthest space.请由遥远的地方来
19--Through wind and darkness,I summon thee.在狂风黑暗中我召你来
21--Let me see thy face.立刻出现在我的眼前
22--What wouldst thou know,my Queen?皇后,你想知道什么
23--Magic Mirror on the wall,墙上的魔镜
24--who is the fairest one of all?谁是世界上最美的女人?
25--Famed isthy beauty,Majesty.陛下你的美貌
26--But hold,a lovely maid I see.但是我另外见到一位少女
27--Rags cannot hide her gentle grace.破衣遮掩不住她娴雅的仪表
28--Alas,she is more fair than thee.所以她才是世上最美的女人
29--Alas for her!Reveal her name.我要消灭她把她的名字告诉我
30--Lips red as the rose.她唇红如玫瑰
31--Hair black as ebony.发黑如乌木
32--Skin white as snow.皮肤白嫩如雪
33--Snow White!白雪公主
34--Want to know a secret?想知道一个秘密吗
35--Promise not to tell?答应我不告诉别人
36--We are standing by a wishing well这是一个神奇许愿井
37--Make a wish into the well只要你对着此井
38--That's all you have to do诚心许个愿
39--And if you hear it echoing要诚心诚意感动它
40--Your wish will soon come true它会向你和应
41---I'm wishing-I'm wishing-我希望-我希望
42--For the one l love我所爱的人
43---To find me-To find me-在今天-在今天
45---I'm hoping-I'm hoping-我渴望-我渴望
46--And l'm dreaming of如果他出现
47---The nice things-The nice things-对我说-对我说
48---He'll say-He'II say-爱我-爱我
49---l'm wishing-I'm wishing-我希望-我希望
50--For the one l love我所爱的人
51---To find me-To find me-在今天-在今天
54---Oh.-Did I frighten you?-哦-我吓到你了吗
56--Don't run away.别走啊
57--Now that l've found you终于遇上你
58--Hear what l have to say留下来听我唱
59--One song一首歌
60--l have but one song就只有一首
61--One song onIy for you一首给你的歌
62--One heart tenderly beating一颗想你的真心
63--Ever entreating永不曾间断
64--Constant and true无尽真实的思念
65--One love一份爱
66--That has possessed me让我着魔
67--One love一份爱
68--Thrilling me through让我战栗
69--One song一首歌
70--My heart keeps singing我的心儿一直歌唱
71--Of one love为爱唱歌
72--Only for you只为你付出
73--Take her far into the forest.把她带到森林里
74--Find some secluded glade个荒凉的地方
75--where she can pick wildflowers.让她去采野花
76--Yes,Your Majesty.好的陛下
77--And there,my faithful Huntsman,然后我要你在那个地方
78--you will kill her!把她给杀了
79--But,Your Majesty,the little Princess!但是陛下她只是个小公主80--Silence!闭嘴
81--You know the penalty if you fail.你知道失败的惩罚
82--Yes,Your Majesty.是的陛下
83--But to make doubly sure为了证明
84--you do not fail,你没有失败
85--bring back her heart in this.把她的心装在这个盒子里带回来
86--One song,I have but one song一首歌献给你的歌
87--Hello Bird嗨小鸟
88--What's the matter?怎么了
89--Where's your mama and papa?你的爸爸和妈妈呢
90--Why,I believe you're lost.为什么我想你一定是迷路了
91--Oh,please don't cry.哦请不要哭
92--Come on,perk up.来开心一点嘛
93--Won't you smile for me?为我笑一笑吧
94--That's better.这才乖
95--Your mama and papa can't be far.你的父母不会离这里太远的
96--There they are!它们就在那里
97--Can you fly?你能飞吗
99--I can't,I can't do it.不我不忍心下手
100--Forgive me.I beg of Your Highness,forgive me.原谅我我乞求公主您原谅我
101--I don't understand!我不知道这是怎么回事
102--She's mad,jealous of you!She'll stop at nothing!有个人嫉妒你的美丽她要除掉你103---But,but who?-The Queen.-是是谁-是皇后
104---The Queen?-Now,quick,child,run.-皇后-快孩子快跑
105--Run away,hide!快走啊躲起来
106--In the woods!Anywhere!Never come back!躲到森林里去永远不要再回来了107--Now,go.Go!Go!快走啊走啊走啊
110--Please don't run away.请不要走开
111--I won't hurt you.我不会伤害你们的
112--I'm awfully sorry.I didn't mean to frighten you.对不起我无意惊动你们
113--But you don't know what I've been through.但是你们不知道我的经历
114--And all because I was afraid.都是因为我自己的畏惧
115--I'm so ashamed of the fuss I've made.我好惭愧我有这么多牢骚
116--What do you do when things go wrong?当你们遇到困难怎么做呢
117--Oh!You sing a song!哦你们唱歌
118--With a smile and a song开开心心唱首歌
119--Life is just like a bright,sunny day世界上一切多美好天气晴朗
120--Your cares fade away你会没有惆怅
121--And your heart is young心灵年轻又奔放
122--With a smile and a song开开心心唱首歌
123--All the world seems to waken anew世界也变得焕然一新
124--Rejoicing with you只要你尽情唱
125--As the song is sung欢乐就永随你左右
126--There's no use in grumbling当事情不顺利时
127--When raindrops come tumbling请不要发牢骚
128--Remember you're the one记住是你
129--Who can fill the world with sunshine让世界每一处都充满了阳光
130--When you smile and you sing当你开开心心唱歌时
131--Everything is in tune and it's spring每一件事都会变得和谐
132--And life flows along只要你开开心心唱首歌
133--With a smile and a song生命就会变和谐流畅
134--I really feel quite happy now.我真的感觉开心多了
135--I'm sure I'll get along somehow.我相信我已经能应付咯
136--Everything's going to be all right.一切都会好起来的
137--But I do need a place to sleep at night.但我晚上需要个住的地方
138--I can't sleep in the ground like you我不能像你们一样睡在地上
139--or in a tree the way you do.也不能像你们一样睡在树上
140--And I'm sure no nest would possibly be big enough for me.更没有那么大的鸟巢容得下我141--Maybe you know where I can stay.也许你们知道我可以睡在哪儿
142--In the woods somewhere?森林里有没有地方啊
143--You do?你们知道
144--Will you take me there?能不能带我去
145--Oh,it's adorable!哦好可爱
146--Just like a doll's house.好像是小娃娃的房子
147--I like it here.我喜欢这里
148--Ooh,it's dark inside.哦里面好黑哟
149--Guess there's no one home.好像没有人在家
151--May I come in?我能进来吗
154--What a cute little chair!好可爱的小椅子
155--Why,there's seven little chairs!为什么有七张小椅子啊
156--Must be seven little children.一定是有七个小孩子157-
-And from the look of this table,由这一张桌子看起来158--
seven untidy little children.他们很不爱干净
159--A pickaxe.A stocking,too!还有十字镐和一只破袜子
160--And a shoe!一只鞋子
161--And just look at that fireplace.你们看看这个壁炉
162--It's covered with dust.上面都是灰尘
163--And look,cobwebs everywhere!看到处都是蜘蛛网
165--What a pile of dirty dishes!这么多脏碗盘
166--And just look at that broom!看这扫帚
167--Why,they've never swept this room.他们从来都不打扫的吗
168--You'd think their 他们的母亲应该要
169--Maybe they have no mother.也许他们没有母亲
170--Then they're orphans.那他们是孤儿
171--That's too bad.真可怜
172--I know!我知道了
173--We'll clean the house and surprise them.我们来打扫房子让他们大吃一惊
174--Then maybe they'll let me stay.这样子也许他们会让我留下来
175--Now,you wash the dishes.来你们洗碗碟
176--You tidy up the room.你们打扫房间
177--You clean the fireplace.你们清理壁炉
178--And I will use the broom.我来用这扫帚
179--Just whistle while you work吹口哨来做工
180--And cheerfully together we can tidy up the place要开开心心一起努力收拾这地方
181--So hum a merry tune来哼这首快乐的歌
182--lt won't take long when there's a song to help you set the pace唱着歌儿一起工作一下就完成了
183--And as you sweep the room来打扫这地方把灰尘扫一旁
184--lmagine that the broom快拿起扫把
185--ls someone that you love跟着音乐
186--and soon you'll find you're dancing to the tune跟着节奏来打扫
187--Oh,no,no,no,no!Put them in the tub.不不不不行要放在水池里
188--When hearts are high the time will fly来吹着口哨一起做
189--So whistle while you work让歌声伴着我
191--Not under the rug.不能扫到地毯下面
192--So whistle while you work让歌声伴着我
193--We dig,dig,dig,dig,dig,dig,dig来挖啊挖啊努力挖
194--ln our mine the whole day through在我们矿里终日不停
195--To dig,dig,dig,dig,dig,dig,dig is what we like to do来挖啊挖啊努力挖做我们喜爱的事
196--lt ain't no trick to get rich quick只要继续铲呀只要努力挖
197--lf ya dig,dig,dig with a shovel or a pick你会很快就脱离贫穷变富有
198---ln a mine-ln a mine-在矿中-在矿中
199---Where a million diamonds-Shine-里面美钻闪闪-闪闪
200--We dig,dig,dig,dig,dig,dig,dig挖啊挖啊努力挖
201--From early morn'til night从早上到夜晚
202--We dig,dig,dig,dig,来挖啊挖啊
203--dig,dig,dig up everything in sight努力挖一点都不嫌慢
204--We dig up diamonds by the score我们有挖不完的钻石205-
-A thousand rubies Sometimes more还有数不尽的红宝石206--
Though we don't know what we dig'em for不管到什么时候207--
We dig,dig,dig-a-dig,dig我们挖啊挖啊努力挖
212--Heigh-ho,heigh-ho lt's home from work we go嗨唷嗨唷一天工作结束
214--Heigh-ho,heigh-ho lt's home from work we go嗨唷嗨唷我们回家上路
