"The winter landscape is blanketed in a cloak of sparkling snow." (冬季的景观被闪闪发光的雪覆盖着。)
"The air is crisp and invigorating, filled with the scent of pine trees." (空气清新而活力四射,充满了松树的香味。)
"The frost on the windows is like a canvas of intricate designs." (窗户上的霜是一幅精细设计的画布。)
snow是什么意思中文"The winter sun casts a golden glow over the frozen lake." (冬日的阳光在冰冻的湖面上投下金的光辉。)
"The snow-covered trees look like they are wearing delicate white lace." (被雪覆盖的树看起来像戴着精致的白蕾丝。)
"The icicles hanging from the roof are like natural crystal chandeliers." (从屋顶垂下的冰柱就像是天然的水晶吊灯。)
"The snow-covered fields look like a white, fluffy quilt." (被雪覆盖的田野看起来像是一床白的毛毯。)
"The steam rising from the cups of hot cocoa is like a warm hug on a cold day." (来自热可可杯子上升的蒸汽就像是寒冷日子里温暖的拥抱。)
"The glow of holiday lights against the dark winter sky is like a ray of hope." (节日灯光在黑暗的冬季天空中闪耀就像是希望的光芒。)
"The sound of crunching snow underfoot is like music to the ears." (脚下踩碎雪的声音就像是耳朵里的音乐。)
