1.What’s a hot dog? Is it really a dog?P2
[评析]really,副词,修饰动词,一般放在行为动词(实义动词)之前,系动词(be,get,become……)之后。注意:此处不能用形容词real,形容词常修饰名词.试比较:It is really a dog. It is a real dog.
[例句] I really want a hot dog. It is really a dog.
2.It looks good.(P2)
[评析picnic是什么意思]look,连系动词,意思是“看起来,看上去”,相当于be的用法,常和形容词连用,一起构成谓语。而look还可以作行为动词,意思是“看”,look at看……
[例句]The hot dog looks good.They look hungry.(连系动词)
      Look!It’s raining now.They are looking at the ducks.(行为动词)
3.A hamburger for me,too.A cola for me ,too.(P2)
[例句] I like him very much.Give it to me,please.
        I have a book,too. I don’t have a book,either.
4.---How much is it?
  ---It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.(P2)
[评析]英语中,问多少钱,用how much……?dollarcent有单复数,而人民币yuan,jiao,fen只用单数形式。one dollar =one hundred cents.
[例句]The hamburger is three dollars and seventy-five cents.
      The hat is seven yuan and fifty fen.
5.What do you want to eat?(P4)
[评析]一个句子有两个或两个以上动词时,第二个动词常用“to 加动词原形”或者and连接。
[例句]I want to drink some colas,please.      Come and help me.
      I’m going to go to the park to play.Go to bed and say goodnight.
I want to drive the bus.Ccme and help us.
He’s starting to cross,but a car is coming.
6.Let’s go.(P6)
[评析] Let’s=let us(咱们,让我们……吧).let后跟动词原形(省to不定式),不能跟“to 加动词原形”。
[例句]Let’s go under that tree.
7.When are we going to eat,Mum?At half past twelve.
What time is it?It’s twelve.P6   
时间表达法:1)点+分钟:905 nine five  1015 ten fifteen
            2)分钟不到30分钟,用past()6:20 twenty past six
                分钟超过30分钟,用to()635 twenty-five to seven
                分钟正好是30分,用half past:  6:30 half past six
              3)正好30分钟,结构是“half past……”3:30 half past three
                正好一刻钟(15分钟),结构是“a quarter past(to)……”
                  5:15 a quarter past five/5:45 a quarter to six
如:at nine (o’clock)
b.pastto时,结构是“分钟数+past(to)+点时间”,且用to时,点时间要+17:55 five to eight
[例句]We are going to swim at eight o’clock on Saturday morning.
      The boys are going to play football at half past nine.
8.These ducks are very noisy.
  And they’re very hungry.
  Our picnic is wet.(P6)
[评析] 形容词的用法:1、修饰名词,在名词之前。It’s a beautiful day.
A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat.
Daming is having a great birthday!
Be careful! It looks good!That’s right.
Our picnic is wet.They look hungry.
And they’re very hungry. These ducks are very noisy.
The dog is singing very loudly.
I had a very funny day on Saturday.
The moon is shining sadly.
[例句]It’s getting very dark.(形容词dark和系动词get连用,副词very修饰形容词dark.I had a very funny day on Saturday.
9.It’s going to rain tomorrow.
  It’s going to be windy tomorrow.(P8)
[评析]be going to后跟动词原形。rain,是动词,所以第一句直接用了be going to+rain.windy是形容词,而形容词又常和be连用,组成句子(They are very hungry),所以第二句应该是be windy,而不能只用windy.
[例句] It’s going to snow in Harbin tomorrow.
      It’s going to rain in Shanghai tomorrow.
      It’s going to be cold in Lhasa tomorrow.
      It’s going to be sunny in Beijing tomorrow.
10.And what about this afternoon?(P9)
[评析]what about……?……怎么样?……呢?
      What about 后常跟代词,名词和动词的ing形式。
[例句]I’m going to play basketball.What about you?
      You are going to have a party today.What about tomorrow?
      What are you going to do?What about playing football?
11.The sun is shining. (P10)
[评析]世界上独一无二的名词前,常加the。如:the sun  the moon(月亮)  the earth(地球)
[例句] The earth goes around the sun. The sky is blue.
12.Here are the photos.look!(P10)
[评析] 这儿有:
Here is……(跟单数名词)。如:Here is a photo. Here is an egg.
Here are……(跟复数名词)如:Here are the apples. Here are some ducks.
[例句]Look!Here is an apple in the tree.
      Look!Here are some apples in the tree.
13. I can see you!(P12)
[评析] Can是情态动词,表示“能,会”。She can sing.Can I help you?
无人称和数的变化:I can swim.She can swim.They can swim.不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语,can后必须跟动词原形。The boy can ride a bike.We can play football.
肯定句: The boy can swim. They can play football.
否定句: The boy can not swim.  They can not play football.
