1.——When are you going to       for Shanghai?
    ——Tomorrow morning.
A. get off                              B. turn off                              C. take off                              D. set off
【解析】【分析】句意:——你打算什么时候动身去上海?——明天早上。get off下车;turn off关掉;take off脱下;set off出发;动身。故选D。
2.I           a stone in a dark street and hurt my knees.
A. fell over                                   B. fell off                                   C. fell away
【解析】【分析】句意:我在黑暗中被一块石头……,弄伤了我的膝盖。A.被绊倒; B.从……落下; C.离开,消瘦。故选A。
3.—Alice, don't put your things here, ___________. —OK, I will.
A. put away them              B. put on them               C. put them away                D. put them on
put away放好,抛弃,储存。 put on穿上,上演,增加;两个词组在运用时,当宾语是代词时都放在词组中间。因为第一句 things是复数,所以用代词them 来代替。由句意可知选C。
4.Joe has caused many problems and his dad can't ______ good ways to solve his trouble.
A. come up with                    B. catch up with                    C. work out                    D. write down
【解析】【分析】come up with”想出“;catch up with”赶上“;work out”解决“;write down”写下来“。句意为:Joe惹出许多麻烦,他的爸爸想不出方法来解决他的麻烦。”想出方法“用come up with,故选A。
5.— Excuse me, may I take a seat here?
Of course.
A. sit                                        B. sleep                                        C. smoke
【解析】【分析】句意:——打扰一下,我可以坐这儿吗?——当然。take a seat坐下,sit坐;sleep睡眠;smoke抽烟。故选A。
6.—The box is too heavy to carry. What's in it? 
—Oh, it is________ books
A. filled with                        B. covered with                        C. used for                        D. asked for
【解析】【分析】句意:—这箱子重得搬不动。里面是什么?。—噢,它装满了书。be filled  with意为“用……装满”;be covered with意为“用……覆盖”;be usede  for意为“用来做”;be asked  for意为“请求”。根据句意重得搬不动,应该是装满了书。故答案为A。
【点评】考查短语动词be filled with,同义词组为be full of
7.一 Bob isn't at home. Then where is he?
一 Sorry I have no idea where he's gone.
A. don't know                              B. remember                              C. don't care
【解析】【分析】句意:——Bob不在家,那么他在哪儿呢?——对不起,我不知道他去哪儿了。have no idea不知道。故选A。
8.Scientists are trying to ___________ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.
A. come up with                    B. look forward to                    C. talk about                    D. give up
【解析】【分析】句意:科学家正努力想出办法叫H7N9的可怕疾病。come up with想出;提出;look forward to盼望;talk about谈论;give up放弃。根据句意可知选A。
9.一 It's difficult to fix my mind on what I'm doing.
一 I think you need some rest. Why not have a rest first?
A. give up                                 B. focus on                                 C. talk about
为什么不先休息呢?fix one's mind on把思想集中在……上;give up放弃;focus on集中(注意力);talk about谈论。故选B。
10.— How long does it take you to prepare for the English exam?
  — It takes me about one week and a half.
A. take off                               B. decide on                               C. get ready for
【解析】【分析】句意:——你准备英语考试花了多长时间?——花了一个半周。prepare for为……做准备;take off脱下;起飞;decide on决定;get ready for为……做准备。故选C。
11.The street will be flooded when it rains heavily.
A. filled with cars                     B. filled with people                     C. filled with water
【解析】【分析】句意:当雨下得太大时,这条街会被淹没。flood译为“淹没”;A.装满了车; B.装满了人; C.装满了水。结合句意选C。
12.﹣______! Something is falling down from the tall building.
﹣ Dear me! It's dangerous.
A. Look out                       B. Help yourself                       C. What a pity                       D. Shut up.
【解析】【分析】句意:﹣﹣留神!有东西从高楼上掉下来了. ﹣﹣哦,亲爱的!这是危险的.
look out当心,留神,向外看,help yourself自取……,what a pity真可惜,shut up安静,闭嘴,根据后面一句话"有东西从高楼上掉下来了. "可知这里应该提醒对方注意,故选:A.
13.When you visit a museum, you should ___________ the instructions.
A. compare with                 B. look forward to                 C. pay attention to                 D. try out
【解析】【分析】句意:当你参观博物馆的时候,你应该注意说明。compare with比较;look forward to盼望;pay attention to注意;try out试验。根据句意故选C。
14.The students ought to wear school uniforms when they're at school.           
A. are supposed to                  B. are allowed to                  C. would like to                  D. love to
