中考重点语法 : 一般现在时
1.His mother ____ him ____ the games.
A.is allowed , to play      B.doesn't allow , to play
C.doesn't allow  play      D.is allowed  play
2.If you _______ me with my English, I will appreciate ________
A.help, your help    B.will help, your help
C.help, you    D.will help, you
3.—Tom wants to know if you ________ a picnic next Sunday.                     
—Yes. But if it ________, we'll visit the museum instead.
A.will have; will rain    B.have; rains
C.have; will rain    D.will have; rains
语法解析:汤姆想知道下周日你们是否去野炊。是的,但是如果下雨的话,我们将改去参观博物馆。if引导宾语从句时,意为“是否”,句子时态根据句意选用,if 作为“假如”时,引导的是条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来,故选D
4.—Does Ted tell you if he _______________ next Sunday?                             
—No, he does't. But if he ________________, I'll give you a ring.
A.will come, will come    B.comes, will come
C.will come,comes    D.comes, comes
5.The food on the plate         bad. Throw it away.
A.is smelt terrible    B.is smelt terribly
C.smells terribly    D.smells terrible
6.Alice likes doing housework. She ________her room every afternoon.
A.cleans    B.cleaned    C.is cleaning    D.has cleaned
语法解析:Alice喜欢做家务,她每天下午打扫她的房间。clean是一个动词,意思是打扫。根据句意和句中的every afternoon 可知,这里表示的是经常性的动作,故应该用一般现在时,这句话的主语Alice是第三人称单数形式,故选A。B是一般过去时;C是现在进行时;D是现在完成时。
7.There is no doubt that students ________in their study if they      more praise from their teachers.
A.will make progress; will getpicnic是什么意思    B.make progress; get
C.will make progress; get    D.make progress; will get
8.—I wonder if you    for a picnic tomorrow.
—If it    ,I will go.
A.go, not rain    B.go, doesn't rain
C.will go, isn't rain.    D.will go, doesn't rain.
9.He will give me a message when he ________ there.
A.get    B.gets    C.is getting    D.will get
10.Mr. White with his two kids __________ to the beach for vacation every year.
A.go    B.goes    C.went    D.are going
语法解析::White先生和他的两个孩子每年都去海边度假。go to the beach 是固定的短语,意思是去海边。根据句意和句中的every year可知,这里应该用一般现在时态,并且这句话的主语是Mr. White with his two kids,谓语动词应该跟with之前的主语保持一致,应该用单数形式,故选B。
11.—Excuse me, Mum. When can we have dinner?
—Not until it      in half an hour.
A.is prepared    B.has been prepared
C.will be prepared    D.was prepared
13.My parents often______ me some gifts on my birthday.
A.buy    B.will buy    C.buys    D.has bought
语法解析:我的父母在我的生日经常送我一些礼物。结合语境可知本句中描述的是客观性动作,故用一般现在时态,主语my parents是复数形式,故谓语动词用复数形式,选A。
14.He'll send us a message as soon as he ________ in Sichuan.
A.is arriving    B.will arrive    C.arrived    D.arrives
语法解析:as soon as表示“一…就”引导的是时间状语从句,其用法是主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时,故用arrives。本句的意思是“他一到四川就给我们发信息。”所以本题选C。
15.We____ shopping unless it ____ tomorrow.
A.will go, will rain    B.go, will rain
C.will go, rains    D.go, rains
语法解析:除非明天下雨,否则我们将会去购物。unless 除非,引导条件状语从句,从句中应该用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时。故应选C。
16.The physics teacher said that light _______ much faster than sound.
A.travels    B.traveled    C.to travel    D.was travelling
17.The newspaper says if more underground lines         next year, it will be much easier for people to travel around Nanjing.   
A.will be finished    B.have finished
C.are finishing    D.are finished
18.He often_______up at 5:30, but he _______ up at 6:00 yesterday.              (  )
A.gets; got    B.gets; gets    C.got; gets    D.get; get
19.My bad tooth ________ again and I will have it ________ out next week.
A.aches; to pull    B.is ached; pull
C.aches; pulled    D.is ached; pulling
语法解析:我的坏牙又痛了,我会在下周拔掉它。achen.疼痛; vi.疼痛;have sth done请某人做某事,所以选C。使某人做某事
