{0>Among the various places of historical interest in Suzhou Tiger Hill is the most famous .It is also a tourist site of great natural beauty.<}0{>在苏州众多的名胜古迹中,虎丘是最具盛名的。<0} {0>For more than 2000 years the hill has been regarded as the landmark of the city .Because it is closely related to the origin of the city.<}0{>2千多年来,虎丘一直是苏州的标志。因为虎丘与苏州这座城市有着不解的渊源。<0}
{0>In the Spring and Autumn Period this area was ruled by the king of the state of WU.<}0{>早在春秋战国时代。这个地区属于吴国,在吴国国王的统治下。<0} {0>As the state grew in power, it moved its capital to the present site of Suzhou in 560 BC known as the city of Wu.<}0{>baotu spring是什么意思随着吴国逐渐强盛起来,在公元前560年,吴国迁都到苏州,把苏州作为吴国的首都。<0} {0>When prince HeLu succeeded to the throne and became king of Wu, he ordered his Prime Minister WuZiXu to build an influential city for him to serve as his capital.<}0{>在王子阖闾继任皇位,成为吴国的新君主后,他要求他的大臣伍子婿为其修建一座有影响的城池作为他的首都。<0}
{0>Then a large city was constructed which embraced the original old town in the middle of it .The fortified city had 16 gates, 8 water gates and 8 land gates with a double moat linked with the canals inside the city to which the streets were laid in parallel lines.<}0{>不久一座占地很大城池开始修建了。新的城池以原来的城池为中心,拥有16座城门,其中8座水城门,8座陆城门;整个城池采用内外开挖护城河,护城河与城里的内河相连,街道与河道并行的布局。<0}
{0>This huge project was completed about 516 BC and was then called the Great City of HeLu.<}0{>这座城池(这个巨大的工程)到公元前516年修建完成。并被命名为“阖闾大城”<0}
{0>Although the city has gone through tremendous changes since then, its boundaries have always remained the same and the remnants of the city walls now stand practically on the same foundations as built 2500 years ago .<}0{>虽然苏州历经变迁,但是,苏州现在的城郭没有变,断断续续的护城墙依然位于2500年前当时建造的位置上。<0} {0>Because of this monumental work the king was remembered as the undisputed founder of Suzhou.<}0{>由于吴国国王这个里程碑式的工程,使他至今依然被人们公认为苏州这座城市没有争议的奠基人和缔造者。<0}
{0>After the death of king HeLu, his son king FuCai buried him on the hill which was previously his pleasant resort.<}0{>在国王阖闾去世后,他的儿子夫差将父亲安葬在虎丘山下。这里曾经是阖闾的经常来玩的地方。<0} {0>A legend says that three days after the burial of king a fierce white tiger appeared crouching on the hill supposedly to guard the king’s final resting place.<}0{>传说就在阖闾下葬后三天,在虎丘山上出现了一只凶猛的白虎,就像是特意安排的一样,守护在国王最后安息的地方。<0}
{0>Of course even in those days people didn’t quite believe a tiger hanging around.<}0{>当然了,就是当时的人们也不相信这里会有老虎出现。<0} {0>But anyway that is how the hill was first given the name of tiger hill.<}0{>但是,无论如何这就是当时虎丘得名的来历。<0} 
{0>In the late dynasties when more buildings were added to the hill and especially when the hill became the site of a monastery with a pagoda on the top of the hill, people began to compare the shape of the hill to that of a tiger.<}0{>在以后的历代中。虎丘山上的建筑物逐渐的多起来,特别是当虎丘变成一座寺院,寺院的山顶上建了一座宝塔时,人们开始将虎丘山的形状与老虎的样子比照起来。<0}
{0>They said that the first entrance building of the temple facing the canal looked like the head of a tiger with the two wells in front of it resembling the eyes, and the gentle slope of the hill was the back of the crouching animal and the pagoda on the hilltop the tiger `s tail sticking straight up.<}0{>他们说,寺院进门面对小河的第一幢建筑物看起来就像老虎的头,建筑物门前的两口井就像是老虎的眼睛;平缓的山坡就是趴着老虎的背;而山顶上的宝塔就像是老虎翘起的尾巴。<0}
{0>Nowadays some people say the second temple entrance looks more like tiger’s head, the door is the mouth and the two circular windows are the eyes and the curve eaves are just like the ears.<}0{>今天,有人说,进山第二座建筑物是老虎的头,建筑物的门和两个圆形的窗户就像老虎的嘴和眼睛;建筑物的两根突出的飞檐就像是老虎的耳朵。<0}
{0>As the burial place of the King of Wu tiger, hill is associated with many stories and legends about the king.<}0{>虎丘山作为吴王墓的所在地,这个地方流传着许多有关吴王的故事和传说。<0} {0>And with the elapse of time more stories grew up in the hill.
<}0{>随着时间的推移,民间的故事和传说越来越多。<0} {0>There has been a lot of mention of the hill in the works of writer’s poets and celebrities of different times .The glories of its ancient history have made the hill an absolute must for all visitors to Suzhou<}0{>不同朝代的文人墨客和社会名流在其著述中时常提到虎丘的名字。虎丘昔日的辉煌历史使它成为来苏游客游览必到之处。<0}
{0>The great Song dynasty poet SuDongPu once remarked to visit Suzhou without seeing tiger hill would be a thing for regret<}0{>宋代文人苏东坡曾经说过,玩苏州而不游览虎丘乃憾事也!<0}
{0>In the opinion of many people, missing tiger hill is just as bad as missing Suzhou itself<}0{>在许多游客的眼里,来苏州游玩不游虎丘就等于没有到苏州一样。<0}

{0>Introduction of Tiger Hill (by CRI)<}0{>虎丘介绍(中国国际广播电台)<0}
{0>Text by Chu Daye<}0{>Chu Daye撰文<0}
{0>No trip to Suzhou would be complete if it didn't include a trip to Huqiu, or Tiger Hill, located in the suburbs of the old Suzhou city.<}0{>虎丘位于古苏州市城郊,人们常说“到苏州而不游虎丘乃憾事也”。 <0}
{0>Tiger Hill is renowned as the "Number One Scenery of the Kingdom of Wu."<}0{>虎丘素有吴中第一名胜的美誉。<0} {0>The hill is 36 meters in height and covers an area of about 14,100 square meters.<}0{>此山高36米,面积14,100平方米。<0} {0>A number of historic attractions, including some dating back 2,500 years, as old as the city of Suzhou, are located on the hill. <}0{>其上有不少历史名胜,一些已有二千五百多年的历史,和苏州城一样久远。<0}
