1.When do you do morning exercises?你什么时候晨练?
I usually do morning exercises at 830.我通常在830晨练。
2.Excuse meCan l ask you some questions?
3. —What do you do? 你是做什么的?
I am a policeman.我是个警察。
4.---When do you eat  dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭。
I eat dinner at 700in the evening我晚上七点钟吃晚饭。
in the morning:在早上    at noon在中午
in the afternoon:在下午    in the evening:在晚上
5Thank you for telling me about your day. 谢谢你告诉我关于你的一天:
What do you do on the weekend? 你在周末做什么?
6.Let's go hiking together next Sunday 让我们下个星期日一起去远足。
Next:下一个。 Together:一起。
7.How about you?=What about you?你呢?
8.Thats fun.那真有趣。
9.The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow。天气报告说明天会下雨。
Be going to…一般将来时,意思是“将会,将要,准备”
10.I can't go to play football in the rain. I cant go hikingeither.我不能在
11.Usually l clean my roomI often go hikingtoo
12.Then come to my homeLet's watch TV together.那么来我家吧。我们一起看电视。
1.What's your favourite col our?你最喜爱的颜是什么?
2.What's your favourite animal?你最喜爱的动物是什么’;
3.What's the weather like in spring?春天的天气怎么样?
4.—Which season do you like best? = What's your favourite season?
回答:I likebest.或者直接答出这样东西就可以。
Which teacher do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个老师?
Which fruit do you like best? 你最喜爱哪一种水果?
5.I can play with snow.我可以玩雪。
    I dont like winterIt's too cold.我不喜欢冬天,天气太冷了。
6. I don't like….表达自己不喜欢某物。喜欢就用:I like….
  I like orangesBut l don't like bananas
7.Winter is beautifulbut it's too cold for me。冬天很美,但对我来说太冷了。
8. I like swim in the sea.我喜欢在大海里游泳
9.Summer is goodbut fall is my favourite season.夏天不错,但我最喜爱秋天。
  10.  What would you like to do?  你想做什么?
          I like to….我想…。
10.Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?
11.Because l  can plant trees.因为我可以植树。
Why do you like summer?
Because l can swim in the lake
12.Why do you like winter? Because l can sleep a long time
13.一“I like summer,”says Zip·Zip说:“我喜欢夏天。”
14.一“Why do you like summerasks ZoomZoom问:“为什么你喜欢夏天。”
1.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?
2. My birthday is in June.我的生日在六月。
3. How many birthdays are there in January? There are
4.Is your birthday in Februarytoo?你的生日也在二月吗?这是…般疑问句。
5.  When is Childrens Day? It's in June.儿童节是什么时候?在六月。
6.What are you doingJohn?约翰,你在干什么?
    I am making a birthday chart for our family.我正在给我们家做一张生日表。for:为,给。
7. —When is your Independence Day? 你们的美国独立日是什  时候? It'sJuly4th.在七月四日。
8.Who has a birthday in October?有谁的生日在十月?
9.What's the date?几号‘?
        What's the date today? 今天几号?
        What day is it today? 今天早期几?
10. I am sending Grandma an e-card(现在进行时)我正在给奶奶发一张电子卡片。
      c-card:电子卡片    e-mail
11. Is her birthday in June?她的生日在六月吗?
它的肯定回答是:Yesshe  does.
否定回答是:Noshe  doesnt
12.Does she have a computer?她有电脑吗?这是She has a computer.一般疑问句。
它的肯定回答是:Yesshe  does
否定回答是:Noshe doesnt
13. —Lets make a birthday card
14.Everyone likes to get birthday cards
1.What are you doing?你正在干什么?
2.I am doing the dishes.我在洗碗碟。
        I am drawing pictures.我在画画。
      She is cooking dinner.她在做饭。
      They are reading books.他们在看书。
3.It's Chen Jie我是陈洁。这是打电话用语,用来介绍自己。它等于
This is Chen Jie  =  This is Chen Jie speaking
千万不能说成:I am Chen Jie
4.Do you want to go to the Children's Center.你想去儿童活动中心吗?
5.What is your father doing? 你爸爸在干什么?-
6. He's writing an e-mail.他在写。以上这两句都是现在进行时。
7.Can l speak to your momplease?请问,我可以跟你妈妈说吗?打电话用语,某人时说的。例如:Can l speak to your day?
8.Please hold on.请等一下。打电话用语。
9. There is a call for you.有一个电话你。
10.How's every body doing?=How is everyone doing?家里人怎么样?
11.Grandpa is writing a letterBrother is doing homeworkMom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.爷爷正在写信。哥哥在做功课。妈妈在厨房里做饭。现在进行时。
12.Can l speak to him herplease?请问,我可以跟他/她  说吗?
13. I'm coming Who's that?我来了。谁啊?Who's that' 打电话用语,
1.Do you see any elephants?你看见一些大象吗?
    I love elephants.我爱大象。
2.--That elephant is drinking water with is trunk.那只大象用它的象鼻喝水。With:和……一起,用。
3.What are the elephants doing?大象们在干什么?
    They are drinking.它们在喝水。
