Module 1重点短语和句型
1. many years ago 许多年前
2. live in a small house 住在一所小房里
3. enough food  足够的食品
4. how about  怎么样
5. lots of buses and cars许多公共汽车与小汽车
6. every day 每天
7. talk to  和…交谈
8. miss China  想念中国
9. four years ago 四年前
10. a television programme about China 一个关于中国的电视节目
11. last night  昨天晚上
12. talk about  谈论
13. cook on a fire  在炉火上做饭
14 work in the fields  在田地里劳作
1、There was(were)+某人或某物+某地
2、过去式:We didn’t have enough food .句型:
主语+did not+动词原形+其他

1。能够流利地运用“What is the bear/…doing?〞和“It's dancing/…"等句型,询问与描述动物正在做的事情。
2。能够正确理解和运用“Im dancing like a bear.〞和“Do you want to swim like a fish? No,I dont want to be a fish.〞等句型.
3.能够正确地书写“The bear is dancing。〞等句型,以及书面询问与描述动物正在做的事情。
能够流利地运用“What is the bear /…doing?〞和“Its dancing/…"等句型,描述动物正在做的事情。
Step 1:Warm-up
1.全班合唱[Animals,animals are everywhere].
教师播放从网络上下载的[动物世界]的片段做成PPT,要求学生用现往进行时来描述画中动物正在做的动作。例如:“熊猫在爬树"或“猴子在吃西瓜〞,学生抢答:The panda is climbing。 The monkey is eating。得分最多的学生为最正确[动物世界]解说员。
Step 2: Presentation
1。 Read and write.
〔1)教师导入:Do you like animals? Do you want to go to the zoo to see the animals with me? Now lets go.
请学生认真阅读Robin at the zoo局部,思考对话中谈到几种动物?各种动物各自在做什么?
教师提问学生:How many animals do they talk about? What are they? What is the monkey doing? What is Robin doing?
PPT呈现句子:Im looking at the bear. Im dancing like a bear.教师解释并要求学生举例。
如:Im looking at the rabbit。 Im eating like a rabbit。又如:I'm looking at the tiger. lm running like a tiger.然后要求全班学生借助肢体语言一边说一边演。
〔6)Let’s chant。
Bear,bear,Im looking at a bear。〔做小熊走路的动作〕
Bear,bear,I'm dancing like a bear。〔做舞蹈的动作〕
Rabbit,rabbit,I'm looking at the rabbit。〔做兔子走路的动作〕
Rabbit,rabbit,Im eating like a rabbit.(做吃东西的动作〕
PPT呈现:Do you want to swim like a fish?和I don't want to be a fish!教师解释其意思后,请学生模仿例句说一说.如:
S1: Do you want to dance like a bear? I don’t want to be a bear.
S2: Do you want to eat like a rabbit? I don’t want to be a rabbit.
S3: Do you want to run like a tiger? I don't want to be a tiger.
S4: Do you want to climb like a monkey? I don't want to be a monkey。
最后问学生What do you want to be?让学生各抒己见,说出自己的心声。如:1 want to be a
2. Answer the questions.
3。 Story time。
〔1〕教师将Story time局部挂图贴在黑板上,手指挂图说:Look! Zip and Zoom are visiting the animals. What animals do they see? What are the animals doing? 教师简单讲述挂图内容。
①What are the monkeys doing?
②Whose tail is that?
③Are the monkeys taking pictures, too?
4。 Let’s check。
(1〕学生完成Listen and number局部的练习,要求学生认真听,并对以下四幅图进行排序.
〔2)学生完成Listen again and choose the right answers。局部的听音选择练习,然后核对答案,并请两个学生进行问答练习。如:
S1: What is the cat doing?
S2:1ts climbing.
也可以以口头复述的形式说一说图中四个人物正在做的事情.如:Look at the pictures. The cat is climbing。 Amy is riding a bike。 Wu Yifan is eating lunch。等等,描述时可以自由发挥,不受录音内容的影响.
5。 Let’s wrap it up。
学生完成Complete the sentences局部的练习,然后核对答案。核对完答案,教师要进一步强调形容词性和名词性物主代词的不同用法.
Step 3:Consolidation and extension
活动方式:每组各请三位学生上台,一位学生抽取图片,描述抽到的图片,另外两位学生模仿动作.描述正确且动作模仿逼真的得3分,看哪组得分最高。如:抽到的是大象在喝水的图片,一位学生说:The elephants are drinking water。另外两位学生就模仿大象喝水的动作。
(1〕 PPT呈现森林运动会场景,4人为一组,每人轮流充当记者来采访现场的教练。以下句型可供参考:
①What animals are at the sports meet?
②What is/are the…doing?
③Is it /Are they…?
Step 4: Homework
1。熟读Read and write局部的对话。
Unit 5 Whose dog is it?
Whose dog is it?
It’s mine/yours/…
The rabbit is sleeping。
Is he drinking water?
Yes, he is。/No, he isn’t。
