《高 语》
第二册 模拟试题
I. Determine whether the following statements are True or False. Mark them with T or F to indicate your answer. (10×1)
1. In Marrakech, Orwell directly reveals his outrage at the poor treatment of the donkey. He does this to emphasize that the animals are treated much worse than the local people.
2. Pub Talk and the King’s English is written in a conversational style to suit the theme of the text.
3. cheongsamThe Future of the English is a formal piece of argumentation.
4. Mencken’s writing, in The Libido for the Ugly, obviously indicates his objective attitude towards the appearance of Westmoreland.
5. In The Worker as Creator or Machine Fromm uses a causal analysis to evaluate the reaction of the worker to his working environment.
6. The Sad Young Men is a clearly structured essay that explains the stimulating writing of the Lost Generation.
7. The Future of the English is a meaningful title because the text explains what the future of English people is going be, rather than what their future depends upon.
8. Baldwin’s reflections, reactions and conclusions in The Discovery of What it Means to be an American reveal the many perspectives he was writing from.
9. The title of the essay, The Sad Young Men, appropriately describes the subjects of the text, who returning from World War I, rejected American mainstream values.
10. Loving and Hating New York is a piece of argumentation where the writer vividly reveals his disgust with New York city.
II. Choose the rhetorical or figurative device from the list below that best describes the underlined words. All of the devices listed are used at least once. (8×1)
1. His choice of vocation does not cause him any uneasy wonder as to whether or not it will cost him his friends.
2. Greenwich Village set the pattern.
3. Englishness must have some moral capital to draw upon, and soon it may be asking for an overdraft.
4. Firewood was passing — that was how I saw it.
5. The glow of conversation burst into flames.
6. America has shown us too many exhausted salesmen taking refuge in bars and breaking up their homes.
7. But in Westmoreland they prefer that uremic yellow and so they have the most loathso
me town and villages ever seen by the mortal eye.
8. Sore-eyed children cluster everywhere in unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies.
Euphemism        Hyperbole        Inversion        Metaphor
Metonymy        Simile            Transferred        Epithet
III. Write, in your own words, a sentence that you think best expresses the meaning of the original sentence. (6×2)
1. Every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury.
2. The best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.
3. Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty as it hates truth.
4. He has a feeling of fraudulency about his product and a secret contempt for it.
5. It was tempted, in America at least, to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an
air of naughty alcoholic sophistication.
6. A man can be as proud of being a good waiter as of being a good actor, and in neither case feel threatened.
IV. Choose from the list below the appropriate substitution for each of the italicized parts of the following sentences. (10×1)
1. My mother always followed the latest weight-reducing racket.
2. She swung the business deal after her visit to the company.
3. Our office furniture was a collection of hand-me-downs.
4. Your loyalty to the cause is taken for granted.
5. At heart she is a hopeless romantic.
6. She got a good taste of competition at the sporting event.
7. Bear with me while I explain the situation.
8. After the vacation, she wrote off the bad experience.
9. He was in the sulks when I left the party early.
10. He’s acting like a child, so to speak.

A: Arranged
B: Assumed
C: Basically
D: Dishonest scheme
E: Disregard
F: Endure
G: Experienced
H: Figuratively speaking
I: Offended
J: Used items

V. Twelve words are taken away at irregular intervals from the passage below. You are expected to fill in the blanks with the correct forms of words from below that best keep the meaning and structure of the sentences. (12×1)
    Americans are quite  1  of their political system. Whether they are well   2  about politics (most are not) or whether they   3  actively in political matters (many do not), they believe their political system has   4  most other political systems   5  . They believe it protects their individual freedom, which is a value of   6  importance to them. They   7  their system is, or can be, responsive to their wishes in ways other systems cannot be.
