    My Big Sister's English Homework
    Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm in 5th grade. I love playing video games, riding my bike, and hanging out with my friends. But you know what I don't love? My big sister Emily's English homework! Emily is in 7th grade now, and she always has a bunch of English work to do. Just the other day, she was working on her English textbook and I got really curious about what she was doing.
    I went over to Emily's desk and peeked over her shoulder. She was flipping through this big, thick book and mumbling something under her breath. I asked her, "Whatcha doing, sis?" Emily looked up at me and said, "I'm working on my English homework, dummy. Don't bother me!" But I'm a curious kid, so I kept bugging her about it.
    "What's that book you're reading? Is it a story book?" I asked. Emily rolled her eyes and said, "No, Timmy, it's not a story book. It's my English textbook for this semester." I had no idea what a "semester" was, but I nodded my head like I understood. Emily could see the confused look on my face, so she explained, "A semester is like a school term. This big book has all the English stuff I need to learn this half of the school year."
    That got me really interested. I leaned in closer and tried to read the title of the book, but it was in fancy cursive writing that I couldn't make out. "What does it say on the cover?" I asked Emily. She sighed and showed me the front of the textbook. "It says 'English for Grade 7, Second Semester' in big letters," she told me.
    "Cool, cool," I said, trying to act like I totally got what was going on. "So what kinds of things are you learning about in that book?" Emily thought for a moment, then said, "Well, the book is divided into different units, and each unit covers a different topic or theme. The first unit is "
    She trailed off, so I finished her sentence for her: "Is what? What's the topic?"
Emily flipped the textbook open to the very first unit and showed me the title page. "The first unit is called 'My Roles and Responsibilities.' It's all about the different roles people have, like being a student, a son or daughter, a friend, etc. And it talks about the responsibilities that come with each role."
    I nodded slowly, taking it all in. Roles and responsibilities? That sounded like pretty grown-up stuff for a 7th grader! Emily could see the blank look on my face, so she tried to dumb it down for me. "Basically, Timmy, this unit is about all the different 'jobs' I have as a kid - being a good student, helping out around the house, that kind of thing. The reading passages are going to be about kids our age and how they act out their different roles."
    "Oh, I think I get it now!" I said, feeling proud of myself. "So you'll be learning about, like, how to be a good student and stuff. Kinda like when Mom tells you to do your chores and homework and all that, right?" Emily laughed and ruffled my hair. "Exactly, little bro. You're catching on!"
    I spent the next little while watching over Emily's shoulder as she worked through the firs
t few pages of the unit. There were some reading passages about kids doing household chores and talking about their responsibilities as students. There were also some dialogues where people were discussing things like teamwork, cooperation, and respect. It all seemed pretty heavy for a 7th grade textbook!
    After a while, I got bored and went off to play video games. But I kept thinking about that English unit on "roles and responsibilities." It made me realize how much kind of grown-up stuff my big sister has to learn and think about at her age. No wonder she's always complaining about homework!
    A couple days later, I was rummaging through Emily's backpack looking for snacks (don't tell Mom!) when I found her English notebook. I couldn't resist taking a peek inside. The first few pages were just notes she had taken about the unit they were studying. But then I saw something interesting: English essays that Emily had written about the roles and responsibilities of students!
spring是什么意思1    The first essay was titled "A Student's Role in the Classroom" and it was all about how st
udents need to be respectful, participate actively, and follow the rules. Emily had written stuff like "As a student, it is my role to come to class prepared and ready to learn each day" and "I have a responsibility to complete my assignments on time and to the best of my ability." Very formal stuff!
    The next essay was called "My Responsibilities at Home" and it talked about how kids need to help out around the house, listen to their parents, and set a good example for younger siblings. Parts of it read "An important part of my role as a daughter is to assist with household chores like washing dishes and taking out the trash" and "I have a responsibility to get good grades and use my time wisely on homework instead of watching TV or playing video games." Oops, I definitely don't always follow that one!
    As I flipped through more of Emily's notebook, I saw she had written essays on being a good teammate, a responsible citizen of the community, and other roles that kids have. There were sections analyzing quotes about responsibilities, comparing how responsibilities change as you get older, and evaluating the importance of being a role model. It was a lot of deep, philosophical stuff for a 7th grade kid!
