85,Paris in the spring.
86,What have you done?
1, 掌握have been to 句型,并注意后接副词的情况。
1, 规则动词过去式和过去分词的理解。
2, Never表否定的理解。
87,A car crash.
88.Have you … yet?
1, 疑问句否定形式的用法。
2try to do sth…
3, 不规则动词过去式和过去分词的拼写和认读。(过去式和过去分词形式一样)
1, 重点词组的运用:have a look at/ work on/ to tell you the truth.
2, It was my car意思的理解以及was一词要重读。
89,For sale
90,Have you …yet?
1I believe that后接宾语从句。
2How longhow much等复合疑问词的理解和运用。
3, 现在完成时的第二种用法:表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。(复习第一种用法)
4, 掌握May I…?句型。同时复习can,must等情态动词
5, Have you …yet?句型的固化
1, for接时间段用于现在完成时的情况。Since +时间点。
2, 动词原形、过去式、过去分词都一样和都不一样的拼读。理解He cut himself一句的时态。
91,Poor Ian
92,When will…?
2be going to spring是什么意思怎么念句型和一般将来时的区别
3, move into the house=move in
4, 掌握一些常用表将来的时间词
5, 总结I think/believe, I’m afraid等后接句子的情况
1, No, he didn’t want to leave一句no一词的理解和翻译
2, 一般过去式变一般将来时动词的还原,尤其是不规则动词。
93,Our new neighbor.
94,When did you/will you go to…?
2, 掌握以上三种时态中常用的时间副词。
1, 熟悉一些西方国家的首都,并通过其标志性建筑认出该城市或国家。
2, 时态之间的转换
95,Tickets, please.
96,What’s the exact time?
1, 将来时与时间点的结合。(小时/分钟)
3, 掌握had better的用法。
4, In five hours’ time 意义的理解。
1, in+时间段 表将来的用法。
2, had better 与情态动词must之间的互换。
3, ago时间短语与 in +时间段所跟时态。
Lesson 85&86 Pairs in the spring 巴黎之春
重点句型: 在作业本上抄写重点句型, 并翻译成汉语:
1.I have just been to the cinema.
2.We have already come to school.
3.Have you just been to the cinema?
4.Have you ever been there?
5.Just like London.
1 have/has been to a place  曾经去过某地,但现在不在那个地方了
have been there  到过那里
My father is only 45 years old. But he has already been to nearly every country in the world.
2 have/has gone to a place  已经去那个地方或正在去的路上,到达与否不确定
They have gone to Paris.
My father has gone to H.K..
Lesson 87 & 88  A car cash 车祸
重点句型: 抄写重点句型, 并翻译成汉语:
1.Have your mechanics finished yet?
2.Didn’t you have a crash?
3.What’s the number of your car?
4.They’re still working on it.
5.Let’s go into the garage and have a look at it.
Lesson 89&90 For sale 待售
重点句型:抄写重点句型, 并翻译成汉语:
1.May I have a look at it, please?
2.How much does this house cost?
3.It’s worth every penny of it.
4.How long have you lived here?
5.I have been here since 1976.
在现在完成时中,since + 时间点:表示某个动作是何时开始的;for + 时间段:表示某个动作持续多长时间
I have already lived here for 20 years.
I have lived here since 1976.
Since when has he been there?
Lesson 91&92 Poor Ian! 可怜的伊恩!
重点句型:抄写重点句型, 并翻译成汉语:
1.She will drive to London tomorrow afternoon.
2.He’s a very nice person.
3.Poor Peter didn’t want to leave his house.
4.He has always been a good neighbour.
5.Has he sold his house yet?
S+ will +V原
S+ won't +V原
Will +S +V原
Yes, S +will.
No, S +won't.
第一人称 I/we shall +V原
shall not =shan't
与一般将来时连用的时间短语:in a day's time(一天以后),in a year's time(一年以后),in two weeks' time(两周后),in three months' time(3个月后)等等。
Lesson 93&94 Our new neighbour 我们的新邻居
重点句型:抄写重点句型, 并翻译成汉语:
1.He will go to Paris next month.
2.He’s only forty-one years old.
3.He has already been to nearly every country in the world.
4.Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.
5.At the moment,he’s in Madrid.
had bettermust
had better='d better表示"最好还是"、"最好",表达某种忠告或建议,用于指现在和将要做的事情。must则表示"必须"、"一定",语气比had better强烈。
had better表示现在时或将来时,而不是过去时。其否定形式为had better not do sth.
You had better not smoke in the classroom.
Lesson 95&96 Tickets, please. 请把车票拿出来。
重点句型:抄写重点句型, 并翻译成汉语:
1.Dave will return to Sydney in two days’ time.
2.We had better go back to the station now, Ken.
3.Tickets, please.
4.When’s the next train?
5.We want to catch the nineteen to London.
