Husserl: All our ideas about time spring from our experience of the present. That conscious experience is characterized by being intentional, by being toward something. We typically recognize three kinds of time: scientific, objective, Newtonian time, which we think of as being independent of ourselves and as independently verifiable; subjective time, in which events seem to move slower or faster; and phenomenological or intentional time, which is the fundamental experience on which the other concepts of time are based, from which the other concepts derive because the phenomenological present includes not only awareness of present phenomena (the present), but retention (awareness of that which is not present beca
use it no longer is—the past), and protention (awareness of that which is not present because it is about to be). The present is intentionality toward phenomena before us here, now. The past present intentionality toward phenomena that are not present but are with us and so must be past (that’s where the definition ofpast comes from). The future is present intentionality toward phenomena that also are present but are not with us (as the past is) and so must be the future, which will be (that’s where the definition of future comes from). Therefore, in their origins in our phenomenological experiences, the future and the past are parts of the present, conceptual phenomena held in the present, alongside actual phenomena, as phenomena no longer present and not yet present.
