1. 不定式的结构:    肯定to do
                    否定not to do
                    特殊疑问词+to do (what sb can do sth)
Cathy doesn’t know where to go tomorrow=Cathy doesn’t know where she can go tomorrow.
To learn English is not easy for Chinese students .=It’s not easy for Chinese students to lea
rn English.
  (2) 做表语
  The teacher’s job is to teach the students.
3)做宾语.常见的动词有:ask, decide, know, want, try, need
  We like to fight for our future.
  (4)做宾补。常见的有:ask /tell/order sb. to do sth
                      ask /tell/order sb. not to do sth
  The teacher asks us not to speak in class .
注意:make /let /have +sb+do.(必须省to )
    The boy often makes his little sister laugh.
  (5)做定语。常见的有:have sth to do -----要做
                      a good place /time to do sth ----的好地方/时间
                      the first/second /third to do sth 第一个/二个做-------
I have nothing to say.
I want a pen to write with.
(6)做状语,表示目的状语。My father will go to Beijing to do some business.
          表示原因状语。主语+ be +adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth
Tom Tang is easy for us to stay with.
The ball is easy for children to play with.
3.动词不定式省to 的情况:
1Why not +do …?=Why don’t you …?为什么不------
(2)had better +(not) +do +…?最好做(不做)某事
(3)would rather +do +…?宁愿做
(4) Could /Can/Would /Will/ you please +(not)+ do sth…? 请做(不要)做好吗?
(5) 使役动词和感官动词省to的:
    二听:hear ,listen to
    三使:make ,let ,have
    四看:see ,watch , notice ,look
注意主动语态中要省to,而被动语态中则要加to .
    Tina often makes her sister do housework, but sometimes she was made to do it by her sister.
  1too +adj./adv. +(for sb.)+ to do :太而不能
    (2) adj./adv.+ enough +(for sb.)+ to do:充足能够做
    (3)It +is/was +adj. +for sb. +to do sth :对来说做
    (4)It’s one’s turn to do sth :该轮到某人做某事了
    (5)It’s time to do sth:该做的时间了
    (6)It takes sb. some time to do sth.:花了某人多少时间做某事
二.V-ing/not +V-ing.------动名词
  Walking is a good way to exercise for the old .
(2) 做表语。
cheongsam My favorite sports is playing soccer ball.
完成实践值得忙:finish  practice  be worth  be busy
继续习惯别放弃:keep on    be/get used to    give up
考虑建议不禁想:consider  suggest      can’t help doing    feel like
喜欢思念要介意:enjoy  miss    mind  consider
另外:spend ……doing … :花时间做某事 
    have fun doing  :做很开心 
have some problems /trouble/difficulties doing :做有问题/麻烦/困难
    have a hard time doing :做很艰难
He is in the living room.
We need to get a driving license.
1.分类:现在分词和 过去分词。
    Do you know the boy standing by the door?
    Do you know the man called Bill Gates?
  The students went into the classroom, talking and laughing .
  Seen from the top of the hill ,the city is very beautiful.
I was excited about the exciting football match.
  keep sb. dong :让某人做某事
find sb. doing :发现某人正在做某事
see/watch/notice /hear /feel sb. do :看见/观察/注意到/听到/觉得某人经常做/或已经做过了--
see/watch/notice /hear /feel sb. doing:看见/观察/注意到/听到/觉得某人正在做--------
make/have sb. +do=get sb. to do :make him do this or that
make /have sb. +done =get sb./sth done :make himself heard
如:I often hear him sing a song in his room .Now you can hear him singing .
1. like /love /hate /begin/start to do/doing sth to do doing 没有区别
2. stop to do 停下来去做某事
stop doing 停止做某事
3. remember /forget to do  记得/忘记将要做-----
remember /forget doing记得/忘记过去做过-----
4. try to do 尽力做------
try doing 试着做----
5. mean to do 打算做-----
mean doing 意味着----
6.allow/permit /advise/ forbid doing sth :允许/建议/禁止做----
allow/permit /advise / forbid sb to do sth : 允许/建议/禁止某人做----
1. feel like doing sth. 想要做…wound like; want to do sth.
2. prevent/stop/keep sb. (from) doing sth.
3. go doing 结构(目的):例如,go fishing; go swimming; go shopping……
4. be busy doing sth. 忙于做
5. keep (on) doing sth. 连续/ 老是做
6. be worth doing sth. 。。。值得一做
7. spend…(时间) …doing sth./  take (时间)…to do sth.
8. get used to doing sth./ be used to doing sth. 习惯于
pay attention to doing sth. 注意重视
look forward to doing sth.
  9. prefer….. to…..相比 更喜欢/
