1._______ your aunt play badminton yesterday? (   )
No, she _______ basketball.
A.Did; play    B.Did; played    C.Do; play
2.—What do you often have _______ breakfast? (   )
—Some noodles.
A.in    B.for    C.about    D.of
3.Helen _________ beautifully and she likes _________ very much. (     )
A.dances; dancing    B.dancing; dances    C.dance; dance    D.dance; to dance
4.You will not find _____ in the US. (   )
A.the Great Barrier Reef    B.the Grand canyon    C.Yellowstone National Park
5.You can use a pencil _____ pictures. (   )
A.to draw    B.draw    C.draws
6.Before you cross the road, you must _____ cars. (   )
A.look out at    B.look out for    C.look out of
7.Don’t talk ________. You should be ________ here. (    )
A.loudly; loud    B.loudly; quietly    C.loudly; quiet
8.Don't drink ______ cola. It's bad for your health. (    )
A.so little    B.too many    C.too much
9.We can have ________ outing in _______autumn.  (   )
A.a , a    B.an , an    C.an , /    D.the , the
10.—Do you want ______ juice? (   )
—Yes, please.
A.any    B.some    C.a
11.John ______ early because he ______ cold yesterday. (   )
A.sleeps; has    B.slept; had a    C.sleep; has a
12.My father usually ______ books ______ Sunday morning. (   )
A.read; in    B.reading; on    C.reads; on
13.—Where are your glasses? (   )
—I can’t find them. They ___ here just now.
A.are    B.was    C.were
14.You must __________ run _______ play on the road.
A.not, or    B.to, and    C.not, and
15.Did they ________?  (   )
A.fishing    B.go fishing    C.went fishing
16.We ate lunch at the ______ at school. (   )
A.library    B.gym    C.dining hall
17.My brother is 1.58m. I am 1.55m. I am ______ than him. (    )
A.younger    B.shorter    C.taller
18.There is _______ apple on your desk. (    )
A.a    B.an    C.two
19.—How ______ is it? (   )
—It is 4.81 kilograms.
A.heavy    B.tall    C.much
20.Your schoolbag is _____ than mine. (    )
A.bigger    B.big    C.biggest
21.That's the ____ (tall) dinosaur in this hall.
22.Jim, please don’t ________ (shout) in the library.
23.Children’s Day is on the _____ (one) of June.
24.He usually ______ (walk) fast.
25.It’s often _______ here in summer. Look! It _______ heavily. (rain)
26.The girl likes reading. Now she is reading ______ (loud).
27.The boy _______ (fly) a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon.
28.We took lots of _______ (picture) yesterday.
29.My uncle often _____ (watch / watches) TV every evening.
30._______ (watch) a nice movie _______ (make) people _______ (happy).
31.Will you s_____ a birthday song on your birthday?
32.Mike has many ______ ______ (好习惯).
33.There are lots of _________ (糖果) in the bag.
34.Tim _____ (停留) at home last Friday.
35.—What do you often do on the weekend? 
—I often read books and _________ _________ (画漫画).
36.If you want to buy some food, you can go to the _____. (超市)
37.I ______ (拜访) my grandparents last weekend.
38.Please be q_____. Grandpa is sleeping now.
39.He went s_______ yesterday.
40.Last Saturday, Sarah v_______ her grandparents.
Kobe is twelve years old. He likes __41___football. But he doesn’t listen _42__ his teachers in class and never does his homework. So his teachers don’t like him.
It’s Sunday today. Kobe gets up early. After 43_, his mum asks him _44__his homework. Kobe goes to his___45____. When his mum is busy __46___her housework, Kobe goes o
ut with a ball_47__. Now the lunch is _48__. But Kobe’s mum can’t _49__him. When Kobe comes back, it’s half past twelve. His parents are angry.
After lunch. Kobe wants 50_ out to play again. His dad stops him and asks,”Did you finish your homework this morning?”
“No,” says Kobe.“I can’t do it.”
So his dad pulls his ears and says, “where are your ears?”
“Oh! They are in your hands!”
41、A.playing    B.play    C.plays
42、A./    B.to    C.for
43、A.breakfast    B.lunch    C.dinner
44、A.does    B.do    C.to do
spring out 是什么意思
45、A.kitchen    B.garden    C.study
46、A.with    B.for    C.to
47、A.quick    B.quickly    C.careful
48、A.over    B.finished    C.ready
49、A.look for    B.find    C.look after
50、A.to go    B.go    C.goes
In China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in March and ends in May. Summer is often very hot. It is from June to August. The hottest month is July. Autumn begins in Sep
tember, and goes on to November. The weather can be very warm in autumn. Winter is from December to February, and it is very cold. You must wear(穿)lots of warm clothes. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold.
