Five idioms from "The Peach Blossom Spring" and their meanings:
1.世外桃源 (Shì wài táo yuán): This idiom refers to an idyllic, peaceful place, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.It is derived from the story of a fisherman who discovered a hidden paradise filled with peach blossoms, which represented a utopian society.
2.迷途知返 (Mí tú zhī fǎn): This idiom means to realize one"s mistakes and return to the right path.In the story, the fisherman got lost but eventually found his way back to the real world, symbolizing the importance of recognizing errors and correcting them.
3.豁然开朗 (Huò rán kāi lǎng): This idiom describes a sudden realization or enlightenment that makes everything clear.In the story, when the fisherman entered the peach blossom spring, he felt a sudden burst of clarity and understanding of the world.
4.与世隔绝 (Yǔ shì gé jué): This idiom means to be isolated from the rest of the world.In the story, the peach blossom spring was described as a place that was cut off from the outside world, representing a state of isolation and seclusion.
5.遗世独立 (Yí shì dú lì): This idiom describes someone who remains independent and detached from the world.In the story, the people living in the peach blossom spring were described as living in harmony with nature, free from the cares and worries of the world.
1.世外桃源(Shì wài táo yuán):这个成语指的是一个理想化的和平之地,远离世界的喧嚣。它源自一个渔夫发现的一个充满桃花的隐秘乐园,代表了乌托邦式的社会。
2.迷途知返(Mí tú zhī fǎn):这个成语意味着认识到错误并回到正确的道路上。在故事中,渔夫迷失了方向,但最终到了回到现实世界的方法,象征着认识到错误并改正的重要性。
3.豁然开朗(Huò rán kāi lǎng):这个成语描述突然意识到或领悟到的事情使一切变得清晰。在故事中,当渔夫进入桃花源时,他感到突然的启示和理解世界的清晰。
4.与世隔绝(Yǔ shì gé jué):这个成语意味着与世隔绝。在故事中,桃花源被描述为一个与外界隔绝的地方,代表着孤立和隔绝的状态。
5.遗世独立(Yí shì dú lì):这个成语描述一个人保持独立和与世界无关的状态。