  Class:________  Name:________
1.spring _____________              8.make a snowman_______________
2.season______________     kites_____________ 
3.fall_____________                  10.swim_______________
4.winter_____________                11.when_________________
5.summer_______________            12.what__________________
6.plant trees_____________            13.which_________________
7.skate______________              14.why________________
(    ) 1.What do you do_______the weekend?
A. in        B. of        C. on
(    )2.We have Chinese, English and PE  ______ the morning.      B.on
(    )3.----_______do you like sping?
      ----Because I can plant trees.
A.Why        B.What        C.When
(    )4.I like summer,________I can swim.
A.but        B.because      C.either
(    )5.I can _____in winter.
A.plant trees      B.swim        C.skate
(  )6.--Which season do you like best?
        --  __________  .
A, winter  B. trees  C. swim
(    )7.It’s cold and snowy__________.
A. on winter winter        C.about winter
(    )8.- _________________________
            - I usually play sports at 5:00.
A. What do you play sports?
B. Do you play sports?
C, When do you play sports
(    )9.Winter is good.,_______I like spring best.
A.and            B .but          C.or
Fly kites      make a snow    plant trees    go hiking
四.Read and choose 选择正确答案。
(    )  1 .Summer comes before__      .A.winter    B.spring  C.fall
(    )  2.  It’ s very __    today. Let us go swimming. Good idea.
A. hotB. cool  C .cold
(    )  3.  What is the weather like today?It’ s _ _ .
A. beautiful  B. cold    C. cloudy
(    )  4. Fall is gold, winter is_ _ .
A. whiteB. black  C. blue
(    )  5.  Why do you like summer best?I can__  .
  A.go skating  B. go swimming  C. go shopping
(    )  6.  What is the weather like today?
A. It is half past nine  B. It is 30    C. It is sunny
(    )  7.  Where are you from?I am from__ .
  A. China  B. England  C. American
(  )  8.  When is the best time to go to Beijing?
A. Fall B . Winter    C. Spring
五.Rearrange the words 组词成句
1.  your What  is    season  favourite
2.  does best    which  like    season  Mike
3.    winter you    do like    why
4.    lake I the in    swim    can
5.    Beijing  is  the    fall  weather  in  like  what  in
6.  cool  is sunny    and  it  always
7.  time what    is  Hangzhou  best  to  go  to  the
 六.Fill in the blanks  完成下面对话。 
hot  cool    winter  warm
Miss Smith: Look at the blackboard, children. What is the weather like in spring ,Tom?         
Tom: It is      .
Miss Smith: What is the weather like in summer,Carl?
  Carl: It is      .
Miss Smith: What is the weather like in fall,Jack?   
Jack: It is often       .
Miss Smith:What is like in ,Billy?   
Billy:It is often cold.
1. A: _________ do you have English class?     
  B: _________ about 10:00.
2. A: _________ your favourite _________?      B: I like spring.
3. A: _________ do you like fall?         
B: _________ it’s always sunny and cool.
4. A: _________ do you _________ on Sunday?      B: I visit my grandparents.
5. A: ________ ________ like summer?             B: No, I don’t.
八、  补全对话。根据上下文的意思,在空格中填上适当的句子,使对话完整。
A: _________________________________________?
B: Well, I like fall best. _____________________________?
A: I like winter best.
B: _________________________________________?
A: Because I like to play with snow.
B: _________________________________________?
A: I often skate in winter. ______________________________?
B: No, I don’t like winter. It’s too cold for me.
九、  阅读理解:阅读短文,然后判断后面的句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”
My name is Chen Jie. I’m from China. I’m a Chinese girl. I live in a big city. We have spring,
summer, fall and winter here. I like spring best. It’s windy and warm. We can fly kites in spring. It’s the best time to plant trees, too. I don’t like summer. It’s too hot. In winter it never snows in our city. So it’s not very cold.
