soccer ball
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball教学设计
(Section B 1a-1d)
Analysis of the Teaching Material:
本单元围绕“和朋友一起欢度时光”这一话题学习动词have一般现在时的用法;能够正确使用一般疑问句询问物品所属关系并作简略回答。本课时继Section A和Grammar Focus之后学习正确使用形容词对事物发表基本看法;能够用Let’s句型提出建议。
Analysis of the Students:
Teaching aims:
1. Language goals:
Learn to use the description words.
Learn to use “Let’s…” to make suggestions.
2. Ability goals:
Improve the ability to describe doing things.
Improve the ability to use “Let’s…” to make suggestions.
3. Emotion goals:
Spend time with friends.
Important points:
New words: interesting, relaxing, fun, boring, difficult, watch, TV
Sentences: Let’s play….
That sounds….
Difficult points:
The spelling and pronunciation of “interesting, difficult…”.
How to describe doing things by using description words.
Teaching methods:
Cooperative learning, Communicative teaching method, Task-based teaching approach, etc.
Teaching aids:
Multi-media, handouts, posters, etc.
Teaching procedures:
