1.  —Do you want to have ________ big dinner?
—Yes, I want to eat ________ chicken.
A.a; 不填    B.a, a    C.不填, a    D.不填, 不填
2.  —Is the sweater Jack's?
—Yes, and the T-shirt is ________, too.
A.yours    B.hers    C.his    D.mine
3.  I know Lucy ________, and I think she is a ________ girl.
A.well; well.    B.good; good    C.well; good    D.good; well
4.  We play volleyball ________ school ________ our close friends.
A.for; to    B.at; with    C.in; for    D.on; with
5.  I am hungry. But there is little ________ left. I have to go and buy some.
A.sandwiches    B.potatoes    C.water    D.bread
6.  Karen and Helen ________ my brother's friends. I know ________.
A.is; her    B.are; them    C.are; her    D.is; them
7.  I don't have a Ping-Pong ball, ________ my brother ________.
soccer ballA.but; do    B.and; does    C.and;do    D.but; does
8.  —Does your friend like hamburgers?
A.Yes, he like    B.No, he does
C.Yes, he doesn't    D.No, he doesn't
9.  —Let's think about ________ A Bite of China tonight?
—That sounds good!
A.watch    B.watching    C.to watch    D.watches
10.  —________ this ruler Jack's?
—No, Jack ________ a blue ruler.
A.Is; has    B.Does; has
C.Is; doesn't have    D.Does; doesn't have
11.  My sister and I like eating two ________ and some ________ for dinner. They are really delicious.
A.salad; eggs    B.salads; eggs    C.salad; eggs    D.salads; egg
12.  —Mary, ________ at the blackboard. What can you ________ on it?
—A girl and a balloon.
A.see; watch    B.watch; see    C.see; look    D.look; see
13.  —The soccer game is great. ________?
—Sounds good.
A.How's it?    B.What's in it?
C.Who is in the game?    D.How about watching it
14.  Alice, it's time for school. Let me ________, or I will be late for class.
A.go    Be    C.to go    D.to come
15.  —Does Zhao lei sing well?
—________. He is so popular now.
A.That's for sure.    B.No, he isn't.
C.I don't think so.    D.Here you are.
     After a day's work and study, we go home to have a rest. ______ is very important for us. Different countries ______ different kinds of houses.
    In England, there are usually ______ floors in the house: the ground floor and the first floor.
    The bedrooms and bathrooms ______ on the first floor, People usually ______ there in the evening.
    The sitting room, the dining room and the kitchen are on the ______ floor. The sitting room is the biggest ______ the house. There is a sofa and some chairs ______ the room, English people like to sit on the sofa, reading books, watching TV, listening ______ music or talking with their family.
    English people ______ their homes and they often say, "East or west, home is the best." 
A.Family    B.Bedroom    C.Country    D.Home
A.have    B.want    C.get    D.need
A.two    B.three    C.four    D.five
A.is    B.are    C.do    D.does
A.exercise    B.sleep    C.eat    D.talk
A.beginning    B.last    C.ground    D.first
A.bed    B.office    C.house    D.room
A.from    B.on    C.with    D.in
A.to    B.with    C.of    D.by
A.make    B.love    C.build    D.find
     Nick is a 10-year-old boy. He is the only son of his parents. Nick’s father is very busy every day. He comes home after Nick sleeps, and goes to office before Nick wakes up in the morning. He wants to make much money and give his son a better life. But Nick wants to go outdoors and play with his father just like his friends do.
    One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening, “Dad, can I ask you a question?” Nick said. “Yes, dear,” said the man. “Dad, can you tell me how much you earn (挣) in an hour?” Nick asked. Nick’s father answered, “It is about $25anhour."Nickrantohisroom,andcameoutwithsomemoney.Hesaid,``Dad,Ihave$50. Can you spare (抽出) two hours for me? I want to go to the beach and have dinner with you tomorrow evening.” Nick’s father was speechless
(1)From the first paragraph we can know________.
A.Nick can see his father all the time
B.Nick can’t see his father every day
C.Nick often plays with his father
D.Nick can only eat meals with his father
(2)Why did Nick ask his father how much he earned in an hour?
A.Because Nick liked to ask questions all the time.
B.Because Nick wanted to buy something expensive.
C.Because Nick hoped his family could have a happy life.
D.Because Nick wanted to buy some of his father’s time.
(3)The underlined word “speechless” in the last paragraph means ________in Chinese.
A.滔滔不绝的    B.无言以对的    C.合理布局的    D.立竿见影的
(4)Which of the following about Nick is true?
A.Nick doesn’t like his father at all.
B.Nick hoped to play with his father.
C.Nick borrowed $50 from his mother.
D.Nick wanted to go to his father’s workplace.
(5)The passage mainly tells us________.
