初中英语Do you have a soccer ball单元测试题

        Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?



Ⅰ.Match the word with the picture.(将单词与图画中的表情连接起来。)

1.difficult  2.relaxing  3.fun  4.interesting


答案:1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B

Ⅱ.Complete the sentence according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成句子。)

1.Let’s (看电视)at home.

2.Do you have a (网球拍)?

3.That (听起来)interesting.

4.I often (做运动).

5.He (没有)a ping-pong bat.

答案:1.watch TV 2.tennis racket 3.sounds 4.play sports 5.doesn’t have



●Exercises for new words


Ⅰ.Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示写出单词。)

1.—Do you h  a computer?

—Yes,I do.

2.—Let’s play volleyball!

—That s  interesting.

3.We have m  sports clubs:basketball,ping-pong,soccer,and more.

4.My father doesn’t play sports,he only watches t  on TV.

5.My brother has a great sports c  .

答案:1.have 2.sounds 3.many 4.them 5.collection

Ⅱ.Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(从方框内选出正确的单词完成句子。)

let’s tennis watch basketball plays two has sports ball computer

1.He has a racket.He plays .

2.She has a computer.She computer games.

3.They have a TV.They TV.

4.She has a tennis racket,and a tennis .

5. play basketball.

答案:1.tennis 2.plays 3.watch 4.ball 5.Let’s

●Exercises for phrases


Ⅲ.Complete the sentence with the proper phrase in the box.(从方框内选出正确短语完成句子。)

watch TV every day play sports a sports collection play computer games a tennis racket

play basketball

1.Jim has a computer.He often .

2.I have a basketball.Let’s .

3. the boy plays tennis with his friend.

4.I have .Let’s play tennis together.

5.—Does your father have ?

—Yes,he does.He has six basketballs,seven ping-pong balls,and nine baseballs.

答案:1.plays computer games

2.play basketball

3.Every day

4.a tennis racket

5.a sports collection

●Exercises for sentence structure


Ⅳ.Complete the sentence according to the sentence meaning and picture.(根据句意和图片完成句子。)

1. Jack a .

2. — David ?

—Yes,he does.

3. Anna .

4. Barry a basketball.

答案:1.has,ping-pong bat 主语为Jack,谓语动词用has,a ping-pong bat“一个乒乓球拍”。

2.Does,play soccer ball 一般疑问句,句首为助动词does,play soccer ball“踢足球”。本题答案也可为:Does,have a football。

3.has three volleyballs 主语为Anna,用动词has,“三个排球”表示为three volleyballs。

4.doesn’t have 表示否定,应用否定词doesn’t,后面跟动词原形have。

Ⅴ.Rewrite the sentence according to the requirment.(根据要求改写句子。)


2.They have many friends.(变为一般疑问句)

3.We don’t have a bag.(变为肯定句)

4.We play soccer.(变为祈使句)

5.These tennis rackets are on the chair.(就画线部分提问)

答案:1.I don’t have a baseball bat.

2.Do they have many friends?

3.We have a bag.

4.Let’s play soccer.

5.Where are these tennis rackets?

●Exercises for function items


Ⅵ.Complete the conversation with the proper word.(补全对话。)

A:Let’s play  1 ,OK?

B:Sorry,I don’t have a volleyball. 2  I have a basketball.

A:I  3  want to play volleyball.

B:Who  4  a volleyball?Do you know?

A:Maybe Tom has one.Let’s go and ask him.

A&B:Hi,Tom! 5  you have a volleyball?

C:No,I  6 . 7  Peter have one?

A&B:Oh,yes,he  8 .

A&B&C:Hi,Peter!Do you have a volleyball?

D:Yes,I do.But it is at home.

A&B&C: 9  to hear that!

B:Well,let’s play basketball.OK?


A&B&C:Peter,please  10  us.

D:OK!Let’s play!

答案:1.volleyball 2.But 3.only/really 4.has 5.Do 6.don’t 7.Does 8.does 9.Sorry 10.join

●Exercises for grammar


Ⅶ.Look at the picture,then answer the question.(看图,回答问题。)

1.Do you play soccer ball?

2.Do you have a tennis racket?

3.Does your friend play computer games?

4.Does the boy play soccer?

5.Do you have brothers?

答案:1.No,I don’t.

2.Yes,I do.

3.Yes,he does.

4.No,he doesn’t.

5.Yes,I do.

Ⅷ.Choose the proper word to complete the sentence.(从括号中画出合适的词完成句子。)

1.(Do,Does)Gina have a volleyball?

2.(Do,Does)they have computer games?

3.(Do,Does)you have a baseball bat?

4.I (don’t,am not)have a tennis.

5.She (don’t,doesn’t)have an uncle.

答案:1.Does 主语为Gina,表示单数形式。

2.Do 主语为they“他们”,第三人称复数形式。

3.Do 主语you为第二人称,助动词用do。

4.don’t have“有”,行为动词,构成否定句时用助动词don’t。

5.doesn’t 主语是she,为第三人称单数形式。


I don’t have time

Kate:Mom,I don’t have friends to play with.Would you give me a sister or a brother?

Mom:I’m too busy,Kate.I don’t have any time.

Kate:But you are free on Sundays.







●Elementary exercises


Ⅰ.Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(从方框内选出正确的单词完成句子。)

boring relaxing difficult fun interesting

1.John sits on the chair.It’s very .

2.Sun can play volleyball.She thinks it’s very .

3.I don’t like maths.It’s .

4.That book is very .I like it very much.

5.I can’t play computer games.It’s very .

答案:1.relaxing 2.fun 3.boring 4.interesting 5.difficult

Ⅱ.Multiple choice(单项填空)

1. your father a new computer?

soccer ballA.Is;have




答案:C 动词have的一般疑问句要借助于do或does构成,当主语是第三人称单数时要用does,does是助动词,其后的动词要用原形。

2.I like swimming very much, I don’t do it today.





答案:C 根据句子意思“我喜欢游泳,……今天不要想游泳。”可知,两句话之间有转折关系,因此要用but连接。

3.I often books and my brother TV every evening.





答案:C 本题考查看书和看电视两个短语,看书即读书用read,看电视要用watch TV。故答案为C。

4.Let’s go and .

A.to play tennis

B.play tennis

C.play the tennis

D.plays the tennis

答案:B 动词let之后接动词原形,句中and前后两个词是并列关系,因此也应该用原形,A、D两项被排除,球类名词前不用冠词,因此C项又被排除,故B为正确答案。

5.— to give the letter to Mr Wang.It’s very important.

—No,I won’t.


B.Be sure

C.Don’t forget

D.Make sure

答案:C 本题题眼是No,I won’t.因为如果用remember to do sth.,即“记得把信交给王先生,它很重要”,那么答语应当是“好的”,即OK,good等。所以这里应用“别忘了……”答句才能是“好的,我不会忘的”。

●Integrated exercises


Ⅲ.Complete the conversation with proper sentence in the box.(用方框里适当的句子补全对话。)

A.He’s in his bedroom. 

B.Let’s play basketball. 

C.That sounds fun. 

D.Good.Where is it? 

E.Do you have a tennis racket? 

F.That sounds boring. 

G.Let’s play soccer.

A:Let’s play tennis.

B: 1  But I don’t have a tennis racket.Do you have a tennis ball?

A:No,I don’t.But I have a soccer. 2 

B:No. 3  Let’s play ping-pong.I have a ping-pong bat.

A: 4 

B:It’s in my backpack.Do you have a bat?

A:No,I don’t.But my brother has a bat and a ball.

B:Good.Where is he?

A: 5 

答案:1.C 2.G 3.F 4.D 5.A

Ⅳ.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)

  Do you have a brother or a sister?Do you have two tennis rackets and a tennis ball?You can play tennis.Two people or four people can play tennis.Do you have a basketball?

  Do you have two brothers or sisters?Can your mother and father play?Five people can play basketball.

  Volleyball needs six people for each team and a volleyball.But baseball needs a big family.A baseball team has nine people.You need a baseball bat and a ball.

1. people can play baseball and they need a and a .

2. or people can play tennis.

3.Five people can play .

4. needs six people for team and a .

答案:1.Nine,baseball,baseball bat 由句子“A baseball team has nine people”可确定,第一空用nine填写;另外,由句子“You need a baseball bat and a ball.”可填写后面的答案。

2.Two,four 从句子“Two people or four people can play tennis”可判断,打网球需要两个或四个人。

3.basketball 句子“Five people can play basketball”告诉我们,五个人打篮球。

4.Volleyball,each,volleyball 根据句子“Volleyball needs six people for each team and a volleyball”来填写本题答案。




B.一句话Negroes and heroes like to eat potatoes and tomatoes.




