I. 英汉互译(10分)
1.网球_________________    2.排球__________________        3. 困难的______________
4.令人放松的___________    5.容易的________________        6.一个英语俱乐部_______
7.许多收藏品________________________        8.两个棒球棒 ______________________
9.每天晚上__________________________        10.be late for school __________________
11.That sounds dificult_________________        12 a tennis racket_____________________
13. an interesting book_________________        14.看电视__________________________
15.踢足球___________________________        16.下课之后________________________
17,在电视上: 通过电视_______________        18.和..一-起玩______________________
19去上同所学校____________________        20.那听起来很好__________________
II. 单项选择:(10
(    )1.---___________ you have a new bag?
      ---Yes, I do.
A.Do                B. Does                C. Are                D. Can
(    )2. Tom ______a basketball. He ____________it very much.
    A. have; like            B. has; likes            C. have; likes            D. has; like
(    )3. ---Let’s __________together after school.
      ---Great !
    A. play                B. to play                C. playing            D. plays
(    )4. ---Let’s play, Jim.
      ---That sound ____________. Let’s go.
    A. well                B. good                C. bad                D. friend
(    )5. ---__________they have a ball?
      ---Yes, they _____________.
    A. Do ;do                B. Do; don’t            C. Does; does            D. Does; doesn’t
(  )6. ---Let’s play _______ping-pong, John and Jim.
      ---That sounds good.
    A. a                    B. an                C. the                D. /
(    )7. ---Can you ____________the car over there, Tom?
      ---Yes, I can.
    A. watch                B. look                C. see                D. read
(    )8. My father likes watching football matches ___________TV.
    A. at                    B. on                C. with                D. in
(    )9. I love sports, but I don’t play _____________.
    A. it                    B. they                C. them                D. its
(    )10. ----Hello, Mary. Can you play baseball?
        ----Yes. It’s easy _____________me.
    A. to                B. of                C. for                D. with
III. 完形填空。(15分)
Sally is a 12-year-old girl. She likes to   1  people. Sally wants to go to the  2  . Now she is in the   3  . And the subway is full of people. She stands near the door.
Now the subway is at Bridge Station.   4  old woman wants to_out of the subway, but she can't.   6  there are too   7  people in the subway. Sally sees this and   8  “Do you want
to get out here? I can help   9  .She get out   10  , and then the old woman can get out,   11  .
  12  you," says the old woman. "Now can you   13 my bag for me? I_ 14 not far
from here. I know you are very kind.
“ Sure," says Sally. She will have to_ 15 the next subway to the lbrary, but she's very happy.
(    )1. A. help            B. call            C. thank                D. meet
(    )2. A. station            B. school            C. bank                D. library
(    )3.A. bus            B. subway        C.car                D. train
(    )4.A. A                B.An            C. The                D. That
(    )5.A.be                B. turn            C. jump                D.get
(    )6.A.so                B. and            C. because            D. but
(    )7. A. much            B. some            C. little                D. many
(    )8.A. speaks            B. says            C. talks                D. tells
(    )9.A. you            B. them            C. him                D. her
(    )10.A first            B. next            C. third                D. last.
(    )11A.usually            B .sometimes        C. too                D. also
(    )12.A Thanks            B. Thanks to        C. Thanks for            D. Thank
(   )13.A.carry(拿)        B. bring            C. have                D. buy
(    )14.A.walk            B. live            C. run                D. come
(    )15.A. drive            B. buy            C. take                D. pass
IV. 阅读填词。根据首字母提示或者汉语意思或上下文填写所缺单词。(每空一分soccer ball,共10分)
I have three good (1)________________(朋友) . We like (2)s_____________ very much. My (3)_____________ (特别喜爱的) sport is basketball. I have three balls. I think playing basketball is (4)i__________________. But Jim and Tim think it is (5)______________ (令人厌倦的) to play basketball. Their favorite sport is (6)____________.They play soccer every (7)______
(下午).They have four balls, Mary is a nice (8)g____________ .Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it very (9)____________. It's relaxing for her to play volleyball. But she has only one ball. Sports are good (10) _______________us.
V. 阅读理解:(20分)
Hello, everyone. I am Eric, a Grade Seven student in No. 1 Middle School. Now let me tell you about my favorite (最喜欢的) teacher.
My favorite teacher is Mrs. Plath. She is my English teacher. She is my friend John's aunt, t
oo. She is good to every student in my class. Everyone likes her. Mrs. Plath gives us interesting homework (家庭作业). It's relaxing for me to do the homework.
Now Mrs. Plath is 40. She has many things to do. She has three classes a day. And she helps in the library after school. She helps children read and makes them love books.
I think good teachers can make students love school. They have a good influence (影响) on their students. Mrs. Plath is a good teacher. I want to thank her. I want to be a teacher like her.
