unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?
1.(1分)—____ your friend Tim have a new i-pad?
—No, but I have one.
     A.Is         B.Does         C.Do         D.Are
2.(1分)—Let's play tennis.
—That sounds good, ____ I'm busy right now.
     A.but         B.so         C.if         D.because
3.(1分)—Who rides a bike here?
     A.Tom is         B.Tom does         C.Tom are         D.Tom do
4.(1分)I don't have a soccer ball, but my brother ____.
     A.has         B.have         C.does         D.is
5.(1分)I ____ five books and my brother ____ two books.
     A.have; have         B.has; has         C.have; has         D.has; have
6.(1分)Those young kids have good fun ____ the museum.
    & visit         B.visit         C.visiting         D.visited
7.(1分)—Let's go to the Water Park.
     A.Enjoy yourself         B.Sounds good    C.Good luck         D.Have a good trip
8.(1分)—Is that ____ volleyball?
—Yes. Bill likes playing ____ volleyball. ____ volleyball is his.
     A.the; a; /         B./; the; /         C./; the; The         D.a; /; The
9.(1分)Peter gives ____ a pen and I like ____.
     A.we; it         B.us; them         C.us; they        &; it
10.(1分)David is ____ eight-year-old boy with short black hair.
     A./         B.a         C.an         D.the
11.(1分)—Work hard, ____ you'll pass the exam.
—OK. I'll try my best.
    &         B.and         C.but   
12.(1分)—Let's ____ volleyball.
—That ____ good.
    & play; is        & play; sounds    C.play; is sound         D.play; sounds
13.(1分)Let's ____ now.
    & to home        & go to home        & home        & go home
14.(1分)Let's ____ football after school.
     A.play         B.playing        & play   
15.(1分)—The news on WeChat () is so ____ that we are ____ in it.
—I agree with you.
     A.interesting; interesting         B.interesting; interested
     C.interested; interested         D.interested; interesting
16.(1分)—Does your brother have a tape player?
—____. And I have one, too.
     A.Yes, he does         B.Yes, I do       C.No, he doesn't         D.No, I don't
17.(1分)This is Li Feng. ____ is a kind man.
     A.Him         B.Her         C.He         D.His
18.(1分)Zhang Tao and Zhang Qiang ____ brothers. They study at the same school.
     A.be         B.is         C.are         D.am
soccer ball19.(1分)—Does Tom ____ an eraser?
—No. He ____ have one.
     A.have; don't         B.have; doesn't    C.has; don't         D.has; doesn't
20.(1分)My brother ____ a ping-pong bat.
     A.don't have         B.doesn't has     C.doesn't have   
21.(1分)I have ____ e-dog. ____ name is Hobo.
     A.a; Its         B.an; Its         C.a; It's         D.an; It's
22.(1分)____ his parents ____ a nice bedroom?
     A.Does; have         B.Do; have         C.Does; has         D.Do; has
23.(1分)—What is your favorite ____?
     A.food         B.subject        &vie         D.sport
24.(1分)Let′s call up Tom and tell ____ the good news.
     A.her         B.him         C.us        &u
25.(1分)—Why do you like basketball?
—Because I think it's ____.
     A.interesting         B.sad         C.difficult         D.boring
26.(1分)—Does your sister have a soccer ball ____ a baseball?
—She has a baseball.
     A.but         B.and        &         D.them
27.(1分)I often play ping-pong ____ school ____ my classmates after class.
    &; with         B.at; with         C.in; and         D.in; on
28.(1分)Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different ____.
     A.classes         B.school        &ade   
29.(1分)I know you don't like ____ music, but what do you think of ____ music in the film?
     A./; /         B.the; the         C.the; /         D./; the
30.(1分)My brother likes ____ basketball.
     A.play the         B.play         C.playing         D.playing the
