I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
1. A. apples    B. pears    C. bananas
2. A. burger    B. milk    C. bread
3. A. question    B. chicken    C. quilt
4. A. soccer    B. sport    C. store
5. A. ask for    B. want to    C. look at
II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)
6. A. No, I don’t.  B. Bill has a ping-pong ball.    C. That sounds interesting.
7. A. Great! Let’s go.  B. Yes, she does.    C. Yes, I do.
8. A. You’re welcome.  B. No, you don’t.  C. You, too.
9. A. Yes, it’s mine.  B. No, it’s Ben’s.  C. Yes, it’s his book.
10. A. Under the books.    B. They aren’t mine.  C. No, they’re on the bookcase. III.听对话和问题, 选择正确选项。(共8小题, 每小题1分, 计8分)
11. A.    B.    C.
12. A.    B.    C.
13. A. A pencil sharpener.    B. A pencil.    C. A pen.
14. What time does the boy have breakfast on Saturday?
A. At 7:20.
B. At 7:30.
C. At 7;40.
15. What does the boy think of art?
A. It’s interesting.
B. It’s relaxing.
C. It’s boring.
16. When is Lily’s mother’s birthday?
A. On March 8th.
B. On August 8th.
C. On October 8th.
17. What does Lily want to buy for her mother?
A. A watch.
B. A bag.
C. A ring.
18. What does the boy want to do on Women’s Day?
A. To buy an interesting book for his mother.
B. To watch TV with ~.
C. To have a big dinner with~. IV.听短文和问题, 选择正确答案。(共7小题, 每小题1分, 计7分)
19. A red pencil box, an English ________ an d a set of keys are in Jim’s schoolbag.
A. dictionary
B. book
C. notebook
20. Jim’s phone number is ________.
A 499-7856    B. 566-7889    C. 799-8556
21. Helen found a ________.
A. soccer ball
B. pencil box
C. model plane
22. How is Frank’s classroom?
A. Small and old.
B. Small but nice.
C. Big and nice.
23. Where is Frank’s schoolbag?
A. Under his desk.
B. On his desk.
C. In his desk.
24. When does Frank want to buy a soccer ball?
A. This Sunday.
B. This Saturday.
C. This Friday.
25. How old is Frank?
A. 12.
B. 13.
C. 14.
26. ---How much ________ the pair of shoes?---Ten dollars ________ enough.soccer ball
A. are; are
B. is; is
C. are; is
D. is; are
27. I always have ________ egg and some milk for ________ breakfast.
A. an; /
B. an; a
C. the; /
D. the; a
28. ---What do you always do ________ Saturday morning?---I always do sports with my father.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. about
29. ---Let’s ________ computer games.---That ________ great.
A. playing; looks
B. to play; look
C. plays; sound
D. play; sounds
30. ---Does your brother ________ baseballs?---Yes, he ________ some.
A. has; has
B. has; have
C. have; has
D. have; have
31. Today he has ________ classes, and the ________ is P.E.
A. three; three
B. third; third
C. third; three
D. three; third
32. ---Is this your classroom, Mary?---No, it is ________ classroom. ________ is over there.
A. their; Mine
B. their; My
C. theirs; My
D. theirs; Mine
33. ---________ does he like music?---Because it’s ________.
A. Why; relaxing
B. Why; relaxed
C. How; relaxing
D. How; relaxed
34. ---________---Yes, please. I want a red sweater.
A. How are you?
B. Excuse me.
C. Can I help you?
D. What do you want?
35. ---Happy New Year to you?---________.
A. Thank you
B. No problem
C. You are welcome
D. The same to you
My mother has a clothes store in the city of Hangzhou. It is ___36___, but we sell all kinds of children's clothes in ___37___ store. The ___38___ of the clothes are not very high, ___39___ many parents like to come here and ___40___ new clothes for their children.
We have many sweaters at our great ___41___. You can choose different ___42___ like black, white, red and so on. For boys, the shoes for sports are cool. ___43___ Saturdays and Sundays, some hats and socks are only $ 5. You ___44___ come and have a look.
___45___ is it? It's at No. 98 Wenyi Road.
36. A. fine    B. different    C. big    D. small
37. A. my    B. your    C. her    D. his
38. A. money    B. prices    C. pairs    D. sets
39. A. because    B. so    C. and    D. but
40. A. buy    B. take    C. sell    D. send
41. A. sport    B. party    C. sale    D. birthday
42. A. colors    B. lessons    C. photos    D. clubs
43. A. On    B. In    C. At    D. From
44. A. must    B. can    C. need    D. should
45. A. When    B. Why    C. What    D. Where
A. On September 29th
B. In September
C. Before September 29th
D. After September 29th
47. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day ________.
A. in early October
B. in early November
C. in late October
D. in late November
48. What do Canadians usually do on Thanksgiving Day?
A. They usually eat cakes
B. ~ stay together
C. ~ watch the moon
D. ~ sing a song
49. The subject(主题) of Jenny’s e-mail is “________”.
A. Your birthday
B. My birthday
C. Thanksgiving Day
D. National Day
50. What must Li Ming and Jenny use when they write to each other?
A. Pens
B. Paper
C. Computers
D. Telephones
Hello, everyone! My name’s Li Yan. I’m thirteen. I’m from Beijing, China. I study in New Century Primary School. I’m in Class One, Grade Seven.
Every morning, I get up at 7:00. I have breakfast at 7:30. Then I go to school. Classes begin at 8:00. We have seven subjects: Chinese, math, English, science, PE, art and music. We have six lessons in a day, four lessons in the
