Unit5Doyou have a soccer ball?
Listenand circle the words you hear.
Boy 1: Do you have a ping-pong bat?
Boy 2: Yes, I do.
Boy 1: Do you have a ping-pong ball?
Boy 2: No, I don't.
Listento the conversations and number the pictures [1-4].
Conversation 1
Bob:  Do you have a soccer ball, Paul?
Paul: No, I don't.
Bob:  Does your brother Alan have one?
Paul: Yes, he does.
Conversation 2
John:  Hi, Mike.
Mike:  Hi, John.
John:  I want to play basketball. Do you have a basketball?
Mike:  Yes, I do.
John:  Great!
Conversation 3
Jane:  Hi, Sally.
Sally: Hi, Jane.
Jane:  Sally, this is my friend, Anna.
Sally: Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you.
Anna:  Nice to meet you, Sally.
Sally: Let's play tennis. Do you have a tennis ball, Jane?
Jane:  Sorry, I don't.
Conversation 4
Frank: Do you have a volleyball, Dale?
Dale:  No, I don't. But my brother does. Let's go and find him.
Listenagain. Match the pictures in 2a with the balls.
Conversation 1
Bob:  Do you have a soccer ball, Paul?
Paul: No, I don't.
Bob:  Does your brother Alan have one?
Paul: Yes, he does.
Conversation 2
John:  Hi, Mike.
Mike:  Hi, John.
John:  I want to play basketball. Do you have a basketball?
Mike:  Yes, I do.
John:  Great!
Conversation 3
Jane:  Hi, Sally.
Sally: Hi, Jane.
Jane:  Sally, this is my friend, Anna.
Sally: Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you.
Anna:  Nice to meet you, Sally.
Sally: Let's play tennis. Do you have a tennis ball, Jane?
Jane:  Sorry, I don't.
Conversation 4
Frank: Do you have a volleyball, Dale?
Dale:  No, I don't. But my brother does. Let's go and find him.
Role-playthe conversation.
Cindy: Hey, Helen, Let's go! We're late!
Helen: OK.
Cindy: Do you have the baseball?
Helen: Yes, I do. it's in my bag.
Cindy: And where's our baseball bat?
Helen: Bill has it.
Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket?
Helen: Oh, no, I don't. It's on the chair. Let me get it.
Cindy: And your hat, too.
Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Let's go!
Listenand check the description words you hear in 1a.
Jenny: Hi, Paul! Let's play computer games!
Paul:  That sounds interesting.  Jenny,but I don't have a computer.
Jenny: Well, do you have a volleyball?
Paul:  Yes.
Jenny: Then let's play volleyball.
Paul:  Oh, volleyball is so difficult ...
Jenny: OK, let's watch TV.
Paul:  That sounds boring. Hmm ... Let's play soccer! Do you have a soccerball?
Jenny: No, I don't.
Paul:  Oh, well, do you have a basketball?
Jenny: Yes, I do. Let's play basketball!
Paul:  That sounds fun!
Listenagain. What does Paul say about these activities? Choose a word from 1a to fillin each blank.
Jenny: Hi, Paul! Let's play computer games!
Paul:  That sounds interesting.  Jenny,but I don't have a computer.
Jenny: Well, do you have a volleyball?
Paul:  Yes.
Jenny: Then let's play volleyball.
Paul:  Oh, volleyball is so difficult ...
Jenny: OK, let's watch TV.soccer ball
Paul:  That sounds boring. Hmm ... Let's play soccer! Do you have a soccerball?
Jenny: No, I don't.
Paul:  Oh, well, do you have a basketball?
Jenny: Yes, I do. Let's play basketball!
Paul:  That sounds fun!
Readthe survey results in a school magazine and answer the question: Who has asoccer ball?
Do You Have a Soccer Ball?
Frank Brown:
I don't have a soccer ball, but my brotherAlan does. We go to the same school and we love
soccer. We lay it at schoolwith our friends. It's relaxing.
Gina Smith:
Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls, threevolleyballs, four basketballs and five baseballs and bats. I love sports, but Idon't play them - I only watch them on TV!
