I. 听力测试。(30分)
1. A. Good morning.    B. Good afternoon.    C. Good evening.
2. A. Nice to meet you, too.    B. Hello.    C. How are you?
3. A. I'm fine.    B. I'm Gina.    C. I'm from Beijing.
4. A. Y es, it is.    B. M-A-P.    C. It's a map.
5. A. Y es, I am.    B. I'm in Class Five.    C. I'm in the classroom.
6. A. They are red.    B. Y es, they are.    C. They are in my bag.
7. A. White.    B. Black.    C. Red.
8. A. Tom's mother.    B. Tom's aunt.    C. Tom's sister.
9. A. 874-8865.    B. 847-8856.    C. 874-8856.
10. A. Four years old.    B. Five years old.    C. Six years old.
11. A. A soccer ball.    B. A basketball.    C. A volleyball.
12. A. They are Grace's.    B. They are George's.    C. They are Bob's.
13. What's the girl's name?
A. May.
B. Mary.
C. Jenny.
14. How old is the girl?
A. She is eleven years old.
B. She is twelve years old.
C. She is thirteen years old.
15. How many pears does the boy have?
A. Five.
B. Six.
C. Seven.
16. Where are the pears?
A. On the table.
B. In the bag.
C. In the fridge.
17. How old is Amy?
A. Ten years old.
B. Eleven years old.
C. Twelve years old.
18. What's Linda's job?
A. She is a nurse.
B. She is a doctor.
C. She is a teacher.
19. Where does David work?
A. In a school.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a hospital.
20. Where is Lily from?
A. She is from China.
B. She is from Japan.
C. She is from Canada.
II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)
21.On my ________ tenth birthday, I get ________ useful dictionary from my father.
A. the; a
B. the; an
C. /; a
D. /; an
22.—I like strawberries ice-cream. Do you like ________?
—No, I like ________, because they are good for me.
A. them; apples
B. them; chickens
C. it; salad
D. it; oranges
23. Tom is a ________ students in our class and he can play sports ________, too.
A. fine; happy
B. good; well
C. favorite; much
D. healthy; good
24. For girls, we have skirts ________ different colors and we sell them ________ good prices!
A.in; at
B. in; for
C. with; at
D. with; for
25.—Is this ________ English book?
—No. It’s ________. Can’t you see my name is on it!
A. his; me
B. your; mine
C. she’s; my
D. her; mine
26.—How much ________ these shoes? I want to take three ________.
A. are; shoes
B. are; pairs
C. is; shoes
D. is; pairs
27. —________ is your sweater?
—It's purple.
A. How much
B. How old
C. What color
D. What about
28. —Sam, let's ________ sports after school this afternoon!
—OK. But I need ________ my homework first.
A. play; finishing
B. play; to finish
C. to play; to finish
D. to play; finishing
29. The shorts in the ________ clothes store are only ________ dollars.
A. three; thirteen
B. three; thirteenth
C. third; thirteen
D. third; thirteenth
30. —Are you ________ to help me with my math this afternoon, Mike?
—Sure! I have no classes then.
A. busy
B. easy
C. interesting
D. free
31. I see some ________ in my school and they look very nice.
A. apples trees
B. women teachers
C. sports star
D. banana milk
32.—Is your photo on the desk?
A. Y es, I am.
B. No, he isn't
C. Y es, it is.
D. No, they aren't.
33.—Do you want ________ hamburgers,Grace?
—No, thanks. I just finish ________ one.
A. eating; havesoccer ball
B. eating; to have
C. to eat; having
D. to eat; to have
34. I ________ have much homework this winter vacation (寒假) , but my brother Alan
A. do; has
B. don't; has
C. do; does
D. don't; does
35.—Mr. Lee, happy new year to you!
A. Have a good day
B. Thanks, the same to you
C. Y ou're welcome
D. That's for sure
III. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)
Do you like eating hamburgers ___ 36 ___ the KFC or McDonald's? Do you know ___ 37 ___ is in a hamburger? Y es, vegetables, beef (牛肉) or pork (猪肉). And do you like to have a hamburger with no beef
or pork in it? People (人们) in India(印度) ___ 38 ___!
Hamburgers usually have meat (肉), but in India, many hamburgers are not the ___ 39 ___ as those in other countries(其他的国家). There are about a billion(十亿) people living(居住) in India, and about 80% of them ___ 40 ___ Hindus(印度教徒). These people don't eat beef. And about 20% of the people
are Muslim(穆斯林)people. They must say ___ 41 ___ to pork. Some KFC and McDonald's must change (改变) ___ 42 ___ hamburgers.
Some McDonald's in India ___ 43 ___ having another kind(另一种) of meat, ___ 44 ___.
And one McDonald's there doesn't have any meat in its menu(菜单). Its hamburgers have ___ 45
___ only. Many people go
to this McDonald's every day.
IV. 阅读理解。(46-48小题,每小题1分,其余每小题2分,共27分)
